
In the online business world, website growth is everything. Everyone wants their website to grow like a beanstalk, but it can be more challenging than planting a magic seed. With growth, your business website becomes active, and your business becomes more engaged. Evident website growth is essential for attracting new customers. As your website grows, your reach expands, and you become more visible to potential customers. It's like opening up a brick-and-mortar store in a busy shopping mall - the more people see your storefront, the more potential customers you have.

Building credibility and trust with your customers come easy when a business website grows. A growing website signals to customers that your business is thriving and you're dedicated to providing the best products and services possible. It's like watching a plant grow from a tiny seedling to a full-grown tree - it shows that you're committed to nurturing and growing your business.

The online business is a fierce competition, and you need to grow to catch up. By focusing on website growth, you can ensure that you're always one step ahead of the competition and that your business is constantly evolving and improving. You can see how your business website is doing in many ways. One of them is through learning the purpose of sales reporting systems.

What is a Sales Report?

A sales report is a valuable tool that can help you track your progress and achieve your business goals. It is a document that summarizes your sales activity over a specific period. The purpose of sales reporting system includes information like the number of products sold, the revenue generated, and the average sale price. But the sales report isn't just a bunch of numbers - it's a powerful tool to help you reach your goals quickly.

The importance of a sales report lies in its ability to provide valuable insights into your business. By analyzing your sales data, you can identify trends, pinpoint areas for improvement, and make informed decisions about your business strategy. The benefits of reports in business are numerous - they can help you stay organized, track your progress, and make data-driven decisions. If you still need to start using a sales reporting system, it's time to start making sales reports a regular part of your business routine.

Still, trying to figure out where to start? Don't worry - plenty of resources are available to help you learn how to create a sales report that works for your business.


Image taken from System2Coffee

Benefits of Reports in Business

The gift that keeps on giving in the world of online businesses. If you're wondering what all the fuss is about, allow me to enlighten you on the benefits of these juicy reports:

1. Provides a bird's eye view of your business

Let's talk about how sales reports provide a bird's eye view of your business - you know, that aerial view that simultaneously makes everything look tiny and impressive. Sales reports are like the drone of the business world, giving you an overhead shot of everything that's going on. Compiling all your sales data into one place lets you understand how your business is performing. Plus, you'll feel like a high-flying CEO while you're at it.

The importance of sales reports cannot be overstated when it comes to getting a bird's eye view of your business. You might think you have a good idea of how your business is doing, but the reality is that you need complex data to know for sure. A sales reporting system can help you see which products are selling well, which are struggling, and where your sales are coming from. With this information, you can decide where to focus your efforts and how to improve your business. Get ready to spread your wings and soar to new heights with your very own sales report.

2. Helps with decision-making

Are you tired of making important business decisions based on gut feelings and wild guesses? By providing factual data on your sales performance, sales reports can be invaluable in decision-making.

The benefits of reports in business are numerous, but the ability to make informed decisions is perhaps the most important. Whether you're deciding which products to promote, which marketing channels to focus on, or how to allocate your budget, a sales report can provide the information you need to make the right call. Plus, when armed with complex data, you'll feel more confident in your decisions - like a superhero with a superpower that lets them see into the future. Put on your decision-making cape and learn how to create a sales report today!

3. Monitors progress

Do you ever feel like your business is running on a hamster wheel - you're pedaling as fast as you can, but you're wondering if you're making any progress? One purpose of sales reports is to help you track your progress and ensure you're getting somewhere. Regularly reviewing your sales report lets you see how your business performs over time and make adjustments as needed. It's like having your fitness tracker for your business, but without all the sweat.

The importance of sales reports must be balanced when it comes to monitoring progress. Without a clear picture of how your business is performing, it's easy to get stuck in a rut and not make any real progress. A sales reporting system can help you identify trends and patterns in your sales data, so you can make informed decisions about improving your business. Plus, by tracking your progress over time, you can celebrate your successes and identify areas where you still have room to grow your digital business. Take a grip of your clipboard and get ready to track your way to success with your sales report.

4. Identifies trends

Have you ever felt like you were living in the movie Groundhog Day, where every day felt the same, and you couldn't seem to break out of the cycle? Another impressive purpose of sales reports is to help you identify trends and shake things up a bit. By analyzing your sales data over time, you can see which products are consistently popular, which marketing tactics are working, and which need to be fixed. It's like having a crystal ball that lets you see the future.

The benefits of reports in business are many, but the ability to identify trends is one of the most valuable. Trends can tell you a lot about your business - what your customers like, what they don't like, and where you should focus your efforts. With a sales reporting system, you can easily spot trends in your sales data and adjust your strategy accordingly. Plus, you'll feel like a trendy trendsetter who's always one step ahead of the curve. Dust off your rose-colored glasses and get ready to identify some trends with your sales report.

5. Helps with forecasting

Are you tired of feeling like you're always flying by the seat of your pants when it comes to your business? Sales reports can help you make more accurate predictions and finally put that crystal ball you bought on eBay to good use. By analyzing your sales data and identifying trends, you can make informed forecasts about future sales so unexpected changes in demand are clear from catching you off guard. It's like having a weather forecast for your business - you'll always be prepared for whatever Mother Nature (or your customers) throws your way.

