Creating a Winning Digital Marketing Portfolio: Tips and Tricks

You've probably heard the phrase, "a picture is worth a thousand words." But what if it's your marketing portfolio?

A digital marketing portfolio is a collection of your work and accomplishments in digital marketing. It's a way to show off your skills, experience, and knowledge so potential employers can see exactly what you're capable of doing.

Having a digital marketing portfolio is important because it helps you stand out from other applicants who may not have one. A strong portfolio will help you get hired faster than someone without one.

Marketing Portfolio: Do You Need It?

Do you need to make a marketing portfolio? If you're looking for a job in digital marketing, the answer is yes. You might be wondering why.

Having a digital marketing portfolio can provide many benefits for digital marketers, agencies, and companies. Here are six benefits of a digital marketing portfolio:

1. A marketing portfolio can make you stand out from the competition

A well-crafted digital marketing portfolio can help you stand out from the competition by showcasing your unique skills and experience.

2. A marketing portfolio can attract new clients and customers

You can attract new clients with your best digital marketing portfolio example because it provides a clear and concise overview of your capabilities and experience in the field.

3. A marketing portfolio can increase your credibility

A digital marketing portfolio can increase your credibility by providing evidence of your work and demonstrating your capabilities and level of experience in the field.

4. A marketing portfolio showcases the range of services your offer

You can best showcase your services through a portfolio, making it easier for your potential clients to understand the full scope of your services.

5. A marketing portfolio highlights your successes and achievements

Highlighting your success and achievements significantly impacts attracting new clients and customers. People always want to work with winners, right?

paper with pens and marketing books

Employers need to see how well you've done in past jobs and projects. They want to know that if they hire you, their company will benefit from your talents! And if they don't see evidence of those talents in your application materials, they'll probably pass on hiring you.

6. A marketing portfolio is easy to share and distribute

A digital marketing portfolio can be easily shared and distributed to potential clients and employers. Since it's digital, you can distribute it through various channels such as a website, email, or social media, which helps you reach a larger audience.

Get Involved: Who Needs a Marketing Portfolio?

Everyone, including you, who wants to be considered for jobs in the digital marketing industry should have one. If you're looking for work but don't have any experience, having a portfolio will help show potential employers that you have what it takes to be successful in this industry.

If you're looking for your first job or internship in digital marketing, having an online portfolio showcasing some of your work will help show employers that you're qualified. Even if you've been working in the field for years, having an up-to-date digital marketing portfolio can help recruiters see what kind of projects are keeping you busy and how much experience you have under your belt.

However, if you already have some experience under your belt but want to boost your resume and get noticed by more companies than just the ones where you've been working, creating a portfolio is one way to do so. Even if you're not actively seeking employment now, having an updated version of your existing portfolio will ensure that when opportunities arise down the line, they'll be ready and waiting for you!

Anatomy: What is a Digital Marketing Portfolio

Everyone wants to have a killer digital marketing portfolio. If you're here, you probably don't know where to start or what to put in. Don't worry! You're not alone.

Here are some elements you should in a digital marketing portfolio:

  • Case studies

Your case studies should include detailed reports of specific digital marketing projects you've worked on. They should consist of information about the project's goals, the strategies and tactics you used, the results you achieved, and the lessons you learned. Case studies are a great way to show your potential clients or employers what work you can do and the results you can achieve for them.

Statements from clients or customers that provide feedback on your work should be included. This help to build trust with potential clients and demonstrate your services' value. Ensure to include testimonials from happy clients and always ask permission to use their comments.

  • Analytics data

You should add measurable results you achieved, like website traffic, conversion rates, and social media engagement from your previous projects or campaigns. Analytics data helps to show the impact of a campaign or strategy you handled and the improvements or successes you achieved.

bar graph printed on paper

Examples of digital marketing campaigns

These can include screenshots, videos, or other multimedia elements demonstrating your skills and experience in developing and executing digital marketing campaigns. Make sure to include examples of campaigns you've run for various industries and businesses, with the owners' permission, obviously.

Show examples of how you've managed social media platforms, like creating content calendars, scheduling posts, and engaging with followers. This should illustrate how you've improved a business's social media presence during the time you ran its campaign.

  • SEO

Include examples of how you've improved a website's search engine ranking, including specific tactics you've used and the results achieved.

  • Email marketing

Examples of email campaigns you've created and managed, including the results achieved, such as open rates, click-through rates, and conversion rates, should always be a part of your digital marketing portfolio.

Remember to keep your portfolio up to date and make sure it's easy to navigate and visually appealing. A good portfolio can make a huge difference in landing your next digital marketing job or client.

Standout: How to Make a Marketing Portfolio

If you're like most people, though, you don't have any experience with creating digital marketing portfolios--and that's okay! Here are some tips on how to make your first one:

1. Start by thinking about what kind of job you want.

Is there a specific company that interests you? Do you want to work in social media? Do you want to be an SEO specialist? Think about what kind of work best aligns with your interests and goals, then think about what things the company does.

