Anyone can create a free website. All you need is a solid website builder that offers free accounts, a little bit of time to get your site up and running, and some content to serve your potential visitors. The challenge is in how to make a free website that converts. How do you create a site that fulfills the objectives you have set for it?

Here at Strikingly, we are all about providing a good foundation for individuals and businesses looking to build their web presence. We have lowered the barrier to entry with a free website maker that gives you sufficient freedom to create a standout website that will attract visitors and fulfill your goals. With that being said, here are a few guidelines on how to create a free website that is effective in driving traffic and conversions.

1. Start with an attractive design

With web users being drawn to visually appealing websites, it’s a no brainer that your site needs to look good to perform well. Your website is your brand’s representative on the web and to be effective, you must present a professional image.

Effective web design doesn’t have to be so complicated. Start with one of the many free website templates available on Strikingly’s library and you don’t need to write a single line of code to get your website up.

All themes are designed to be mobile responsive so you know they will look good on all devices and screen sizes. The only thing that is left for you to do is to choose a design that suits your preferences as well as your content requirements. With the website editor, you can make adjustments to the template’s design, allowing you to add and delete sections, choose your own color scheme and create your own unique content to make your free website stand out.

2. Choose a magnetic website name

One of the most effective ways to attract traffic to your site is through an optimized website name. Strikingly allows you to create a free website domain that you can customize according to your content. The website name gives visitors and search engines an idea what your site is about.

Your choice of website name depends on your content and the type of website you’re building. For instance, if you’re creating a personal blog or an online portfolio, using your name as your website domain might be a good idea especially if you have already established a following on social media. Another option would be to use a target keyword or insert a keyphrase in your website domain for SEO reasons.

3. Lead with a powerful headline


Once you’ve managed to get users to click through your link on the search engine results page, the next step would be to get people to stay on your site. Welcome visitors and potential customers with a headline that gives a good overview of your site and the kind of content you have. On your website header, add an engaging call to action to usher your visitors to the next step that they should be taking on your website.

4. Write an equally engaging website copy

When writing website copy, it’s important to make your brand’s value proposition clear. WIthin your industry, you must be facing a lot of competition from similar brands and websites. You need to identify that one element that makes you unique and present this in your website copy. Customers should be able to see what makes your site and your brand different and how your service or product will change their lives. Why would customers want to transact with you and not your competition? Do you offer a money-back guarantee? Free shipping? Lowest price guarantee? Communicate this clearly on your landing page.

5. Maintain a user-friendly site

When you create a website, it’s crucial that your audience is your top priority. You must always think of the people who will be using your site and utilizing its features. Don’t leave your visitors wondering how to get to the information they came for. Make custom forms as short as possible and ensure a seamless checkout experience if you’re running an online store. You might also want to consider adding a chatbox or connecting to your social media pages to be able to attend to inquiries and questions in a timely manner.

6. Continuously test your content and CTAs

Work on your website doesn’t end after publishing your content. You need to keep track of your site’s performance and tweak your content according to the traffic analytics data that you receive.

Strikingly has a built-in analytics dashboard that lets you get a good overview of your website’s performance. However, we do recommend that you add Google Analytics to your site for a more granular view of your site traffic. This will give you a better understanding of how effective your CTAs and your content is in driving conversions to your site.

Get your free website up in minutes with Strikingly. No coding required.