Ultimate Guide to Cinemagraphs for Beginners
Are you tired of using the same old static images and videos in your content? Then It's time to switch things up and add a touch of magic with cinemagraphs. In this article, we'll explore what cinemagraphs are, how to create them, and why they're a great addition to your marketing strategy. We'll also look at how Strikingly website builder can help you seamlessly incorporate cinemagraphs into your website.

What is a Cinemagraph?

Cinemagraphs are still photographs that contain subtle motion elements, creating an illusion of a living image. They're essentially a hybrid between photos and videos, providing an engaging visual experience that captures viewers' attention.

Cinemagraphs are digital image that combines still photography and video elements. They are high-quality GIFs that feature subtle, repeated movements within the image, creating an almost hypnotic effect. It's like a photograph, but with a touch of magic that makes it come alive.

The history of cinemagraphs is relatively short, as they were first introduced in 2011 by photographers Jamie Beck and Kevin Burg. Since then, they have become increasingly popular in the world of digital marketing due to their ability to capture viewers' attention and create a sense of immersion.

While cinemagraphs may seem similar to GIFs at first glance, the two have some key differences. While GIFs tend to be short and repetitive animations, cinemagraphs are more subtle and often feature only one or two moving elements within an otherwise static image.

Examples of cinemagraphs can be found all over the internet, from social media platforms like Instagram and Facebook to professional websites created with Strikingly website builder. Brands like Coca-Cola, Chanel, and BMW have all used cinemagraphs in their marketing campaigns effectively.

Why Should I Use Cinemagraphs in My Website Content?

Cinemagraphs offer several advantages over static images and videos. They create a high-quality look that elevates the visual appeal of your content while increasing engagement rates. They're also versatile, allowing you to use them in various contexts, such as social media posts or website banners.

Momentary Website Landing Page
Image taken from a Strikingly user’s website

How to Create a Cinemagraph?

Creating cinemagraphs may seem daunting initially, but it's easier than you think! You only need a camera capable of shooting video footage and software for editing the files into cinemagraph format.

Creating a cinemagraph is all about finding the perfect balance between stillness and motion. With the right tools and techniques - which we'll discuss later on - anyone can create stunning cinemagraphs that capture viewers' attention and leave a lasting impression.

Are There Any Legal Considerations When Using Cinemagraphs?

When sourcing cinemagraphs, ensure they're legal and properly licensed for use. Avoid common legal pitfalls by crediting the source correctly and removing copyrighted materials.

Incorporating cinemagraphs into your marketing strategy can help your content stand out from the crowd while providing an engaging visual experience for viewers. With Strikingly, you can easily add cinemagraphs to your website design without any hassle.

Why Use Cinemagraphs in Your Content?

Cinemagraphs have become increasingly popular as a unique and engaging way to capture attention and create a high-quality look for your content. Compared to static images and videos, cinemagraphs offer a more dynamic and eye-catching visual experience to help you stand out.

  • Cinemagraphs vs. Static Images and Videos

While static images and videos can effectively convey information, they often lack the same level of engagement as cinemagraphs. Cinemagraphs combine the best of both worlds by offering a visually stunning experience that captures viewers' attention while conveying information.

  • Cinemagraphs Create a High-Quality Look

One of the biggest advantages of using cinemagraphs is that they create a high-quality look for your content. With their smooth transitions and seamless looping, cinemagraphs add professionalism to your website or marketing materials.

  • Cinemagraphs Increase Engagement

Studies have shown that cinemagraphs increase engagement on social media platforms by up to 85%. Adding movement to your visuals lets you capture viewers' attention for longer, increasing the chance they'll engage with your content or take action.

  • Cinemagraphs are Versatile

Another advantage of using cinemagraphs is their versatility. They can be used in various settings, from hero images on websites to product demos on social media platforms. Plus, with tools like Strikingly website builder, it's easier than ever to incorporate cinemagraphs into your online presence.

Whether making a cinematic experience for your website visitors or looking for new ways to engage with your audience on social media, cinemagraphs offer an exciting opportunity to elevate your content and stand out from the crowd.

Strikingly and Cinemagraphs: Perfect Combo

If you're looking for an easy way to add cinemagraphs to your website, look no further than Strikingly. This website builder makes it simple to upload and display your cinemagraphs, whether using them as a hero image or showcasing product features.

How to Add Cinemagraphs to Your Strikingly Website

To add a cinemagraph to your Strikingly website, simply upload the file like you would any other image or video. Once it's uploaded, you can drag and drop it into place on your page. You can add text or elements around the cinemagraph to create a dynamic and engaging design.

