text color

Whenever a website developer creates a website, he/she only has one ambition to make his/her website look more professional. Therefore, they pay special attention to the website visuals and graphics. After all, the visuals will be the bread and butter of making the website look more attractive to the customers. If the customers don’t have strong emotions connected with your website, they will not even bother looking at the rest of your website elements.

Importance of Text Color

1. Readability

When we talk about a website's content, we don’t just boil down the quality in terms of the number of lines written in the blog section or on the homepage. There is also a readability factor that many website developers ignore. It is not just about the quantity of content written across the platforms. It is also about ensuring that it is read properly by incoming visitors. Readability only comes from the fact that the content is displayed properly.

the readability status

Image taken from Strikingly User’s Website

If the visitors find it difficult to read your website’s content, it means that your text color is not good enough. The color of text should correspond with the background image you have published on your website. For example, if your background has a bright color and your texture color is no different, it will be tough for the visitors to understand what is written on your website. If the visitors don’t feel intimidated by your website’s presentation, you will see a rise in your website’s bounce rate, negatively affecting your online presence.

2. Brand Personality

If you consider the best text colors in the world, they all create a brand personality for a website owner. With an effective combination of texture colors, they can create something unique online, and people will remember you more because of your color combinations rather than your URL. If you are new to website visuals, you can hire an experienced editor who will give you an insight into the best texture colors used on the internet these days.

create brand personality

Image taken from Strikingly User’s Website

He will assess all the trends and recommend the best color combination that will suit your brand. Moreover, he can also take responsibility for creating the best visuals for your brand. A brand is only as good as the visuals they are represented with, and your chosen colors must correspond with your brand. Strikingly enables you to create a brand website, where you can establish some of the best texture color combinations to showcase your website content. You can publish all the relevant content related to your niche and let the world recognize it.

3. Professional Look

At the end of the day, you will just make your website look more professional by applying text colors. This point slightly overlaps with the previous point because the brand also adds to a website's professional visualization. If you cannot create an effective color combination for your text, you simply put your website in hot water. You will neither get an appropriate Google ranking nor any point in investing so much time and expenses on it.

professional looking website

Image taken from Strikingly User’s Website

You can take an example of two websites in which one has a professional look with little content, and another has an unprofessional look but content of more than five pages. What do you think is the website the visitor will go for? The visitors will definitely go for the professional website because it looks pleasing to the eye, and you can easily go through the entire content without having any problems.

Strategies for an Effective Text Color

1. Trends

When you are in the process of choosing a text color, make sure that you consider the ongoing trends on the Internet. If not, you can easily go through the multiple websites published on Strikingly and see some of the font styles and texture colors. As a beginner, looking into the trends is always a good habit. The beginners are usually void of ideas about development or are too nervous about picking out the best color combinations for their website.

Therefore, it is best to look into the daily trends and pick out the best possible color combination for your texts. A formal combination of colors paves the way for you to create a professional website for your business. For example, many eCommerce websites have the trend of using bright colors when they are about to give breaking news about a new product launching.

2. Choice of Color

Apart from looking into the trends, it is also important to do market research while applying text colors. You must know which color suits your business niche as a marketing person. For example, if you give breaking news on your eCommerce website with a dark color, there is no way you will have any pull in the digital world. However, if you give news about new product launches with bright colors, people would feel the hype through your texts.

choice of color

Image taken from Strikingly User’s Website

Similarly, if you are running a website related to some social awareness campaign, it is essential that you follow some of the traditional colors to ensure your professionalism. If some mega-event is coming, such as Independence Day, you can change your texture color to your country’s flag colors. Every occasion and niche has a specified color and must be respected accordingly.

3. Competitor Analysis

This point slightly overlaps with one of the first points we have discussed regarding choosing a text color. However, the difference is that we look at the competition rather than the trends here. In today’s day and age, website developers should always know who their competitors are. Even if they are beginners, they should know about competitors. If they struggle to find the right combination in terms of texture colors, they can do a competitor analysis and look at how their competitors integrate texts on their website.

4. Disregard Informal Colors

If you are a professional, there is no way that you haven’t used Microsoft Word or WordPad before on your computer. You may know about all the formal and informal styles and colors. You must follow the same practice while using a text color for your website. Make sure that your choice of colors does not bring any informal factor to your website, or it will destroy your brand image.

Change Text Color on Strikingly Website

If you have just started using a text color, it is important to look at all the tips and requirements you must have before implementing it. Many blogs on Strikingly will give you a walkthrough of how you can change not just your text color but also your font size and style on your Strikingly website. In general, you can change the color of your texture through the following steps:

strikingly text color

Image taken from Strikingly

  1. Select any text box in a specified section.
  2. Go to the text changer menu.
  3. Choose from the available list of colors by clicking on the round button.

It is also important to note that you can convert HEX code through the Pro custom settings. You can check out the Pro plan access option by creating an account on Strikingly. You can change the texture color of your website as per the background image you have integrated. You can access the background editor in the top right corner of your website editor. It will give you a list of all the background images you can add alongside your text. Apart from the texture color, you can also look into how Strikingly helps you change the font style and text size.


When a developer creates a website, he usually has two things in his mind i.e. website design and website content. He creates some dynamic visuals to support his own brand. Once he is done with the design, he starts adding all the relevant content to his website before publishing it. However, there is one common practice that he forgets i.e. the influence of text color in web design. It is not just about how much content you can publish. It is also about ensuring it is readable for all the audience.

Before you think about your texture color, you must create a formidable website on Strikingly and create a strong base for publishing your content. You can customize one of our website templates and assemble them per your business demands. An ideal text style is important for generating quality business leads. Suppose you have problems understanding the usage of text styles. In that case, you can collaborate with our Happiness Officers today, so create the best color combination for your textures on your Strikingly and let your creativity do the talking.