
It is said that you do not get a second chance at making a first impression. Therefore, you must go out of your way to create an outstanding first impression. The perfect packaging design for your product is your ticket towards creating that first impression and ensuring you permanently retain new customers.

Your packaging design is the first thing your consumer will notice about your brand, and good product packaging design can evoke strong positive emotions. This is why brands invest so much in their product packaging design. It is not a vague act of service but a purposeful act to wheel in customers and imprint a memorable brand impression in their minds.

Before we look at the importance of a good packaging design, let us first understand the concept of product packaging design and its role in brand growth.

What is Product Packaging Design?

Product packaging design is the process of visualizing and creating the exterior of your products. It helps define how your product looks and feels, protects the content of your product and enhances the customer’s unboxing experience. A good packaging design adds an element of sophistication, trust, and personalization to your brand. It gives you a great marketing advantage and singles you out among your competitors. Good packaging design is a catalyst for sales; it has the power to trigger an impulsive purchase.


Image taken from Strikingly Product

For instance, a customer might walk into a mall with zero intention of buying your product, but upon shopping, stumbles on your attractive packaging on the shelf and adds your product to their shopping cart. What do you think happened? A good product packaging design is a strong marketing tool for your brand. Invest deeply in it, and leverage its emotional power to elevate your brand.

Now that we know the meaning of product packaging design, let us look at its importance and the various ways we can tap from its amazing benefits.

Why is product packaging design important?

Research shows that customers are most likely to buy from a brand with better packaging than a brand with poor or no packaging at all. Imagine going into a store to purchase a plastic bottle of water. You are met with two options. One is a plain boring bottle on the right, without a label – no brand name, expiry, no manufacturing dates on the plastic bottle. The second one is a plastic bottle with a label wrapped around it. Every vital information about its manufacturers is written in bold, readable prints and attractive designs. Which of these products will you opt to buy? Your answer holds the core importance of product packaging. Poor packaging will never go unnoticed; it is a major turnoff for your customers. The following are the importance of product packaging design:

  • It influences consumers’ perceptions.
  • It protects your product.
  • It serves as a strong marketing tool.
  • It attracts buyers.
  • It differentiates your brand.
  • It facilitates easy use and convenience.
  • It Influences Consumers’ Perceptions

You must have heard the saying, ‘dress as you want to be addressed.’ This implies that a person's value, as perceived by others, is largely influenced by the person's outward appearance. The same is true for consumables and products. A consumer will always judge your product by its packaging. When saddled with a decision to pick between two products, equal in price and features, the consumer is most likely to buy the one they deem more attractive. This is because not only is a good packaging design compelling and interesting, but it also portrays the brand as a premium and quality brand, leaving the consumer with no other option but to like it, trust it, and initiate a purchase.

The packaging design for your product should complement your company's image and evoke brand recognition. It is advisable to stick to a consistent product packaging design because frequent changes to your product's packaging may confuse consumers or cause them to deviate from your brand. If you can maintain consistency, you can cultivate more loyal consumers.

  • It Protects Your Product

Packaging serves as a preservative to your product. The packaging protects your product from the effects of the strain it goes through during the production and distribution. Your product's packaging ensures the protection of the product's form and quality while also minimizing the risk of damage that could impact the product's desirability. For instance, biscuits or cookies are best consumed when crunchy and whole. When the packaging fails to protect the content properly, the cookie soaks in air, making it soggy and less desirable. This would definitely result in customer dissatisfaction.

Good product packaging will protect your product from adverse conditions such as breakage, spoilage, evaporation, spillage, light, heat, cold, etc. it will help you maintain your product’s standards and sustain desirability.

  • It Serves as a Strong Marketing Tool


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As earlier stated, your product's packaging influences consumers' perception of your product's value. Everyone loves great value, especially when the product is also affordable. Consumers will happily market your product on their social media platforms if it comes in a unique and aesthetically pleasing design. Brand influencers and media outlets will be more than willing to associate with your brand and product if your product packaging is top-notch. Your consumers will be compelled to repeat purchases of your product if your product packaging is premium. Consumers are more likely to verbally recommend your product to friends, families, and colleagues if your product comes in a premium, attractive packaging. This is termed ‘word-of-mouth’ marketing. Word-of-mouth marketing is a cost-effective online marketing tool employed by companies to boost sales, promote products and services, increase brand recognition, and build customer loyalty.

Your product packaging design must therefore have the ability to evoke the ‘wow’ factor from your consumers.

