How to Publish a Website

Things have changed drastically in the digital world in recent years. No longer do you have to rely on a top-quality web developer to do the entire work from A to Z. Nowadays, many top organizations and professionals have learned how to publish a website. They have quality customization skills that allow them to build a website of their own. Moreover, they also understand how to publish a new website without the necessity of a full-time programmer or a full-stack developer.

There are numerous web-building tools and analytics in the market these days. It allows anyone with zero technical skills to create a new website and publish it without any problems. If you familiarize yourself with the steps of publishing a website, you will showcase your creative skills to the world in no time and build your online presence. Whether you are using Strikingly or any other website building platform, you can easily complete the process of publishing a website.

Tips to Publish Your Website

1. Create Quality Content

It is assumed that you need to go through your website design or web layout before you even think about your website content. However, you cannot disregard the content’s importance on your website. If you are learning how to publish a website, you must consider your website content equally as important as your website design. Once your content is ready, don’t think twice and build your blog site on Strikingly. Consider the best template for your blog website and start publishing your finalized content.

quality website content

Image taken from Strikingly User’s Website

It may take more than you think to prepare your website content. You may have to implement relevant search engine optimization (SEO) strategies to ensure that Google recognizes it. You must write about trending topics so that the audience finds your content more exciting. Before publishing your website, you must ensure that you have decided on your website content. The importance of website content is so much that if anything goes wrong, your customers will not hesitate to turn their back on you and look into your competitor’s website.

2. Select Website Template

When you try to publish your website, you must understand that everything starts from building blocks. Just like you cannot make a cup of tea without water, you cannot create a fully functional website without a quality website template. There are numerous website-building platforms on the internet that provide users with working website templates. However, there are a few platforms in which users have to pay a certain premium to access some website templates.

strikingly website template

Image taken from Strikingly

One of the website-building platforms you will find on the internet is Strikingly. Strikingly is a free website builder that allows you to create quality web designs without breaking a sweat. When you learn how to publish a website, you will be told that you should look at your website template before deciding to publish the website. Strikingly provides you with a collection of mobile-friendly website templates that can be accessed by both mobile and desktop users. In today’s day and age, you cannot afford any compromises related to your website traffic and Strikingly ensures that.

3. Web Hosting Service Provider

You cannot know how to publish a website and don’t have any plans related to website hosting at the same time. A web host is equally as important as your website template. You need to consider a few factors before selecting your web host, such as the following:

  • Speed
  • Security level
  • Reliability
  • Scalability

4. Domain Registration

If you learn how to publish a website, you will definitely go through domain registration. If you are willing to publish your website on a free website builder, you might consider skipping this step. Many website-building platforms provide a domain for their users under a free plan. However, you must do brainstorming related to your brand name (if you don’t have one).

strikingly website domain

Image taken from Strikingly

If you set your sights on a custom domain, you must register it initially. A strong website registrar, such as Strikingly, can help you in this process. There are certain cases in which a website builder allows you to register your domain name with them. Strikingly enables you to register your domain for $24.95. However, it is important to note that this value may vary considering the domain name or the domain extension you pursue.

5. Publish Website

When you go through the tutorial about how to publish a website, you will be told the importance of approving everything. It is like the situation when you complete your examination. Once you are done with your exam, you don’t give it to your invigilator right away. You go through each exam page to see if anything is missing before submitting the exam to your exam proctor. Similarly, you should be aware of different parts of your website before clicking on the “publish” button.

When you create your web pages, you can publish them one by one to ensure that they are accessible to your audience. You can have the same approach with your blog posts. You can go to the gallery section and see whether your images can be viewed properly. Your website content must be aligned properly. The alignment issues usually happen with mobile users. This is why it is important to use a mobile-friendly website template that isn’t just related to the desktop version.

6. Optimize Website

Usually, when web developers understand how to publish a website, they think that there is nothing left for them to do. The truth is that when you are done with the publishing, the job is only half done. The hard work begins after you have published the website. Now, you have to ensure that you bring your website to different search engines, such as Google. To ensure that Google identifies your website, you must implement ideal SEO strategies.

strikingly seo checklist

Image taken from Strikingly

SEO strategies are defined as the strategies required to bring your website or web page to the search engines. Strikingly fully believes that if you want to ensure long-term success for your website, you must implement relevant SEO strategies. It is also important to note that it will only be a waste of time if you implement the SEO strategies of 2012 in 2022. Strikingly provides its users with an SEO checklist that gives them the authority to look at their website from an SEO perspective. They can choose to improve on that checklist by upgrading their subscription plans.

7. Promote Website

There is an argument that the promotion of a website is also related to SEO strategies. However, there is a tangible relationship between these two things. SEO strategies ensure that your website is recognized by Google. However, there are social media platforms that you also have to prioritize. When you know how to publish a website, you will also be told to do certain things after hitting the “publish” button when you know how to publish a website. One of those tips related to your website is social media marketing.

Social media marketing is influential in conveying your message across all platforms. The best form of marketing is the usage of Facebook advertising. As the majority of the users are available on Facebook, you can use advertising strategies to promote your website content on your Facebook page.

Publish Website on Strikingly

Many people believe that publishing a website is the easiest thing. They are correct because the most important aspects of web development come before and after you click on the “publish” button. Once you have understood how to publish a website, you will make your first steps in the digital world. However, many people actually ignore clicking on the publish button. They seem lost in the editing and the developing side of things that they forget to publish their website.

strikingly publish button

Image taken from Strikingly

On the Strikingly website editor on the left side of your screen, you will see a publish button. Once you are done editing your website, you can publish it by clicking on this button. Once you have clicked on this button, your website will be made live. However, Strikingly takes around two days to make the website accessible for the entire audience.


In today's digital world, people become lost in the most difficult things so much that they forget to do the simplest of things. After all, publishing a website isn’t as difficult as doing all the hard work before and after it. There is a reason why you are taught how to publish a website. When you arrive at your destination, you cannot afford to leave your car running.

Similarly, you cannot customize all your web design and forget to publish your website.

If you want to create your website today, you don’t need to look further than Strikingly. Strikingly is a free website builder that allows you to create fully functional websites without much investment. If you have problems building your website, you can contact our Happiness Officers today. Therefore, create your website today and learn different techniques to make your site successful.