Running an online business includes dealing with your website’s data and reports. It is not enough that you only know how to post updates and sell your products online. You also have to know how website traffic and data go in and out of your system. It may not seem like it, but owning a business website will highly require you to understand everything about website analytics not just for your online business, but as well as for every individual involved in your company. Got zero ideas about how website analytics works? Then, you just happen to be in the right place.

In this blog, we are going to introduce you to the awesome world of website analytics as well as introduce you to some of the best web analytics tools you could use to strengthen your business website. For our first stop, let’s get to know the reality behind what is website analytics.

Image taken from Habit House

What is Website Analytics?

Website analytics can be simply defined as the data behind a website. They are often in the form of organized data and reports with different breakdowns of the various activities within your business website. Using web analytics tools help in gathering and synthesizing website data analysis with the primary goal of improving one’s website. Many businesses study the art of website analytics not just to make a better website, but most importantly provide their patrons with a high-quality user experience.

What Are The Benefits of Knowing Website Analytics?

Understanding website analytics may be quite hard for someone new to the world of e-commerce. Some even find website analytics a complicated subject because of the impression that it would mostly deal with “techy” stuff. If you still have second thoughts on why you should learn all about the best website analytics tools, we made an awesome list below to change your mind.

Image taken from The Designers Squad

1. Understand Your Audience

One of the most important things you need to learn in the field of online business, is that your audience’s opinions are among your top priority. As an entrepreneur, you must have the ability to create an online presence and understand what your audience wants as well as the things that they do not like. One good thing about using website analytics tools is that they can easily help you better get to know who your online visitors are.

The best web analytics tools have the power to reveal to you awesome key details about your online visitors which you could use as a powerful marketing weapon. Website analytics tools are built to identify how much time a customer spent on your website page helping you identify what specific activity they like to do on your business website. It can also help you identify whether or not a certain visitor is a returning user. Website analytics tools also have the power to tell you which are the top-performing contents that online visitors love to visit within your website. This alone can help you formulate an improved set of techniques and the new content you can implement on your business website to keep the fun going.

2. Analyze Conversions

Another important factor you need to understand about owning a business website is the presence of conversions. Conversions are one way of earning new patrons who initially don’t have any plans in transacting with you. Getting high conversions on your business website is a sign that your website design is fully-functional, effective, and attention-grabbing. Online business conversions can be in the form of real purchases, newsletter registration, or even contact form sign-ups.

For you to do this perfectly, using the best web analytics tools is one big help. The best website analytics tools can help you know the total number of conversions happening within your business page, its percentage as well as the rate of abandonment. Powerful website analytics tools can also give you the specific “conversion path” which helps you understand how an online visitor moves within your business page until they are finally “convinced” to purchase a product with you. Many website analytics tools nowadays have the power to give you data on the top products on your website. Once you get a grip on it, it will be easier for you to keep your focus on such products. By using the best web analytics tools, you can also make adjustments to those products which are not getting enough attention from your online visitors.

3. Boost SEO

Search engine optimization or simply SEO is one of the most powerful elements of any business website. It is a weapon that once handled perfectly, can give the best results to you and your business. Search engines mainly exist to help online businesses connect with their audience easily. They can identify which are the best websites and connect the users with them. By having a good search engine ranking, getting more attention from a wider market would never be a problem for you. Once you mastered the art of using website analytics tools, working with search engines also becomes easier. You can easily track which specific search queries are generating the highest website traffic for your business website. Once you get this data, you can now identify which specific content you should make that will match such a set of search queries. At the same time, you also earn the chance of boosting your website’s search rankings through the use of the best web analytics tools.

Image taken from Residences San Michele

5 Best Web Analytics Tools For You

There are tons of website analytics tools that you can find on the internet. But, there are only a few chosen ones who know how to play the game right. To save yourself from the trouble of getting the wrong one, we listed down below the five best web analytics tools you can use for your business website.

1. Wix Analytics

Wix Analytics is among the top options when it comes to website analytics. It enables users to get a view of detailed metrics reports. Like other best web analytics tools, they also allow you to understand where your online visitors are coming from. Wix website analytics also allows you to get awesome insights on your top online visitors, analyze your business website’s revenue, and understand website traffic trends. Their prices range up to $35 per month.

2. Google Analytics

Google Analytics is another famous website analytics tool. They offer users a lot of website information like website traffic, insights, and integrations. This search engine giant has tons of website analytics features that website owners could enjoy for free. Among the best features, this website analytics tool offers are unsampled reporting, raw website data, website salesforce integration, and even advanced funnel reporting.

3. Adobe Analytics

If you have more than one source to pull your website data from, working with Adobe website analytics might be the best option for you. This is among the best web analytics tools that allow users to bring website data virtually from any source and put it all in the same place. Adobe website analytics can help you collect and assess data from web marketing, your website audience analytics, multichannel data, and even customized variables.

4. Chartbeat

Chartbeat is another useful website analytics tool for content-heavy websites. They are among the best web analytics tools which offer tons of features that focus on the integration of mobile devices. They provide feature-rich website dashboards which are best suited for bloggers and content creators who want to get a deeper touch behind the numbers their website gets.

5. Strikingly

Strikingly is among the few website builders who know exactly what they are doing, especially in the field of website analytics. This awesome website-building platform can help you get a clearer view of how the numbers move behind your website. They allow you to see how many online visitors your website has and which specific countries they are coming from. Strikingly website analytics also break down website traffic sources, e.g direct website traffic, social media platforms, and even other websites.

Among the features, they offer on their website analytics tools are visitors analytics, simple store analytics, blog analytics, subscription analytics, file download analytics, and many other more. Aside from that, they also have reliable customer support which you can go to in case you need something. Awesome right?

Image taken from Startup Youth  By understanding what is website analytics, it is easier for entrepreneurs and website owners to understand who visits their website, what specific group of audience uses their products, how long every visitor spends their time browsing on a business page, and many other buying behaviors done by an online visitor. As soon as businesses have looked through their website analytics tools, they could now come up with an improved set of website design, marketing strategy, and better product offers which can help them reach their goals, right on time.  Website analytics could be quite scary the first time you ever heard it. But the moment you get a grip of it, everything will smoothly flow just how you wanted it to be. All you need to do is find the best partner in website building and eCommerce which can make things lighter and more enjoyable for you. Someone who does not only do their job well but most importantly, knows how to back you up every time you need them–just like how we do it here in Strikingly.  If you want to know more about website building, chat with us today and we’ll get you started.
Image taken from Startup Youth

By understanding what is website analytics, it is easier for entrepreneurs and website owners to understand who visits their website, what specific group of audience uses their products, how long every visitor spends their time browsing on a business page, and many other buying behaviors done by an online visitor. As soon as businesses have looked through their website analytics tools, they could now come up with an improved set of website design, marketing strategy, and better product offers which can help them reach their goals, right on time.

Website analytics could be quite scary the first time you ever heard it. But the moment you get a grip of it, everything will smoothly flow just how you wanted it to be. All you need to do is find the best partner in website building and eCommerce which can make things lighter and more enjoyable for you. Someone who does not only do their job well but most importantly, knows how to back you up every time you need them–just like how we do it here in Strikingly.

If you want to know more about website building, chat with us today and we’ll get you started.