sustainable packaging

Back in the day, eco-friendly practices were very few in the business world. The objective of going green was only in the mind of a particular niche or a large-scale company. Nowadays, sustainable practices aren’t just lectured within different communities. They have become somewhat obligatory. Numerous organizations around the world have called out for more eco-friendly efforts to make the world better.

Putting things simply, if you’re an eCommerce store that has the objective of becoming more eco-friendly, you have to follow sustainable packaging trends. As the owner of an online store, you have the responsibility of selling goods to your visitors. Therefore, you are likely to use numerous materials while you do the packing and shipping of products. To help you with the packaging in eCommerce, we have provided a set of advantages and strategies. By going through it, you can interact with other eCommerce merchants who have done really well in terms of going green.

Advantages of Durable Packaging

product packaging

Image taken from Strikingly User’s Website

If we explain it briefly, durable packaging is environment-friendly and doesn’t limit natural resources. There is a lot to talk about regarding durable packaging solutions and strategies. But, have you thought about what you can get out of it? Below, we have shared three critical advantages of durable packaging for your understanding.

1. Improved Brand Loyalty

One of the most significant advantages of sustainable packaging is the impact it has on the customers. If you are more sustainable with your product packaging, it will help you improve your customer lifetime value. You will be able to get more customers on board and strengthen customer loyalty. Numerous studies have shown that customers focus on sustainability when choosing the best brands to do business with.

improve brand loyalty

Image from Strikingly User’s Website

According to a survey by CGS, a global provider of business applications, 70% out of the 1000 US respondents considered sustainability to have some sort of importance, whereas 47% of the participants claimed that they would pay a quarter more for the purchasing of sustainable products. According to research by Nielson, 48% of the customers want to evolve their consumption habits so that they can have a lesser input on the environment. The analysis figured out that sustainable product sales have potentially grown as high as 20% in the last seven years. There has been an estimation that the sales would reach $150 billion at the end of 2022.

2. Consolidated Storage

When you build an online store, one of your priorities is efficient storage. You can make it happen via the best packaging practices. If you are willing to offer sustainable packaging, then you must minimize packaging materials and wastes. Once you have more efficient storage, you can have more space to effectively house your products store merchandise.

3. Minimal Shipping Costs

A shipping policy is vital for any kind of business. If you are an owner of an eCommerce store, you will eventually get to it. If someone is unaware of what is sustainable packaging, shipping costs are likely to be the first thing that comes to their mind. If you ship smaller packages continuously, it is an ideal methodology for practicing sustainability. The most significant advantage regarding this is that it lowers your shipping costs.

For example, if you send a box with the dimensions 12x12x12 from New York City to Los Angeles, it will cost you $23.65 via UPS Ground. However, if you can fit the same box into a smaller box with dimensions of 10x10x10, your rate will go down to $17.72. With this effective strategy, you will save up to $5.93. If your country has another currency, it will only be more beneficial for you.

strikingly shipping rate

Image taken from Strikingly

If we talk about the packing slips, shipping rates are one of the critical information on it. Via Strikingly Simple Store, you can also set up the shipping rate on your orders. Through the shipping rate, your customers will understand the amount they are paying for a particular order.

Strategies for Durable Packaging

Now, as you know about the advantages of durable packaging and the things that you can get from it, you need to make sure that you integrate it as part of your plans. For that to happen, you must create effective strategies, which will help you improve your eCommerce store. Below, we have shared some key strategies for durable packaging, which will help you understand its technicalities.

1. Share the Best Recycling Practices

best recycling practices

Image taken from Strikingly User’s Website

The best strategy regarding top sustainable packaging is to educate your customers about the best recycling practices. By increasing awareness, your customers will know about disposing of packaging materials. This strategy can be complicated as it may require city-to-city campaigning. However, you can promote green marketing by sharing some of the best practices by labeling recyclable packaging.

2. Shipping in a Smaller Package

If you want to reduce the ecological footprint of the selling product, you can simply do that by reducing the packaging materials. By reducing the packaging materials, we mean to say that you can use smaller bags or containers for your selling products. By doing this, you will not just offer sustainable packaging but also reduce your shipping costs.

For example, if you are shipping food to your customers, you must figure out how to minimize your original shipping cost. Does that mean that you can wrap up the food in a smaller box? It could very well be an option for you regarding the shipping costs. However, you must make sure that by preserving the costs, you don’t compensate for the overall quality of the sold food.

3. Recycled Packaged Items

One of the biggest advantages of sustainable packaging is that recycled items can be used again due to an extended life. This also has a significant impact on your STP marketing strategy. Therefore, you must consider recycled packaging to extend the life of previously used materials.

Paperboard cardboard is one of the most fundamental examples of recycled packaging. It can be created by using paper pulp. Paper pulp is exceptionally lightweight and hardly a few minutes to be cut and formed, making life easy for the shipping boxes. Moreover, you can consider containers established from previously used plastic materials, like single-use bags and bottles. Such plastics are operated at a recycling location before being put back in order in packaging supplies.

4. Plant-based Packaging

Plant-based packaging is making a lot of noise in the world of product packaging. Just as you can see by its name, these materials are carried out by biological sources i.e. all sources from mushrooms to seaweed to food waste. It is one of the biggest sustainable packaging trends in the market today.

The best plant-based packaging method is based on the products you are inclined to sell or ship. For example, if you plan on selling food, you must prioritize certain materials that do not affect the flavor. Bioplastic is a good option to have in this regard. You cannot be using materials for the sake of using them and destroying the overall quality of your selling product.

The Input of Strikingly Regarding Durable Packaging

One thing that is a foregone conclusion for everyone is that eCommerce packaging takes time and effort. If we talk about top sustainable packaging, Strikingly provides options that help manage the business in a general sense, such as features integrated with websites, multiple product options, taxes, shipping options, etc. Taking care of these things helps greatly save time and money that can be spent on perfecting sustainable product packaging.

strikingly filter products

Image taken from Strikingly

When you have so many products to display on a website, it can be quite time-consuming for the customers to check the entire catalog. Through the filter feature of Strikingly, you can visualize your prescribed product in no time. If you want to set up the product filters on your website, you can head over to the categories page in the website builder’s store.


Image taken from Strikingly

Not everybody can singularly buy a shipping product. Therefore, if you can allow multiple shipping options for your products, it will generate great customer feedback. Strikingly ensures that by enabling multiple shipping options on their platform. With such care shown for customers of different dimensions, there is no chance that your customers leave your platform without being impressed.

One of the best sustainable packaging trends is how you showcase the product you are set to sell. For example, it will be great for your customers if you can showcase a high-quality product image alongside its description and product price. Your Strikingly website will build a strong reputation if you make your customers aware of all the critical details surrounding the product that you want to sell. This will enable people to buy more things and give them value for their money.

These are some of the features of Strikingly that you can use on your website to support durable packaging. Therefore, do not waste time and get down to business to improve your brand.