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The Ultimate Guide to Email Marketing Pros & Cons

April 21, 2023

Email marketing is a digital marketing strategy that involves sending promotional messages or newsletters to a group of people via email. It is considered one of the most effective ways to reach customers and prospects, especially when done right. In this article, we will explore the pros and cons of email marketing and how Strikingly can help you maximize its advantages.

What is email marketing?

Email marketing is a form of direct marketing that uses email to communicate with customers or prospects. It can be used for various purposes, such as promoting products or services, building brand awareness, generating leads, and nurturing customer relationships.

There are pros and cons of email marketing that you have to consider.

On the pros side, email marketing is a cost-effective way to reach customers. Once you have subscriber lists, sending campaigns is free. It's also an impactful brand awareness tool, as regular emails keep your business top-of-mind with customers. Email allows for personalization and segmentation to tailor messages to different recipient groups. Email marketing drives revenue through promotions, product announcements, and more when done well.

However, there are also cons to email marketing. Inboxes are crowded, so your messages face competition and may get ignored or buried. Effective email marketing requires ongoing optimization and testing to achieve high open and click rates, which demands time and resources. There is also the risk of spam complaints if you don't follow best practices, which can damage your sender's reputation and hurt deliverability. Open and click rates for emails have declined over time as customers become overwhelmed with messages. And you risk unsubscribes if you send low-value, untargeted messages that don't align with subscribers needs.

To maximize the pros of email marketing, build high-quality subscriber lists with double opt-in consent. Create optimized campaigns with attention-grabbing subject lines and valuable content. Personalize messages whenever possible based on your audience's interests. Follow all anti-spam laws and guidelines to avoid legal issues or penalties. Routinely test different campaign elements to determine what resonates most with your list.

While the pros and cons of email marketing are significant, the benefits can far outweigh the drawbacks when done right. With regular contact and refinement, email newsletters and promotions can become one of your most effective marketing channels. But success requires balancing permission, optimization, value, and compliance to overcome the challenges of crowded inboxes and email fatigue.

Why is email marketing important?

Email marketing has become essential to any digital marketing strategy because it offers several advantages over other channels. There are obvious pros and cons of email marketing but if you’re looking to expand your business in a cost effective way or perform digital marketing, you cannot overlook this step.

For one, it is cost-effective compared to traditional advertising methods like TV or print ads. It also allows businesses to reach a wider audience and build brand awareness through personalized messaging.

How can Strikingly help with your email marketing?

Image taken from Strikingly

Strikingly provides tools that make it easy for businesses to create visually appealing emails optimized for conversions. You can send professional-looking emails in minutes without any coding skills required and easily integrate them with your website and current audience list.

How does email marketing work?

Email marketing collects email addresses from customers or prospects who have opted in to receive communications from your business. You can then use these addresses to send targeted messages based on their interests or behavior. The goal is to engage them with relevant content encouraging them to take action, such as purchasing or subscribing to your newsletter.

Pros and Cons of Email Marketing: The Pros of Email Marketing

Email marketing is a powerful tool that can bring significant benefits to businesses. Here are some of the advantages of email marketing:

1. Cost-effective

Email marketing is very budget-friendly. Once you have subscribers, it is free to send messages. The costs are primarily in building your email list and creating optimized campaigns. But even paid advertising or partnerships to grow your list can have a high ROI when done right.

One of the biggest advantages of email marketing is that it is a cost-effective way to reach customers. Unlike traditional forms of advertising, such as TV or print ads, email marketing doesn't require a huge budget. With the right email marketing tool, you can send targeted messages to your audience without breaking the bank.

2. Increased brand awareness

Email marketing is also an effective way to increase brand awareness. By sending regular emails to your subscribers, you can keep your brand top-of-mind and ensure that customers remember you when they need your products or services.

They see your brand logo, colors, and messaging frequently which strengthens brand recall and recognition over time. This brand impression can influence future purchasing decisions.