Benefits of Using Cinemagraphs on Strikingly

Mike Chevreuil Website Landing Page
Image taken from a Strikingly user’s website

Using cinemagraphs on your Strikingly has several benefits. First, they make your site stand out from the competition by creating a high-quality look that will impress visitors. Second, they increase engagement by capturing and holding attention longer than static images or videos.

Best Practices for Using Cinemagraphs on Strikingly

When using cinemagraphs on Strikingly, there are a few best practices to keep in mind.

1. Choose high-quality, visually striking cinemagraphs. Cinemagraphs with subtle, flowing movement and high-resolution images work best.

2. Use cinemagraphs that are relevant to your business or content. If you sell coffee, use cinemagraphs of pouring coffee. If you're a travel blog, use cinemagraphs of scenic landscapes.

3. Place cinemagraphs prominently on your page. Use them as hero images, in sliders, or as standalone images. They attract attention and set the right mood.

4. Keep your page design clean and minimal. Don't distract from the cinemagraph. Lots of text, images, and buttons will compete for attention.

5. Add an overlay with text on your cinemagraph. This helps convey your key message, or value proposition while still showcasing the moving image.

6. Use multiple cinemagraphs on one page for visual variety. But don't overdo it, 2-3 cinemagraphs per page are typically enough.

7. Combine cinemagraphs with engaging copy. Explain your business or content and how you can help the viewer. The copy and cinemagraph should work together.

8. Drive the viewer to take action. Whether subscribing, buying a product or booking a service, use your cinemagraphs and copy to encourage conversion.

9. Ensure your cinemagraphs are optimized for web viewing. Use video file formats like MP4 that load fast online. Keep your cinemagraph videos under 5MB in size.

10. Test and optimize. Try different cinemagraphs and placements to see what resonates most with your viewers. Use a tool like Strikingly's analytics to determine high-performing versions.

By incorporating cinemagraphs into your Strikingly website, you can create a visually stunning and engaging experience for your visitors. With the easy-to-use website builder and these tips for best practices, you'll be on your way to creating cinemagraphs to make your site stand out.

How to Create Cinemagraphs for Beginners

Cinemagraphs are a great way to add movement and life to your content. They can be used in various ways, from social media posts to website banners. Creating a cinemagraph may seem daunting initially, but anyone can do it with the right equipment and technique.

Necessary Equipment for Cinemagraphs

To create a cinemagraph, you'll need a camera that can shoot video, a tripod or stabilizer to keep the camera steady, and editing software like Adobe Photoshop or Flixel. It's also essential to have good lighting and a subject with some movement but remains mostly still.

How to Shoot Cinemagraphs

The key to shooting a successful cinemagraph is finding the right balance between action and stillness. Set up your camera on a tripod or stabilizer and record a short video of your subject with slight movements that will be looped in the final product.

How to Edit Cinemagraphs

Once you have your video footage, import it into editing software like Adobe Photoshop or Flixel. Use the software's masking tool to select the area of the video that you want to remain still while allowing other parts of the frame to continue moving.

Tips for Creating Cinemagraphs

To create an effective cinemagraph, choose footage with subtle movements that won't distract from the overall message of your content. Keep it short - cinemagraphs are meant to loop seamlessly, so they should only be a few seconds long at most.

If you're using Strikingly website builder, ensure your cinemagraph is optimized for web use so it doesn't slow down your page load times. Use high-quality images and make sure the cinemagraph is relevant to your content.

Creating cinemagraphs can initially seem intimidating, but with practice and the right tools, anyone can create a stunning and engaging cinemagraph. So don't be afraid to experiment and see what works best for your content!

Tips for Using Cinemagraphs in Your Content

If you want to create engaging content, cinemagraphs are a great way to do it. Here are some tips for using cinemagraphs effectively:

Use Cinemagraphs as the Hero Image

Filmkik Website Landing Page
Image taken from a Strikingly user’s website

Cinemagraphs work best when they're used as the main attraction of your content. They can be used as the hero image on your website or social media pages, grabbing the viewer's attention and drawing them in.

Cinemagraphs Work Best with Minimalistic Design

When using cinemagraphs, it's critical to keep your design minimalistic so that the focus remains on the cinemagraph itself. Too many distractions can take away from its impact.

Choose the Right Cinemagraph Style for Your Content

Different styles of cinemagraphs work better for different types of content. For example, a subtle motion effect may work well for a fashion or beauty brand, while a more dramatic effect may be better suited for a sports brand.

Use Cinemagraphs to Show Off Product Features

Cinemagraphs can effectively showcase product features in action. For example, if you're selling a camera, you could create a cinemagraph showing how it works or captures stunning images.

Strikingly is one platform that makes incorporating cinemagraphs into your content easy. With Strikingly, you can easily add cinemagraphs to your website and make them an integral part of your design.

Best Practices When Using Cinemagraphs

Cinemagraphs are a great way to add visual interest to your content, but you should follow some best practices to ensure they are effective.

