interactive marketing

Advertising in the past was biased, and in some respects, it still is. A business purchases advertising space distributes the campaign's language and graphics, and then watches for customers to make a purchase. While conveying a message, this kind of advertising does not engage consumers in conversation. This kind of advertising might not be as powerful as it once was because we've grown accustomed to modern platforms and technologies.

In the digital age, interactive marketing is a more widely used strategy to give customers a sense of involvement in buying and selling. Let's look at interactive marketing and a few examples of interactive marketing before moving on to a variety of instances.

What Is Interactive Marketing?

An interactive marketing strategy, often referred to as event-driven or trigger-based marketing, reacts immediately to a consumer's activities, behavior, preferences, expectations, or demands. Since personalization has taken center stage in digital advertising, the approach, which has been around for more than a decade, has increased.

In the past, marketers would create an advertisement, distribute it globally, and wait for the intended audience to respond. The extensive availability of data and the usage of several tools have replaced these outdated ways with more effective two-way interaction techniques.

Types of Interactive Marketing Strategies

Numerous types of interactive marketing strategies and efforts are used in interactive marketing. Online client engagement can be facilitated by a variety of dynamic content kinds. Two-way interaction is sometimes embedded into dynamic content, increasing engagement even better. Your objective should be to make your material as interesting for clients as possible, regardless of the type of interactive marketing strategy you choose. The various types of interactive marketing strategies are listed below.

1. Interactive Storytelling

By including an infographic in a blog post, turning a script into animation, or developing commercials based on storytelling, you may take advantage of the chance to make your material very dynamic. Video marketing is typically used to tell interactive stories, which is becoming more and more popular. To keep readers interested until the end, landing pages are divided into sections with video and audio clips, text paragraphs, and other interactive elements. The audience is motivated to spread the information through various components to people in their social network.

2. Customized Information

The creation of tailored content comes at number two on our list of interactive marketing strategy categories. These days, it is not that difficult for marketers to access insightful information on the geographic information, demographics, lifestyle, and other similar parameters of their target clients to present them with relevant and individualized content. You can give your customers the most meaningful and relatable experiences if you better understand them. If you personalize your marketing message for them, customers typically relate to it more. Making your customers connect with your brand and want to share and discuss it with others is the primary goal of interactive marketing.

3. Information Layers

Nowadays, many businesses prioritize educating their target market before presenting them with a good or service that will improve their quality of life. Customers that use interactive marketing receive this educational material in layers, making it easier to process. Layered information forms in-depth content that is gradually presented to the audience. Delivering snippets of information on a web page and then providing more details via a digital download is how layered information is displayed.

4. Mutual Communication

This encompasses the various interactive marketing techniques that enable consumers to engage with the advertisement actively. Quizzes, branching content, interactive films, online games, and other similar activities that allow the audience to have an impactful experience are two-way interactive marketing examples.

How does Interactive Marketing Function?

The best strategy is interactive marketing, which has shown to be so effective that your competitors are now doing it as well! So how do you remain on top of things? Here are some suggestions for improving your interactive marketing campaigns to generate more interactions, greater levels of engagement, and more impactful user experiences.

  • Personalize

Including a customer's preferences when developing a unique experience demonstrates your appreciation for them and your view of them as an integral part of your company. You can serve customers material or offers that are valuable to them by using insights from your interactive content to discover their preferences and problem areas.

  • Segment

Quizzes, assessments, calculators, and other interactive content provide insight into customer demands; you can use this data to segment your target audience and, in turn, identify the best opportunities and type(s) of content) for them.

  • Incentivize

You can include an incentive that encourages users to interact with your content more, submit additional personal information about themselves, or finally purchase from you when they interact with it, such as when they take a quiz or evaluation on the whitepaper they read. It might be an offer to receive early access to your goods or services, the ability to view or download pertinent educational materials, participate in contests, gift cards, time-limited promotions, etc.

  • Share A Story

interactive marketing

Image taken from Strikingly user’s website

Everyone, young and old, appreciates stories. They support emotional connections with your customers and impact purchasing decisions. To improve storytelling, develop captivating stories, and employ carousels, animations, etc.

