Podcast names can be tricky. It feels like the most important decision you'll ever make during planning. You could start with a list of podcast name suggestions, each one attempting to strike the right balance of clarity, gravity, and humor. It can keep you awake at night as you try to make the right decision. But, once completed, it's just a name, and it frequently loses all meaning! So, what makes a "good" podcast name if we're going to make good use of that "up at night" time? What factors should you take into account? What are some of the podcasters' most common mistakes when naming their shows?
How to Name Your Podcast?
These are the topics we'll cover in this one-stop-shop guide on how to name a podcast.
1. Consider Your Audience

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First and foremost thing to consider when you name your podcast is to make sure that the name you choose will be appealing to your target audience. You probably already have a good idea of who your target audience is, so think about what they might expect to see as the title of their new favorite podcast show. Step into the shoes of the person you're trying to reach. Who exactly are they? What do they desire? What do they like to eat? Keeping your audience at the forefront of your planning will help you create a show name that engages and connects with the people who watch the show in the first place—your listeners.
2. Select a Descriptive Name for Your Podcast
Next, keep in mind that your podcast title should describe the topic of your show. While mysterious podcast names may appeal to you, remember that the more accurate your podcast title is, the easier it will be for your prospective audience to find you on Apple Podcasts or any audio content platform. So, before you start thinking about a podcast name, make sure you know exactly what your podcast will be about. You can probably already specify the type of podcast you'll be producing by selecting a category such as
- Politics
- Finance
- Health and Fitness
However, don't stop there. What specific approach will your podcast take to its larger topic? Is there a narrower category you could use to describe your range of episode topics, for example, if you're starting a health and fitness podcast? Like the creators of Chalk Talk, perhaps you enjoy outdoor adventure sports such as rock climbing. As you can see, there is a diverse range of angles available within broad categories. Before selecting a podcast name, it's critical to identify your exact niche; otherwise, you'll miss out on the opportunity to title your show something accurately descriptive.
3. Design Your Show's Name Like A Brand

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Whether you're creating an official company name podcast or a personal endeavor, it's best to treat your podcast professionally from the start. Consider the brand characteristics you want to promote and reinforce in this vein. What would match your personality or your company brand in terms of the overall tone you intend to use in your podcast? Sit down and consider a few of the brand's descriptions, values, and character, and what style would best match them. Ensure that the name of your podcast is consistent with the voice and tone of your overall brand.
4. Choose a Name That Is Easy To Remember
The importance of making your podcast name memorable cannot be overstated. For example, if your potential listeners' friends ask for podcast recommendations, they'll struggle to remember your show if its title is "Morphology and the Hypothesis of Lexical Integrity." Even if it accurately describes your language podcast, it's not the most catchy phrase, is it? You should definitely think about how your title will spread through word of mouth. Remember to use simple words, catchy phrases, and avoid difficult-to-spell words.
5. Avoid Annoying Grammar Errors
This is a significant one. You don't want to turn off or distract potential audience members by making irritating grammar errors like:
- 'Its' vs. 'It's'
- 'Their' vs. 'There' vs. 'They'
- 'Too' vs. 'to'.
Errors and typos can make your podcast appear amateurish and unprofessional, which is not good for its long-term success. When creating your official podcast name, be careful to avoid obvious grammar mistakes—especially before ordering your podcast cover art design!
6. Think of a Show Title that You'd Like to See
Remember that whatever title you choose, you'll be stuck with it for a long time. Of course, podcast rebranding is possible—and even common—but, if at all possible, it's best to start with a name you intend to keep. In that case, while naming your podcast, make sure the title you've chosen is something you're passionate about. Repeat it several times aloud to yourself. Does it sound good on the tongue? (After all, you don't want to get tired of introducing yourself on each episode.) If you don't absolutely adore it, it could be a sign that you haven't yet found the perfect show title!
7. Conduct Research
Next, open your preferred search engine, and look for other podcasts in your chosen niche. Before settling on your brilliant podcast name, make sure it hasn't already been taken. Did you know that multiple podcasts with the same name can exist? That is correct. In the United States, unless a podcast's name is protected by a trademark, there's no reason why another podcast can't be named the same thing. Don't assume that if you try to upload a podcast with the same name as one already exists, your podcast host of choice will reject your new show.
Of course, if you choose the name of another podcast, chances are there will be no legal ramifications. Unless the previous podcast has a registered trademark on the name, or it's clear that you're starting your podcast to spoof the original show or confuse its audience, it's unlikely that a court will enforce a name change. Still, it's best to pick a name that isn't already in use. After all, you want your new audience to discover your show—and only your show—when they search for your podcast names in their preferred podcast directory.
8. Keep SEO in Mind when Naming Your show
Search engine optimization is critical in growing your podcast audience. While you want your podcast name (and episode titles, for that matter) to be creative and catchy, try to balance it out with a title that includes your main keyword and explains what your show is about.
Of course, because you're trying to keep your title as short as possible (see tip #4), you can use a subtitle to include a keyword or two. For example, if your Star Trek podcast is called "Beam Me Up, Scotty," you can add "A Star Trek Superfan Podcast" to help it be found in Google searches as well as on Apple Podcasts/iTunes or Spotify.
Listen to Some of the Best Podcasts Right Now.
To help you narrow down your options on a podcast name, we've compiled a list of five fantastic free podcasts with physical, mental, and emotional wellness ideas, the latest health research and advice, and overall upbeat vibes. Prepare to be enlightened and inspired to make healthier choices by downloading this diverse collection of podcasts, which vary in length, frequency, tone, topic, and host personalities.
Now that you're ready to get started, here are some of the best podcast websites - and the templates they used, all powered by Strikingly.

Image is taken from Strikingly user’s website

Image is taken from Strikingly user’s website

Image is taken from Strikingly user’s website

Image is taken from Strikingly user’s website

Image is taken from Strikingly user’s website.
Do you have a website to start a podcast, now that we're nearing the end of this guide on how to choose a podcast name? If not, you can easily create a website with Strikingly to establish your brand. Strikingly offers hundreds of pre-made business podcast themes to choose from and create your podcast in minutes. A Soundcloud integration feature also allows you to add audio files to your website. This means you can add podcast episodes to the website you created with Strikingly. Isn't that practical? Strikingly also provides SEO optimization, e-commerce integration, and other useful features. That being said, this website builder provides a plethora of features that can help you and your podcast business in the long run. So, sign up with Strikingly today and put what you've learned from this how to start a podcast business guide to use.
There is no one-size-fits-all solution here in terms of how you should proceed with naming your podcast. It all depends on you, your topic, and the type of podcast you want to produce. However, you are most likely in the camp of "I have no audience right now and would like to grow one." If this is the case, choose a name that is as descriptive as possible. Make the most of your chances of being discovered. Remember that your podcast name isn't set in stone. It is always possible to change or modify it. That's not to say you shouldn't try to pick a good one right away, but don't get so hung up on it that you never launch the thing!