
Check out the new Minimal template we just released!

We’re also announcing an upgrade of your online branding on Strikingly. Starting from April 16th 00:00 PST, the public links of your websites will be upgraded to use subdomains of Strikingly.

For example, if your website’s URL is…


After the upgrade, it will become


Do I have to do anything?

Nope, you don’t have to do anything! Don’t worry, for any of your existing sites, the old link and the new link will both work. When you visitors land on your site with the old link, they will be redirected and see instead. And you won’t lose any search engine favor or Facebook Likes that you’ve built up for your old URL.

I already use a custom domain, does this affect me?

If you’re using a custom domain, this change won’t affect your site in any way. We’re just improving sites that are use our Strikingly URLs.

What’s the point of this change?

1. Better branding

After the upgrade, your site name will come before the Strikingly domain for your visitors and be more eye-catching!

2. Better ranking on Google and other main stream search engines

Search engines like Google like these new links better. The new link structure provides individual sitemaps for each Strikingly site, which makes Google treat your site as a more independent entity. We’re improving the SEO (search engine optimization) performance for you, so you can get more visitors to your site!

If you’re interested in this topic, here’s a tutorial on how to improve your SEO.

As always, we’re eager to hear your feedback in the comments and greatly appreciate your support.

P.S. When you are ready, you can always get a free custom domain with a yearly plan on Strikingly. Boost SEO with your own domain for free!