Keep Cinemagraphs Short and Sweet

When creating a cinemagraph, it's important to keep it short and sweet. A cinemagraph that is too long can become boring and lose the viewer's attention. Aim for 5-10 seconds, just enough time to showcase the movement in the image.

Use High-Quality Images for Cinemagraphs

To create high-quality cinemagraphs, you need high-quality images. Ensure the images you use are sharp and clear, with good lighting and composition. This will help ensure that your cinemagraph looks professional and engaging.

Make Sure the Cinemagraph is Relevant to Your Content

When using cinemagraphs in your content, make sure they are relevant to what you're trying to communicate. Don't just use a cinemagraph because it looks cool or interesting - make sure it adds value to your content and helps convey your message.

Optimize Cinemagraphs for Faster Loading Times

Cinemagraphs can be large files that take a long time to load, which can be frustrating for viewers. To optimize your cinemagraphs for faster loading times, try compressing them or using a lower-resolution image without sacrificing quality.

If you're using Strikingly website builder to create your website, incorporating cinemagraphs into your design is easy! With Strikingly's built-in media library, you can easily add high-quality cinemagraphs to any page on your site.

By following these best practices when using cinemagraphs in your content, you can create engaging visuals that capture viewers' attention and help communicate your message effectively. Go ahead and develop cinemagraphs that are short, high-quality, relevant, and optimized for faster loading times!

Legal Considerations When Using Cinemagraphs

Cinemagraphs are a great addition to any website or marketing campaign, but it's important to keep legal considerations in mind when using them. Here are some tips to help you navigate the legal landscape of cinemagraphs.

Where to Find Legal Cinemagraphs

When looking for cinemagraphs, it's important to ensure they are legal and properly licensed. Many websites offer free or paid cinemagraph downloads, but not all have the necessary licenses or permissions.

One excellent resource for finding legal cinemagraphs is Strikingly's built-in library of high-quality cinemagraphs. These cinemagraphs are all properly licensed and ready to use on your website or marketing materials.

How to Credit Cinemagraphs Correctly

When using a cinemagraph you did not create yourself, it's crucial to credit the original creator appropriately. This ensures you're giving credit where credit is due and protects you from potential copyright infringement claims.

Make sure to include the creator's name and a link to their original work whenever possible. If you need help with how to credit a particular cinemagraph properly, reach out to the creator directly for guidance.

Copyright Infringement and Cinemagraphs

Like any other form of creative content, using someone else's cinemagraph without permission can lead to serious legal consequences. Ensure you have the proper licenses or permissions before using someone else's work.

If you're unsure whether a particular cinemagraph is legally available, err on caution and find an alternative option instead.

Avoiding Common Legal Pitfalls

To avoid running into legal issues using cinemagraphs, staying up-to-date on the latest copyright laws and best practices is essential. This includes appropriately licensing any cinemagraphs you use, crediting original creators, and avoiding using copyrighted material without permission.

By staying informed and taking the necessary precautions, you can enjoy all the benefits of cinemagraphs without putting yourself or your business at risk.

Image taken from Strikingly


Cinemagraphs are a powerful tool that can make your content stand out from the crowd. By creating a cinemagraph, you can add movement and interest to your website or social media feed, making it more engaging for your audience. Incorporating cinemagraphs into your marketing strategy is a smart move that can help you attract new customers and keep existing ones engaged with your brand.

In this article, we've explored what cinemagraphs are, how to create them, and why they're so effective at capturing attention. Cinemagraphs offer a unique blend of motion and stillness that is captivating and visually stunning. They can be used in a variety of ways to enhance your content, from hero images on your website to eye-catching social media posts.

Cinemagraphs Make Your Content Stand Out

One of the biggest benefits of using cinemagraphs is that they make your content stand out from the competition. In a sea of static images and videos, cinemagraphs offer something different – they capture attention and hold it for longer periods of time. By incorporating cinemagraphs into your marketing strategy, you can create an unforgettable brand experience that will keep customers coming back for more.

If you're looking to incorporate cinemagraphs into your marketing strategy, Strikingly website builder offers an easy way to do so. With its user-friendly interface and customizable templates, Strikingly makes it simple to add high-quality cinemagraphs to any page on your site. Whether you want to use them as hero images or as part of a product showcase, Strikingly makes it easy to create stunning visuals that will help you stand out online.

The Future of Cinemagraphs

As technology continues to evolve, cinemagraphs are likely to become even more popular in the years ahead. With their ability to capture attention and create an immersive brand experience, cinemagraphs are a valuable asset for any marketer looking to stay ahead of the curve. Whether you're just starting or you're a seasoned pro, incorporating cinemagraphs into your marketing strategy is a smart move that can help you achieve your business goals.