Image taken from Strikingly

3. Personalization and segmentation

Another advantage of email marketing are that it allows for personalization and segmentation. With the right tools, you can create personalized messages based on customer data such as their interests and purchase history. You can also segment your list based on location or behavior, allowing you to send more targeted messages.

Tailoring emails to recipient needs and interests results in higher open and click rates. When subscribers feel messages were meant specifically for them, they pay closer attention. Personalization cultivates a one-on-one customer experience even with bulk email.

4. Increased revenue

Finally, email marketing has been shown to increase business revenue. By sending targeted messages at the right time, you can encourage customers to purchase, or take other desired actions, increasing sales and profits.

Email marketing drives sales through promotions, discounts, product announcements, and more. With each campaign, you have an opportunity to motivate subscribers to shop, donate or otherwise spend with your business. Over time, the revenue impact compounds through repeat customers and word-of-mouth referrals.

5. High open and click rates

When done well, email newsletters and campaigns can achieve open rates of 15-25% or higher, well above the average. This means a large portion of your list is actually engaging with your messages, giving you more opportunities to convert subscribers into customers or promote your brand.

6. Easy call-to-action inclusion

Email provides an ideal space to include a strong CTA like "Shop Now", "Learn More" or "Donate Today". You can place CTAs prominently at the top and bottom of messages to spur immediate action. Then track clicks to see which CTAs have the highest response rates from subscribers.

7. Valuable data insights

Email marketing campaigns provide data into subscriber engagement and behavior. You can see who opens your emails, what they click, how often they shop with you or read your content, what time they check their email, and more. These details help you create highly-targeted lists and campaigns tailored to different subscriber segments.

The benefits of email marketing are significant when you commit to building out this channel thoughtfully. With time and consistent optimization, an email newsletter program can become one of the most powerful tools in your digital marketing toolkit.

Image taken from Strikingly

Pros and Cons of Email Marketing: The Cons of Email Marketing

The disadvantages of email marketing is something that you should be aware of. Here are some of the cons of email marketing:

1. Deliverability issues

One major challenge that email marketers face is deliverability issues. Emails may end up in the spam folder or get blocked by ISPs, resulting in lower open rates and click-through rates. This can be due to various reasons, such as poor email list quality, sending too many emails at once, or using spam trigger words in your subject line or content.

2. Possible legal risks

Another disadvantage of email marketing is the potential legal risks involved. There are laws and regulations that govern how businesses can collect, store, and use customer data for email marketing purposes. Failure to comply with these regulations can result in hefty fines and damage to your brand's reputation.

3. Content creation challenges

Creating engaging and relevant content for your email campaigns can be daunting for marketers. It requires a deep understanding of your target audience's interests and pain points and crafting compelling subject lines and calls to action that drive conversions.

4. Time-consuming

Email marketing can be time-consuming for businesses with limited resources or expertise in this area. From crafting content to managing subscriber lists and analyzing metrics, there are many moving parts that require careful attention to detail.

Despite the advantages and disadvantages of email marketing, the advantages of email marketing far outweigh them when executed correctly.

Best Practices for Effective Email Marketing

While the pros and cons of email marketing are significant, the benefits can far outweigh the drawbacks when you commit to following best practices. By optimizing your email marketing approach and providing real value to subscribers, you can overcome crowded inboxes and build trust and engagement over time.

1. Build a quality

Only contact people who have explicitly opted-in to receive your emails. Offer a valuable incentive for subscribers and make sure you have a clear opt-in process to build your list legally and ethically.

2. Create attention-grabbing subject lines

The subject line is the first thing people see and determines whether they open your email. Use compelling and personalized subject lines that create curiosity or highlight an important benefit. But avoid sounding like clickbait or false scarcity.

3. Keep content brief but compelling

Get to the point within the first couple of sentences. Share key information, stories, visuals, and calls to action above the fold so recipients can quickly see why your message matters. Use clear section headings, short paragraphs, bullet points, and numbered lists whenever possible.