  • Go Social

Social media is becoming overused. In a sea of posts and videos, social media interactive marketing will help you cut through the noise and attract viewers. To engage your audience on social media, you may use several tools, including live postings, polls, surveys, interactive movies, maps, and comment reactions.

  • Creating Curiosity

The audience's curiosity is piqued and maintained by reveal marketing. A sneak peek video on a forthcoming launch can be made, together with dynamic material (such as scratch-and-win competitions) and information hidden in mystery games. Curiosity increases activities make the client journey more engaging and give you time to design your next breakthrough (email opens, clicks, etc.).

  • Use Modern Technology

To boost audience engagement, make the necessary investments in new technology, and deploy it appropriately. Try the following instruments:

  1. Augmented and Virtual Reality

This gives the user the impression that they are a part of the activity, which helps them comprehend your product and increases the likelihood that they will convert.

  1. Interactive Videos

Interacting with content at their own pace and by their preferences is made possible through interactive films.

  1. Data Visualization Tools

Using interactive infographics, GIFs, and other visual aids can help draw users in, deconstruct complex information, and make your brand easier for them to recall.

  1. Chatbots

They can be employed for conversational exchanges and swift customer support.

  • Create a Structure

While interactive marketing has a different structure than written information, written content usually has a standard format. To make navigating easier, find the appropriate content, locate the call to action, and provide a better user experience. Additionally, you must select interactive content components that match the personality of your business. All elements must also come together harmoniously.

  • The Best Design

Your interactive material may occasionally confuse your viewers. Therefore the design should be well thought out and simple to utilize. Ensure to assist viewers in their journey, update covered areas, provide simple access to unknown regions, and shield visitors from overlooking important details. Build the necessary components and refine the core structure instead of creating an entire interactive element to reduce complexity.

  • Measure

Since interactive material requires a lot of resources, you must assess how it is performing, including whether it is entertaining and engaging.

• Does it increase conversions?

• How accurate are the user preference insights it provides you with?

Interactive Marketing Examples

Before implementing the idea for your company, get some ideas from the following examples of interactive marketing.

1. We Are Superheroes

interactive marketing

Image taken from Strikingly user’s website

This nonprofit organization engages in interactive marketing to assemble a group of people who can fight together for a good cause. The audience can join in whatever way suits them, according to their website, which was developed using Strikingly. They offer the public several ways to support their cause, including donations, involvement in a particular project, and simply sharing and disseminating their message on social media.

2. Swish

interactive marketing

Image taken from Strikingly user’s website

This software allows sharing and selecting different hairstyles. Users of their website can submit their appearance to be showcased in their neighborhood. The audience is motivated by this interactive marketing effort to become well-known for their personal preferences in fashion and outlook. The most well-liked users represent this brand as brand ambassadors.

3. Project Punchline

interactive marketing

Image taken from Strikingly user’s website

Another type of interactive marketing is informing your audience or subscribers about future events for your brand. Project Punchline employs this tactic by encouraging website users to sign up to receive emails with such notifications.

4. Organic Shilajit

interactive marketing

Image taken from Strikingly user’s website

This organic food retailer uses interactive marketing through prizes and monthly contests to entice site visitors to join their email lists.

5. Nicecream

interactive marketing
Image taken from Strikingly user’s website

Visitors to this homemade ice cream shop's website may make digital gift cards featuring mouthwatering ice cream images to give to friends, family, and coworkers.

In conclusion, this guide to interactive marketing explains how your company website can provide the most interactive marketing strategies. You may quickly and expertly build a website on Strikingly if you own a business but do not currently have one to promote your operations.

Strikingly is a website-building platform with a large selection of pre-made themes and many happy users. We frequently update our features to give our users a seamless experience in creating and managing a website of their choice. Without prior coding or programming knowledge, anyone can create a fully functional website to market their company using our user-friendly interface. We enjoy welcoming new members into our community and making our customer assistance available around the clock via the live chat feature on our landing page. If you have any questions concerning our website-building tools, please don't hesitate to get in touch with us.