email engagement

Having a stable connection with your audience is a privilege. With the tough competition in the world of ecommerce, you are one lucky person if you got to remain bonded with a client after doing a single transaction. For you to do this, you must equip yourself with additional knowledge on strategies you can use to make more engagements for your online business. And if you happen to be finding one, coming here at Strikingly is your life savior.

In this blog, we are going to show some remarkable ways to increase email engagement. For the first part, let’s get to know what is email engagement.

What is Email Engagement?

Email engagement is one crucial marketing strategy any online business should know about. Email engagement best practices are simply measured by how much interaction your business emails are getting from your customers. Most ways to increase email engagement revolves around email open rates, click-through rates, conversion rates, and email engagement reply rates.

Email engagement tips

Image taken from Habit House

Where there is an increase email engagement for a business, it means they are getting recognition. Both sales professionals and email marketers pay attention to various email engagement practices. Sales representatives mostly want their email engagement to be read and acknowledged by their recipients. This is to help them find problems and provide helpful solutions. On the other hand, email engagement marketers seek to drive more conversions with every email engagement campaign they make. They want their recipients to take action with all email engagement best practices they make.

Getting curious about what is email engagement? Let’s now get to the next exciting part—awesome ways to increase email engagement.

Awesome Ways to Increase Email Engagement

Learning how to increase email engagement can surely give you a lot of benefits. To give you more idea about what is email engagement and the different ways to increase email engagement, we’ve provided our own email engagement tips down below.

1. Create Catchy Subject Line

If you want to increase email engagement for your online business, you must be extraordinary. As someone who seeks recognition, you must get noticed and stand out among your competitors. Customers love it when they see that a business has its own unique ways of introducing itself. It catches immediate attention and engraves something on their head that they will never forget easily.

When making your email engagement best practices, always do your best to create the catchiest subject titles and content. Be creative. Don’t just go for cliché greetings and be out of this world. This subject line and email engagement title of yours will decide whether or not your client will open your emails. It has been proven that 47% of email engagement recipients open emails they received based on their subject headline. On the other hand, almost 69% marked the emails they received as spam or deleted them once they didn’t find interest in the subject line of the emails. You wouldn’t want to join this percentage, right?

2. Personalize it

Nothing beats something that is authentically made. Among all effective email engagement tips we know, personalizing tops. If you want to go the extra mile for your email engagement, one tip we can give you is to send emails having dynamic content. When we say “dynamic content”, some parts of your emails adapt to your recipient’s gender, preferences, current location, etc., to perfectly address your subscriber.

Franklin Scholars email engagement

Image taken from Franklin Scholars

One best example of this is your email engagement greetings. Instead of simply saying “hello”, you can address your recipients by using “Ms.”, “Mrs.”, “Mr.”, together with a greeting in their own mother tongue. This approach makes you more likely to develop a closer relationship with your customer. It will give you more chances of them opening your emails because they feel like you are paying them attention, unlike other businesses.

3. Share Awesome Contents

One crucial part you should note is your email engagement contents. Not because you can write something means it is already acceptable to send to your clients. When learning email engagement best practices, you must plan well what will be your content. You must be cautious and avoid putting irrelevant content with nothing to do with your clients. This is because sending your clients inappropriate emails will only cause negative feedback, and, worse, you will be blocked from their email list.

Quinnton Harris email engagement

Image taken from Quinnton Harris

Putting customer feedback on your email contents is one of our email engagement tips. This is among the proven ways that help you become more appealing to your client’s eye. Aside from this, another effective way to increase email engagement is by sending industry expertise content. These proven email engagement tips can contain messages that remind your recipients of the tremendous benefits they gain from being one on your email lists. You can add email engagement content like your own shared knowledge about a topic, exclusive insider tips, and helpful tutorials. Once you do these remarkable email engagement best practices, you are more likely to catch attention and eventually increase email engagement for your online business.

4. Celebrate with Them

If you are trying to create a stronger connection with your audience, one great thing you could do is to try to drive as many positive emotions as you can. How? When doing your sign-up or subscription forms, you do have the chance to collect their personal information like birthdays and the day they started subscribing to you. Once you have this, you can immediately set up an automated email that your clients will receive during their birthdays. You can even send them emails about their first anniversary as one of your loyal clients.

Aside from this, you can also send them congratulatory engagement emails for every milestone they have achieved with you. Whether it is their 100th purchase in your online store or they’ve received discounts, make them feel that you are celebrating with them. By doing these excellent ways to increase email engagement, you are already sending them some friendly vibes, which they will surely appreciate. It will also drive them to give their pure trust to you because you have the persistence to show them how much you really care for them.

Project Punchline

Image taken from Project Punchline

5. Be Helpful Rather than Promotional

If there is one main goal, we’ve wanted you to understand what is email engagement. That is, sometimes, it will not always be about promotions. Online businesses need to promote their businesses by finding the best ways to increase email engagement. All email engagement tips you’ll find on the internet are surely filled with help you’ll need to increase email engagement. But if there is one best reminder, we’d like to share with you how you can effectively master email engagement—it makes sure that you are not just to promote but, most importantly, to give help.

As a business, you must serve as a guide for your clients. You must always be ready to answer their queries and give immediate action towards their concerns. Engagement revolves not only around a client receiving and opening the email engagement you sent them. Engagement is all about making them come back to you because you managed to help them. If you truly want to increase your email engagement metrics, develop marketing campaigns that will help you add value to your established customer-business relationship. You can send them cart abandonment email engagement, appointment reminders, and updates. Do your best to provide your clients with what they need and not overwhelm them with empty email engagements. Send them something they can use and not something that will push them away from you.

How to Increase Email Engagement with Us!

Strikingly is among known website builders who give the best offers for a very affordable price. How is that? Once you create a free website with us, you now have the chance to enjoy our excellent features like free website themes, custom forms, add a blog, create a simple store, multi-language settings, easy online checkout, and many more! And if there is one incredible experience you’ll remember here in Strikingly, it is that we make email engagement an instant no-brainer for everyone! Yes, you heard that right!

Our email feature is included in our VIP and Audience Plans. With these awesome features, VIP users can send up to 2000 email engagement contacts for a whole month. What’s more amazing with this email engagement feature? You can enjoy it even if you have zero coding skills!

To send an email to your selected contact, just simply:

1. Click on the specific contact you want to send your email engagement to.

2. A pop-up window will appear showing all your interactions with that specific contact. What you’ll need to do is just simply type in your message in the text box below.

3. Once you’re done, click on the green "Send via Email" button.

Send email

Image taken from Strikingly

Aside from sending emails to one person, you can also enjoy our other email engagement features like sending automated emails to your site audience, which comes with a custom trigger.

Playfight email

Image taken from Playfight

Email engagement does sound challenging the first time you hear it. Especially if you are reserved and a beginner in this field. But if there is one thing you should always remember, entering the business world requires you to be brave. You can’t survive in a forest if you do not do anything to satisfy your needs. You must be tough and be ready to face whatever may come your way. And hey, there’s nothing wrong with communicating with someone you don’t know. That’s where eternal and the best relationships usually start.

If you want to know more about the wonders of email engagement and eCommerce, Chat with us today, and let’s get you started.