When you’re applying for a job or you’re trying to establish yourself as a freelance professional, you will constantly need to create and update a resume or an online portfolio. If you want to stand out in your industry, however, you should consider building your own personal website.

If you want to go beyond a traditional CV, read more here for why a resume website is the best way to go.

Set yourself up for success

No matter where you are in your career - whether you’re a fresh graduate starting out or a seasoned professional with a diverse portfolio of projects under his belt - you will be facing some pretty stiff competition from other professionals in your industry. You will be competing with your contemporaries for jobs and opportunities. Building your own personal website page can help set you apart in your industry and make you more marketable to potential employers or clients.

Nobody understands the value of the great push forward than the makers of Strikingly. That is why they created a platform for beginners, aspiring entrepreneurs and professionals fresh out of college that will enable them to create the best personal websites that will represent their brands.

Now that you are equipped with a powerful personal website builder and personal website templates, here are some of the best personal websites to inspire your own design.

Carolina Andreoli


If you have worked with different companies and clients in the past, requesting for testimonials and referrals can help make your free personal website more appealing. Testimonials serve as proof of quality and potential employers and clients are more likely to engage with professionals who come highly recommended. UX designer Carolina Andreoli made sure to add a section on client feedback to her website to drive home the message that she is the right person for a client’s design needs.


In many cases, positive feedback from previous clients can become an even more powerful marketing tool than any other content on your website. This section will complement a solid training background in making your profile the most suitable candidate for the jobs that you are aspiring for.

Kara Barkved


One of the best things about Strikingly’s website editor is that you get a good amount of freedom to implement your own custom color scheme that will match your personal branding. All you need to do is input the hex code for the colors you wish to use and you’re done. This feature might be great but this level of flexibility can also be a cause of concern for beginners. Choosing a color palette is probably one of the most intimidating aspects of personal website design. When in doubt, keep your design simple. Go for a minimalist overall look on your site to let your portfolio pop.


As a visual artist, Kara Barkved’s work is composed of abstracts and the use of vibrant colors. To draw attention to her paintings, she displayed them against a white background. She chose a black and white color scheme on her site to make it look simple yet elegant.

Susan Zakin


Whether you’re an aspiring writer or a seasoned journalist with tons of publications with his name on the by-line, Susan Zakin’s website is one you should check out. The website leads with a striking headline and a simple statement that describes her as someone who breaks popular ideas with her work. Scrolling through her site, the first thing you will find is a slideshow of her articles published in various newspapers and magazines, followed by a list of her books and other writing work.


Here’s another idea for your personal website: use it to sell products of your talent. Zakin provided an opportunity for followers to buy her latest book by adding a link to an online storefront. Alternatively, you can add the Simple Store platform to your website and turn it into an actual online shop.

Theo Karsenty


Visuals can make or break your site’s ability to convey your message clearly and sometimes, images and graphics can speak louder than text content. Theo Karsenty used powerful imagery and animation to show people the scope of his talent. Upon landing on the website, users will automatically see a presentation of the services that he offers. He took it to the next level by using custom images to convey his message - something that we strongly recommend to make your website stand out.


It’s common for individuals to have multiple online spaces. Linking your social media pages to your website can turn your site into a central hub for all these profiles. It will give users an easier access to your content and allow them to learn more about you and your skills. Theo took the social buttons to the next level by animating them and displaying them prominently at the bottom of the website.

Create your personal website now.