strategies to improve google ranking in 2023

Since you are a website owner and a business owner, you aim to create an online presence for your brand. A top Google ranking is the ultimate objective for every website or business owner. However, working to improve Google rankings makes it even more worthy of something like all things.

Google ranks websites by analyzing their pages' performance in search engine results. It means that the better your website's search engine optimization (SEO), the higher your website will rank in search results. A few factors affect Google rankings, but one of the most important is your website's content. Make sure you have quality content that is updated regularly so your site remains at the top of search engine rankings.

Essential Tips to Improve Google Rankings

1) Publish Quality Content

If you want to rank higher in Google, it's important to publish quality content that is both useful and informative. Here are some content tips to help improve Google rankings of your website:

  • Write relevant content. Your content should be relevant to your target audience and cover topics of interest. Make sure that your articles are well-written and include a lot of valuable information. Write about topics that interest readers, and focus on providing helpful information instead of promoting yourself or your site.

great website content

Image taken from Strikingly User’s Website

  • Publish regularly. Keep publishing new content regularly, so your readers can stay updated with the latest trends and news. It will help you attract more links from other websites and increase your visibility in search engines.
  • Use keywords in your titles and tags. Add keywords related to the topic when you title an article. And when you tag a blog post with keywords, make sure they appear in the title and the body of the post. It will help improve Google rankings as people find your content more quickly when searching online.

2) Update Content Regularly

Regularly updating your website's content is one of the best ways to improve Google rankings. Not only will you keep your readers engaged, but you'll also demonstrate that you're dedicated to providing quality information. Here are some tips for keeping your content fresh and engaging:

  • Have an appropriate schedule. It isn't just about publishing blogs once a week. Instead, you must post at least twice weekly if you need more. Not only will this keep readers hooked, but it will also show Google that you take the time to write quality content. Publish fresh content every day or every other day to keep up with Google's ever-changing search algorithm guidelines. Plus, posting new content will give readers a reason to visit your site more often and could lead them to buy from you or recommend you to friends and family members.

Use keywords throughout your content. Not only should you use keywords in the titles of your posts, but you should also use them in the body of each article. This way, Google knows precisely what kind of information your readers are looking for and can rank your content higher accordingly.

a content strategy

Image taken from Strikingly User’s Website

  • Share interesting stories and facts about your topic. When writing about complex topics, break them down into easier-to-understand pieces by sharing interesting stories or facts about them. It will help engage readers and encourage them to keep reading until the end.
  • Be willing to experiment with different formats and styles. While sticking to traditional written form is always recommended, be bold and try new things with your content, including using multimedia elements or incorporating interactive features. Seeing how online content is increasingly becoming more visual, doing so can help improve Google ranking of your website.

3) Have an Appropriate Keyword Policy

Since you are a business owner, you must choose keywords that are relevant to your business and target those keywords with appropriate placements on your website content, titles, headings, etc. The more targeted your keywords are, the higher your ranking in search engine results pages (SERPs). Here are some tips for using keywords properly for your website ranking:

  • Ensure each keyword is included in your content at least once. For example, if you are writing about "pets," have the keyword "pet" in your content at least once.
  • Use broad keywords that cover a variety of topics. For example, if you are writing about gardening, try using the keyword "gardening" as well as specific keywords like "container gardening" or "organic gardening."
  • Try to use synonyms for your targeted keywords. For example, if you are writing about dogs, try using the synonym "pets" instead of just "dogs." It will help improve your site's search engine rankings because Google looks for sites that have carefully chosen keywords and phrases to use on their site.

4) Use Quality Links

Google is a massive search engine that can find just about anything. However, if your website is well-linked, it will perform better in Google's search results. Here are some tips to improve your website ranking:

  • Have a Policy. One of the best ways to improve your website's ranking is to use quality links. It means linking to reputable websites with a good reputation for providing high-quality information. If you can link to other high-quality websites, your website will benefit from increased traffic and better rankings in search engines.
  • Link to your website. Another way to improve your ranking is by linking to your website from other websites. Not only does this help increase traffic, rank your site higher in search engine results, and strengthen the relationship between your website and the other websites that link to it. Doing this will help build trust and credibility with potential customers.
  • Good SEO articles. If you want people to find and click on your articles, you must write them effectively to grab their attention. Make sure each piece is well-written, has interesting content, and includes keywords that are relevant to the topic at hand. Including these keywords in your articles will help boost traffic and rankings for your content across the web.