4. Include visuals and multimedia

Images, gifs, videos, and other media make emails more engaging and visually interesting. Seeing is believing, so use visuals to demonstrate your key message or product. But be sure any visuals load quickly and the email's design still looks good without them.

5. Personalize whenever possible

Personalization results in higher open and click rates. Use subscribers' names in subject lines and content, and tap into data like past purchases or browsing behavior to segment and tailor your campaigns. But don't get too creepy! Only use data you have explicitly collected and that directly relates to your offers or content.

6. Following anti-spam law guidelines

Stay up to date with laws like CASL, GDPR and the CAN-SPAM act. Only email subscribers who have given consent, allow easy unsubscribe options, be transparent in your email marketing practices, and don't mislead or falsify email content to get higher engagement rates. Violating email compliance can lead to hefty legal penalties.

7. Achieve high deliverability and avoid spam

Follow recommended practices for IP warming, domain authentication, email authentication, list hygiene and spam trigger avoidance. Keep complaints low and unsubscribe rates under control to maintain a good sender reputation and stay out of spam folders.

8. Consistent optimization and testing

Test different formats, frequencies, content type and CTAs to determine what your audience responds best to. Then continue optimizing your winner based on open rates, click-through rates and other engagement metrics. A/B test subject lines, preview text, images, days/times, and so on to maximize performance over time.

Using Strikingly for Email Marketing

Image taken from Strikingly

Are you looking for a way to improve your email marketing strategy? Look no further than Strikingly. With its user-friendly interface and powerful features, Strikingly can help take your email marketing to the next level.

1. Creating visually appealing emails

One of the biggest advantages of email marketing is creating visually appealing emails that capture your audience's attention. With its drag-and-drop editor, you can easily add images, videos, and other multimedia elements for your website to create engaging content that resonates with your subscribers.

2. Email list management

Managing your email list can be a daunting task, but with Strikingly's built-in tools, it's easier than ever before. You can easily import and export contacts, segment your list based on demographics or behavior, and automate certain tasks such as welcome emails or abandoned cart reminders. This ensures that you're sending targeted messages to the right people at the right time.

3. Tracking and analyzing metrics

One of the key advantages of email marketing is the ability to track and analyze open rates, click-through rates, and conversion rates. With Strikingly's analytics dashboard, you can get real-time insights into how your campaigns are performing and make data-driven decisions about future strategies.

4. Integrating with other marketing channels

Email marketing is just one piece of the puzzle regarding digital marketing. That's why it's crucial to integrate your email campaigns with other channels, such as social media or PPC advertising. With Strikingly's integrations with platforms like Facebook Ads or Google Analytics, you can easily track how different channels contribute to overall conversions.

While there are both pros and cons of email marketing, using a tool like Strikingly can help you maximize the advantages and minimize the disadvantages. With its powerful features for creating visually appealing emails, managing your email list, tracking metrics, and integrating with other channels, Strikingly is an excellent choice for any business looking to improve its email marketing strategy.


Email marketing is a powerful tool businesses can use to reach their target audience and increase revenue. However, like any marketing strategy, there are pros and cons of email marketing. On the one hand, email marketing is cost-effective, increases brand awareness, and allows for personalization and segmentation. There are deliverability issues, possible legal risks, content creation challenges, and it can be time-consuming.

Finding the right email marketing tool that meets your business needs is essential. With Strikingly's email marketing feature, you can create visually appealing emails that catch your audience's attention. Additionally, Strikingly offers email list management tools that make it easy to segment your audiences based on their interests or behaviors.

Tracking and analyzing metrics is crucial in any marketing campaign. Strikingly provides analytics tools that allow you to track open rates, click-through rates (CTR), and conversion rates to optimize your campaigns for better results.

Finally, integrating with other marketing channels is vital for a successful campaign. Strikingly lets you integrate with social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter to reach a broader audience.

While there are pros and cons of email marketing as a whole; it remains an effective way of reaching customers when done correctly. By choosing the right tools, such as Strikingly's email marketing feature; businesses can leverage this powerful tool to increase their revenue while minimizing its drawbacks.