Resume website

Finding a new job is rarely straightforward. Even in a robust job market, it might be difficult to stand out because there is so much competition. Creating a resume website is one innovative solution to this problem, and Strikingly is the greatest way to accomplish it!

A standard paper resume has restrictions, however, a web resume allows you to do practically everything. You can include media and downloadable files, as well as links to your social network pages. Furthermore, creating a simple online resume website with Strikingly is simple and painless.

In this post, we'll go through online resumes in further depth, including why they're useful and what they should include. Then we'll show you how to use Strikingly to make an online resume website. Let's get started!

What is a resume website and why you might need one?

Traditional paper resumes are widely used and have their own set of benefits. They're easy to use, light, and compact. Job searchers now have another option: they can construct a dedicated resume website.

A resume website fulfills the same function as a traditional resume and provides much of the same information. It contains information about the job seeker's work experience, talents, and other qualifications. In addition, just like a physical resume, the design of a resume website should attract employers' attention and prompt interviews or offers.

A web resume, on the other hand, provides a lot of advantages. It's more adaptable and capable of expressing a sense of own flair. Furthermore, a resume website is simple to share with others, and potential employers can find it online. Most essential, it can assist you in standing out among a slew of other candidates.

The most important aspects of a resume website

Even if it's your own website, you don't have to disclose every detail about yourself. Remember, you're trying to persuade potential employers or clients of your abilities. Show them the correct information to persuade them that you'd be a good fit for their organization. Everything else should be omitted.

With that in mind, here are seven items that should be considered when you build a resume website.

1. Your bio

Cba studio resume website

Image is taken from Strikingly user’s website

When visitors arrive at your website, they want to know who you are, what you do, and whether you have the talents and attributes to work for them.

The majority of people utilize their About page to provide a brief bio. This is the section where you can discuss the most crucial details about your working life:

  • Your educational background
  • Your talents and experience
  • The most recent job or project on which you worked

2. Showcase your work

Emilypenn resume website

Image is taken from Strikingly user’s website

If you work in a creative profession like design, writing, or photography, you'll need to provide examples of your work to demonstrate your hands-on creative talents and how you use your knowledge and expertise. It also demonstrates your aesthetic to potential employers, allowing them to decide whether you would be a suitable fit for their firm or project.

Writers, on the other hand, can display a collection of images from print pieces or links to articles published on the resume website. You can also provide links to books that you've co-authored.

3. Customer testimonials

Testimonials are yet another important component of any professional personal website. They serve as social proof and aid in the development of your credibility. The testimonials show that you can collaborate and work well with others. They also say a lot about the soft skills required for the position.

You can invite your prior clients or employers to provide a few words about how your specialized abilities benefitted them and how happy they were working with you.

4. Contact information

Jessicamanalo resume website

Image is taken from Strikingly user’s website

It is critical to include contact information so that others can contact you. If you don't want to give out your email address, you can use a contact form, but it's best to have multiple ways to contact you.

Make it simple for prospective employers to contact you. If you're looking for work in your area, giving your address and phone number is a good idea. You can also include links to your professional social media pages so that anyone interested in working with you may get a sense of your whole online presence.

5. Resume

Even though the goal of a personal resume website is to keep information about your talents and experiences up to date, it's a good idea to include a page with the same information that you'd provide on a paper resume. You should also offer a downloadable PDF version of your resume so that HR managers can instantly download it and have it on hand during the hiring process.

6. Personal branding

Michael wong resume website

Image is taken from Strikingly user’s website

Branding is no longer just for the big boys, contrary to common assumptions. A successful brand is much more than a logo. It includes your writing voice, your logo (which may be as simple as your name in a certain typeface), your images, the colors you use on your website, and how others perceive you.

Your brand should be a reflection of who you are and what you stand for. You will stand out more and become more remembered if you make anthe effort to construct a visual representation of yourself.

How to make a resume website?

If you already have a traditional resume or CV, that’s already a great jumping-off point into the next few steps. Other things you may include are:

  • Certifications on other skills you may have
  • A collection of samples of your previous work - a gallery of art or photography pieces and other visual art, or links to published public works
  • List of organizations and professional affiliations you’re active or have had significant service in; and
  • A strong network of contacts that can give an honest and flattering evaluation of your character

With all these assets at the ready, you can start building a resume website by:

1. Choosing a platform or website maker

Strikingly sign up

Image is taken from Strikingly

There are a lot of free website makers like Strikingly that you can use to let yourself play around with the basic building blocks for a resume website. This is the best way to get to know the working parts before finding what works for you and your personal brand when you start creating your own personal homepage.

2. Designing a personal homepage

When you’ve decided on a platform, and you know what you want and how you want your information to be displayed, you can start moving things around with your personal touch. Play with the intricate details to make your space unique with photos, art, colors, and fonts, and learn more about other essential tips on creating your own personal website.

3. Writing a brief and professional About Page

Garysheng resume website

Image is taken from Strikingly user’s website

Beyond the skills and the accolades, who are you, and what’s your story? Tell people about your work ethic and how you found yourself in search of a career in your desired field. Help employers get an idea of what motivates you by humanizing your accomplishments by writing excellent website copy that rings true to your mission.

4. Displaying your best and/or most recent work

The core of any great resume website is the fruit of your labors. Show off your outputs, where your work has taken you, and the best out of the projects you’ve worked on with these portfolio templates for inspiration. Visual artists will typically create a gallery of their art while writers and speakers may have a personal blog or links to their reputable work exposures and news bits. Whatever you create and put out into the world, share a preview of it here.

5. Outlining your process

Peggy liu resume website

Image is taken from Strikingly user’s website

After impressing your audience with your work, walk them through what it takes to do what you do and how you manifest your vision. This is a great space to share personal details behind your CV, such as anecdotes of your experiences that inform your process, your planned future projects, or even your personal career goals.

6. Sharing your professional contact details

Make it easy for potential employers to contact you by creating a dedicated page for your email, social media, and other general professional online presence. Some website hosting platforms even offer a personalized professional email that comes with getting your own domain, immediately upgrading yourself from to a at

A smart resume website improves as your career progresses

Your resume is a static document that will never alter or be updated if it is only a PDF. A web resume, on the other hand, is simple to update as your talents and experiences grow. Then, once you've landed that dream job, your resume website can transform into a professional portfolio site that follows you through your career, changing jobs and changing preferences. Keep your CV up to date when it comes to keeping your website. It should be noted on your resume online if you do something new or move positions.

Don't be afraid to share your resume website once you've finished it. Add the URL to your paper resume, LinkedIn page, social media accounts, and wherever else you think recruiters or hiring managers could look for you.

It's critical to establish a fascinating and easy-to-read resume website if you really want to stand out to potential employers. It's a unique approach to demonstrate your abilities, with more information and style than a physical application.

Even better, Strikingly makes it simple to establish a résumé website. Simply follow these three easy steps:

  • Consider your objectives and skills.
  • Select a suitable template.
  • Create a webpage for your resume.