2. Next, think about what kind of content best showcases your skills and abilities in this area.

For example, if you want to work as a digital marketer, then maybe create posts on Twitter or Facebook. If there's no existing content yet, try coming up with some ideas for what kinds of posts might be helpful for potential employers (like "5 Ways To Boost Your Blog Traffic").

3. Make sure to include a portfolio section highlighting your past experience and education.

Include any relevant coursework or projects, as well as any internships or jobs you've held in the past. Doing this will give your potential employers a better understanding of your background and qualifications.

4. Be bold and get creative with your portfolio.

It's what will make you stand out! Suppose you're applying for a job in social media, for example. In that case, you can create a visually appealing Instagram feed showcasing your design skills and ability to produce engaging content. You can also include examples of ads you've made, graphics you've designed, or even videos you've edited.

The possibilities are endless for showcasing your skills on social media. And hey, you never know. Your portfolio might even get you some new followers!

digital marketing cover

4. Put it all together.

Once you've brainstormed some ideas for posts or other types of content that will help show off your expertise in this area (and make sure they're all relevant!), it's time to start putting it all together.

This is where you'll want to start creating your actual portfolio. You can use a website-building platform like Strikingly to create a sleek and professional-looking portfolio. Or, if you're feeling adventurous, you can code your website from scratch--but why bother when you can set up a portfolio in 20 minutes or less using Strikingly!

5. Finally, don't forget to proofread and double-check your portfolio.

A portfolio with spelling and grammar errors is a surefire way to turn off potential employers. And remember to keep your portfolio up-to-date. As you gain more experience and skills, you want to ensure your portfolio reflects that.

Set Up: Use Strikingly for Your Digital Marketing Portfolio

Strikingly Facebook cover image

You can use Strikingly website builder to create a digital marketing portfolio by following these steps:

1. Sign up for a Strikingly account and choose a suitable template for showcasing your digital marketing portfolio, such as the "Personal" or "Professional" template.

2. Customize the design of your website by choosing a color scheme, font, and layout that aligns with your brand and the type of work you want to showcase in your portfolio.

3. Use the built-in tools to add sections to your website, such as a section for your digital marketing case studies, a section for your testimonials, and a section for your resume or CV.

4. Use the "Media" tab to add images, videos, and other multimedia elements that showcase your digital marketing work.

5. Use the "Blog" feature to create a blog, share your thoughts on the digital marketing industry, share your personal experiences, and give advice to others.

6. Use the "Settings" tab to customize your website's SEO settings, like adding meta tags and descriptions to help your website rank higher in search engines.

7. Publish your website and share the link with potential clients and employers when you're done.

You can also add a contact form, social media links, social feeds section, and your Google Analytics tracking code to your website to make it more professional and track visitors.

Show Off: Marketing Portfolio Examples

We round up a few marketing portfolio example and everything in between to inspire you. These digital marketing portfolio examples are all created with Strikingly, and they look awesome.

Take a look!

1. Ashmith

Ashmith website landing page

Image taken from a Strikingly user’s website

2. Oriana Castro Ramirez

Oriana Castro Ramirez website landing page

Image taken from a Strikingly user’s website

3. Dan Makoski

Dan Makoski website landing page

Image taken from a Strikingly user’s website

4. Julianne Feir

Julianne Feir website landing page

Image taken from a Strikingly user’s website

5. Maciej Blaszcuk

Maciej Blaszcuk website landing page

Image taken from a Strikingly user’s website

Wrapping Up!

It's great that you're thinking about creating a digital marketing portfolio! It's a super important tool for anyone in the industry, whether you're a marketer, agency, or company. A portfolio is a collection of your best work that shows off your capabilities and experience in digital marketing. It can include case studies, testimonials, analytics data, examples of your campaigns, social media management, email marketing, and SEO skills.

It's a great way to build trust with potential clients, show off your work, and make it easy for them to understand your services.

Creating a portfolio can seem like a lot of work, but trust us. It's worth it in the long run. It'll help you stand out from the competition, attract new clients, and boost your credibility. Just remember to keep it up-to-date, be selective with the work you include, have a consistent design, make it easy to navigate, optimize it for mobile, highlight measurable results, showcase a range of services and industries, and show your process.

In a nutshell, a digital marketing portfolio is a must-have for anyone looking to advance in the field. It's a chance to show off your skills and experience and help potential clients and employers see the value you bring to the table. Take the time to create a portfolio that truly represents you and your abilities, and you'll be on your way to success in the digital marketing world.

What's the best tool for your digital marketing portfolio? Strikingly, of course. It's ridiculously easy to use, and you don't need coding skills to create your marketing portfolio. Stop asking yourself how to make a marketing portfolio or who needs a marketing portfolio. You sure do--even if you're thinking of jumping into another industry.

We have great templates, awesome customer support, and an intuitive website editor. Sign up today!