5) Create Excellent Metadata

If you're looking to improve your Google rankings, you need to take the time to create excellent metadata. By filling out all the necessary fields, you'll ensure that your website is appropriately categorized and displayed in search results. Here are some ways metadata influences your website ranking:

  • Use descriptive title tags. Your title tags are one of the essential pieces of information that Google sees when ranking your site. Ensure each title is descriptive and includes critical keywords relevant to your site. It will help prevent competitors from stealing your traffic and rankings.
  • Use correct keyword phrases. When choosing keywords for your website, make sure they're used in the proper context. For example, don't use "dog training" as a keyword if you're not offering dog training services. Choose phrases that are specific to your business or topic area. It will ensure that your site ranks higher in search results and targets the right audience.
  • Fill out all the fields necessary. Google requires detailed information about your website to index it and rank it in search results appropriately. Including page titles, description content, H1 tags, etc., will help improve traffic and conversions on your site.

6) Use Alt Tags

When it comes to improving your Google rankings, using alt tags is a great way to maximize the impact of your website's content. A study by Google found that when a page includes alt tags, its click-through rate (CTR) is responsible for 20.45% of all online searches.

If you're unfamiliar with alt tags, they're simply HTML elements that provide additional descriptive information about images on a web page. When someone clicks on an image on your site, the browser will display the alternate text defined in the alt tag. Here are some ways alt tags can improve Google rankings:

  • They let readers know what images are on a page and how they should refer to them. It can help them avoid clicking on incorrect links or getting lost while browsing your site.
  • Alt tags can help search engine crawlers better index your pages and improve your site's ranking in SERPs. More people looking for information about a specific topic will see your pages as potential resources.
  • Including alt tags also boosts CTR, which is another critical metric when it comes to SEO. Since people tend to click on images more often than anything else on websites, by ensuring all your image assets have corresponding alt tags, you can increase users' chances of seeing those assets and taking action based on them.

7) Keep Track of Your Results

search engine optimization

Image taken from Strikingly User’s Website

In addition to auditing your content and brand, you should monitor your SEO results regularly. It won't directly improve Google ranking of your website, but if you need to know how much organic traffic you're getting, what's the point? You will also be able to double-check that you are indeed ranking for all the keywords you are targeting. SEO can be time-consuming, so you need to track your results to know where to make changes and if it's worth it.

Improve Your Search Ranking on Strikingly

To improve Google ranking, be aware of how often your website is used or viewed, and you can know about this by monitoring it with Google Analytics. Google offers a free service for website owners to monitor the traffic reports of their websites called Google Analytics. This service report involves comparing the new and returning visitors of the site, where visitors are from, how long these visitors stay on the website, and many more. You must sign in to your Google Analytics, select Admin, and find the "Property Column" to create a property. You can create your property name in the Advanced options to enter your website link and get a copy of your own "Tracking ID." The last and final step is to go back to your Strikingly site editor, specifically to your website settings' Advanced Options, and put your tracking ID in the "Analytics Tracker" box. Save and publish your site, and see the surge in your website ranking.

strikingly meta data

Image taken from Strikingly

Google Search Console is also useful for website owners and business owners such as yourself. It allows you to check and maintain your website's presence in the Google search engine. It also allows you to receive alerts and troubleshoot quickly any issues about your site. By signing in to Google Search Console and putting your website URL, you can generate an HTML Tag coded specifically for your website. You can paste this meta tag into your website by going to your Strikingly site Editor. You can see this in the Advanced settings section of your site editor under the "Services" menu. After doing so, go back to Google Search Console and verify that the meta tag has been added to your website.

There are many other elements in your website that you can optimize for search engines, such as SEO page titles and meta descriptions. Your SEO page title is the title that appears on Google search engine results and browsers. Apart from that, your meta description is the text displayed below the SEO page title. It explains the background of your website and the services you are providing. Strikingly allows you to manage your SEO titles and meta-descriptions easily and significantly improve Google ranking of your website. It is important to note that your meta-description should be a maximum of 160 words. The search engine will cut off your text beyond 160 words if it exceeds the word limit.

google analytics services

Image taken from Strikingly

The best approach for improving Google ranking is to build a mobile website for your business. Since you are a business owner and website owner, you must realize that your customers and viewers surf the Internet through their phones. Therefore, having a mobile-optimized website for your business only makes sense. Otherwise, you would risk not being able to accommodate your customers' needs or limiting your audience to desktop users. For example, let's assume your website needs to be optimized for mobile devices. In that case, many potential customers might be robbed of the chance because your website needs to look more professional and easier to navigate on their portable devices. Strikingly is a professional website builder that can help you by providing responsive website templates which can be easily customized according to your business needs.


Refrain from carrying old fears with you into the new year if you've previously dreaded SEO. You can boost your credibility by creating high-quality content. Improving your Google ranking can also result in a lower bounce rate, which shows Google that you are a trustworthy site.

Strikingly is a reliable website-building platform to improve Google ranking of your platform. By boosting your website ranking, you can increase your chances of success in this business endeavor. You can contact our Happiness Officers immediately to learn more about website development on our platform.