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Are you a consumer who loves to purchase online? Are you a business owner who runs your own website? This topic is very timely and helpful if you answer yes to one of the two questions. If you’re both a consumer and a business owner, then you need to read this article. We will take you behind the scenes of how websites are designed to protect its users' privacy.

We can’t help talking about SSL, HTTPS, and HTTP without sounding so technical. But, in this article we will try our best to simplify the following questions that you might have in mind. What is SSL and what is the difference between HTTPS versus HTTP URL? Why do you need to SSL in securing information on your website?

Strikingly has prepared a content that is less-technical, at least it does not require you to be tech-savvy or an expert to understand SSL and what vital role it plays to ensure your website information is secured. Let’s get started.

What is SSL?

First of all, we have to determine, what does SSL stand for? SSL is an acronym of Secure Sockets layer. By name, we want to emphasize the word ‘Secure’. SSL lets your visitors access your site over https or HyperText Transfer Protocol Secure, which means the connection between the visitor and your website is encrypted. In layman's term your website information is well-protected and secured from hackers if you have SSL encryption on your website.

What is the difference between HTTP and HTTPS?

If you are keen to details, you’ll notice that there are websites with HTTPS URL, but some start with http only. What is the difference? Simple. It’s all about security. That extra “s” on HTTPS URL stands for “Secure”. When you visit a website with HTTPS, any information you put in like your name, email, and phone number is secured.

Now, you might wonder how does SSL and HTTPS secure your website? Okay, it might sound a bit technical but SSL serves as a barrier between hackers and your website. For instance, a hacker places a program on the server hosting and waits until someone types in their personal information like bank account details, phone number, address, et cetera. Hackers can only intercept or get this information if the website is ‘unsecured’ or using an http URL. On the other hand, they can’t do this creepy interception if a website has SSL or the URL is HTTPS. You have to be aware of this small yet very important detail, especially when you’re paying bills online, making online banking transactions, or simply shopping. You can see a little padlock icon beside the HTTPS URL that means the website you are visiting is secured.

Strikingly URL screenshot

Image taken from Strikingly website

Frequently Asked Questions about SSL Certificate

  • What is an SSL certificate?

SSL certificates are small data files working as a ‘safety blanket’ or barriers to ensure that the information between the server and browser remains private. The presence of an SSL certificate on your website is very important because it triggers the SSL protocol to encrypt information sent between servers. As long as the connection between the browser and servers are encrypted, the information remains secured.

  • How can I get an SSL certificate for my website?

For a custom domain and all free sites, an SSL/ HTTPS is automatically enabled. With Strikingly, we use HTTPS and SSL from Let’s Encrypt, so it is 100% free of cost. We handle everything from your SSL certificate renewal and installation. Let’s Encrypt is an initiative powered by most established companies and organizations on the internet. It aims to make the entire web more secure and gives its users some peace of mind that their information is protected.

  • Is SSL good for SEO?

Definitely, yes. SSL is good for your website SEO. In fact, Google favors websites that are using HTTPS on their search algorithm. SSL sites are most likely to rank well on Google search analytics than unsecured websites. If you are a business owner with an online shop, you would love to see your website on top of Google search.

  • Does Strikingly provide HTTPS to all its sites?

Strikingly understands the importance of establishing information security on your website.The same reason has inspired us to offer automatic HTTPS for custom domains for a long time now. Just recently, we have extended this free HTTPS URL to support all free sites as well. We believe that every website deserves some level of security. It simply means that when you create a website with us, regardless if you choose a free plan or one of our yearly plans, you’ll get a 100% free HTTPS to secure your website. Isn’t it an amazing feature for a free website? Check the Lever and Bloom website.

https URL screenshot

https URL screenshot

Image taken from Strikingly website

  • What are some of the SSL sites with Strikingly?

Lever & Bloom Coffee

Cup of coffee and bread

Image taken from Lever & Bloom Coffee website

Lever and Bloom Coffee is a website created with Strikingly. It has a free HTTPS URL. If you are a coffee-lover or a pastry craver, they are located in Bloomsbury, London. This is a business site to showcase their specialty in preparing coffee and hand baked goods with love and passion. When you visit their site, you can have a peace of mind and relax because their website is 100% secured.

Sourdough- Against the System

Sourdough donation page

Image taken from Sourdough website

At Sourdough website, their advocacy to fight against the system has supported other organizations using the sales they get from the website. You see how important it is to have an SSL certificate on this website, especially that it deals with financial matters to support the advocacy. Strikingly, make it a point that all sites are secured and safe with HTTPS URL.


Nicecream ice cream shop

Image taken from Nicecream website

Being a consumer, you want to make sure that your personal information is safe. Making online purchases such as ordering your favorite ice cream from Nicecream, you don’t want to compromise your bank details. As much as possible you don’t want hackers to capture any of your information. The same reason why it is important to check if the website has an HTTPS URL, right? For business owners, you want to up your sales by placing layers of security levels to maintain your customers’ trust in placing orders on your website.


CozyKin website page

Image taken from CozyKin website

When you need to sign up a form or subscribe for the website newsletter, take time to check if this specific website has an HTTPS URL. Before you give your personal information, always remember this safety check. An HTTPS URL means that the website has SSL to protect your information from hackers. At least, they can’t use your email or phone number on something you did not authorize.

Whitfield Six

Island photographs gallery

Image taken from Whitfieldsix website

Okay, you want to take a vacation and book an island at Whitfield Six website. Remember, you can only provide personal information when you are sure that the website is secured. Whitfield Six is a website created with Strikingly, which means that booking on their website is absolutely safe. Always take this reminder when you plan your next trip.

Finally, we’ve come to realize the importance of having SSL/ HTTPS on a website. As you can see, SSL doesn’t really sound so technical when you understand its vital role to take care of your website and your visitors information. While it seems none of your business to worry about, you have to take this seriously as a consumer and as a business owner. Strikingly, together with the companies and organizations aiming to make the entire web a safe place to deal with personal and business transactions, is dedicated in empowering people to build a secure website. As much as we don’t want our users to be a victim of fraudulent activities online, we also want them to deliver good service to their viewers with a secured website. Now that more people are opting to do online transactions, we need to put an extra mile. We want people to feel safe in browsing your website. A free HTTPS for all sites is an initiative and a guarantee to protect our users and their viewers at the same time.

Just another friendly reminder that we need to be responsible and more careful when giving out personal information online. No matter how many SSL certificates a website has, if you are careless enough to expose personal details online, it will all be worthless. Don’t easily give out your personal information to strangers. A responsible consumer always conducts safety checks before placing orders, purchasing online, and signing up a form. Strikingly loves to share tips and insights on how you can create a safe and secured website. We also want to know what is on your mind. Let us work together in building a strong and secured website.