It Gives Your Brand an Edge Over Other Brands

The perfect product packaging design is a visual reminder of your brand. It imbues a vivid and lasting image of your brand in the minds of your consumers. This is referred to as brand recognition in marketing terms. Brand recognition is the extent to which a consumer can efficiently and confidently identify your brand via your brand’s visual representations, advertising campaigns, and audio cues (such as jingles or theme songs).

Strategic product packaging design allows people to remember images and sensations that made them embrace your brand's concept, strengthening their relationship with your brand. In essence, packaging serves as a visual reminder of your brand.

So, when choosing your next packaging design, consider your consumer’s needs and wants. Preferably, conduct thorough market research to get primary data on your consumer’s needs and wants; it will give you the appropriate insight to creating the kind of packaging that sells.


Image taken from Strikingly Product

  • It Guarantees Brand Uniqueness

Another notable importance of good product packaging is that it sets you apart from other brands. It promotes brand recognition and propels consumer loyalty. You may have noticed that many retail shops arrange products based on their similarity and features. Thus to prevent your product from getting lost in the crowd with the others, you must have a good product packaging design. An outstanding product packaging design separates your product from the rest; it accords your brand with the best possible attention from your consumer.

For instance, Apple has made a memorable name for itself in the minds of its audience and consumers with their distinctive Apple logo. The elegant, contemporary look of their logo and the uniqueness of the packaging design makes it easy to recognize an Apple product even from a distance.

Like two peas in a pond, a good packaging design protects your product from illegal brand imitations. Illegal brand imitation or counterfeiting involves duplicating or directly copying the features and qualities of a leading brand.

Examples of these brands and their imitation include

  • Nike vs. Naik
  • Puma vs. Fuma
  • Coca-cola vs. Big Cola
  • Dove vs. Dave

The market is highly competitive, and there are lots of 'brand imitators' waiting for you to launch your product, so they could imitate your innovative design. it is imperative therefore to adopt peculiar packaging that sells.

  • It Facilitates Easy Use and Convenience

Ease of use is crucial in product packaging. Ideally, your packaging should contain instructions for usage: this will guide your consumer on the proper usage of your product, and prevent abusive use. For instance, the medicine package should carry dosages for both adults and children, and most importantly, warnings if the consumer fails to adhere. Consumers look out for a product's size, shape, and structure before purchasing it. Flexible packaging can be effective in helping brands build a mutual relationship with consumers. For consumers, convenience is even more critical; it draws an initial sale and promotes brand loyalty.

Let's now look at the tips and tricks needed to develop a unique product packaging design.

Tips and Tricks for Creating a Great Product Package Design



1. Have Your Ideal Brand Identity in Mind

Your brand identity is your brand's unique personality. It consists of your brand voice, your communication techniques, how you want your target customers to relate to you, and your brand values. You must familiarize yourself with all these to develop a distinctive product packaging design.

2. Simple is the Real Deal

Make sure your design is simple, precise, and straightforward. A customer takes about 4-7 seconds to form an impression of your product, so avoid ambiguous words and designs. Keep it as simple as possible, and ensure you hit the nail directly on the head regardless. Check out these free, simple website designs by Strikingly that you can use to amplify your marketing efforts.

3. Package for Your Target Market

Endeavour to do your market research, and know what excites or appeals to your target market. They are the star of your product. A good packaging design will guarantee repeat orders. A bad one–well you already know what will happen.

4. Preserve the Environment

Where you can, use paper and cardboard-based packaging. It's more eco-friendly. Besides, it makes a product more attractive and easier to unbox than other packaging materials. Do away with excessive packaging that produces waste, and embrace product packaging designs that are eco-friendly. Limit plastic packaging. If you can, discard it completely. Do it to preserve our world.

5. Be Straightforward

Nothing ruins a brand like dishonesty. In designing your product package, ensure that what your customers see is what they get. Let the product features indicated on the package's design be the same as the product in the package. Do not give your customers the impression that you are a dishonest dealer. This is especially so when your brand has an eCommerce platform. Most eCommerce platforms have review sections, and one negative comment from a disgruntled customer could ruin your chances of getting more customers or selling more of your product. Ensure your packaging matches your product. If you have been meaning to build an engaging eCommerce platform, here are some templates we have for you at Strikingly.

In the world of entrepreneurship, a book is judged by its cover. A weak or poor product packaging design will make your product look a lot less valuable. This will, in turn, lead to poor sales and a weak brand image. The perfect product packaging design is just what you need to take your business from good to great. At Strikingly, we are here to help you create that perfect packaging design for your product.

See you at 'great'.