The benefits of reports in business are many, but the ability to forecast future sales is one of the most valuable. By predicting future sales, you can make better inventory, staffing, and marketing decisions to stay ahead of the game. A sales reporting system can help you identify trends and patterns in your sales data so that you can make accurate forecasts about future sales.

6. Creates accountability

Are you tired of feeling like your business is a lawless wild west with no rules or accountability? Sales reports can help you create much-needed accountability and keep your team on track. Regularly reviewing your sales report lets you see who's performing well and who's not, so you can hold your team accountable for their results. It's like having a sheriff in town who keeps everyone in line.

The importance of sales reports cannot be overstated when it comes to creating accountability. When everyone on your team knows their sales results will be reviewed regularly, they're more likely to stay on top of their game and strive for better results. A sales reporting system can help you identify areas where your team is falling short, so you can provide additional training or support as needed. Plus, when your team is held accountable for their results, you'll feel like a tough but fair boss who's not afraid to crack the whip. Saddle up, get ready to learn how to create a sales report, and rock the e-commerce world.

7. Provides insights for stakeholders

Do you want to feel like your stakeholders need to be more open regarding your business? One purpose of sales report systems is to shed much-needed light on your business operations and provide valuable insights for your stakeholders. By sharing your sales report with investors, board members, or other stakeholders, you can show them the big picture of your business and give them a glimpse into what's working and what's not. It's like being the star of your reality TV show, with your sales report as the script.

The benefits of reports in business are many, but one of the most important is the ability to provide stakeholder insights. When your stakeholders have access to your sales data, they can see how your business is performing and make more informed decisions about future investments or partnerships. A sales reporting system can help you create a clear, easy-to-understand report highlighting key data points and trends. Plus, when you can provide valuable insights for your stakeholders, you'll feel like a business guru finally getting the recognition they deserve. Hold on to your microphone and prepare to share your sales report with the world.


Image taken from Neoprene

How to Create a Sales Report

Now that you're sold on the benefits of reports in business, you might be wondering how to create a sales report. Fear not! Here's a quick rundown on how to make a sales report:

1. Choose your reporting period.

When creating a sales report, one of the first steps is choosing your reporting period. This is like deciding how long you want to run your reality show. Do you want to review your sales data weekly, monthly, quarterly, or yearly? It's up to you (and your attention span). Another importance of sales reports is that they give you an overview of how your business performs over time. Choosing the correct reporting period is critical to accurately understanding your sales trends.

To choose your reporting period, consider your business goals and the amount of data you want to review. A more extended reporting period might be helpful if you're trying to identify trends or monitor progress. On the other hand, if you're trying to make quick decisions or identify areas for improvement, a shorter reporting period might be better. When you're ready to create your sales report, you can use a sales reporting system to easily pull the needed data and organize it into an easy-to-read format. Grab your popcorn and settle in for your own sales report reality show, complete with your chosen reporting period as the star.

2. Gather your data

Gathering your data is a crucial step in creating a sales report. It's like gathering all the necessary ingredients to make a delicious cake. But instead of flour and sugar, you're collecting sales data. The importance of sales reports is that they give you a clear view of your business's financial health, so it's important to gather accurate and comprehensive data. You can use a sales reporting system to pull data from multiple sources and get a complete picture of your sales performance. Just be careful not to get too lost in the data - you don't want to end up in a sugar coma!

When gathering your data, collect information relevant to your business goals. For example, if you're trying to monitor progress or identify trends, you should collect data on sales volume or revenue over time. To make quick decisions, you should focus on more recent data or data from specific product lines. Once you've gathered your data, you can organize it into your sales report. Think of it like baking your cake - you've got all the ingredients, and now it's time to combine them and create something sweet or at least informative.

3. Create your report

Now that you've gathered your data, it's time to create your report - the moment of truth! This step is where all your hard work pays off, and you get to see the benefits of reports in the business. There are a few things to remember when creating your sales report. First, make sure it's easy to read and understand. Refrain from overloading it with too much information or fancy graphics distracting from the important data. You want your report to be like a well-decorated cake - simple and elegant but with enough charisma to make it stand out.

Another thing to consider when creating your report is who will read it. You can get away with a more informal style for internal use. But if you're presenting it to stakeholders or clients, you'll want to ensure it's professional and polished. And if you're feeling confident, you can add a little personality to your report - a joke here, a witty comment there. Just stay moderate, and make sure your report still conveys the important information it needs to. With these tips, you can create a sales report as satisfying as a perfectly baked cake.

4. Analyze your data

Once you've created your sales report, it's time to analyze your gathered data. This step is crucial because it's where you'll start to see the real benefits of reports in the business. You'll be able to identify trends, spot areas for improvement, and make informed decisions based on the information you've gathered. It's like being a detective, but you're solving business problems instead of solving crimes. And instead of a magnifying glass, you're using Excel spreadsheets.

When analyzing your data, staying focused and avoiding getting overwhelmed is essential. It's easy to get lost in a sea of numbers and forget what you were looking for in the first place. So take breaks, stretch your legs, and eat a snack. And remember, you don't have to do it alone. Reach out to your team or colleagues for help and bounce ideas off each other. Analyzing your data with the right attitude and approach can be fun and rewarding. You may uncover a hidden gem that can take your business to the next level.

5. Take action

After you've analyzed your data and identified areas for improvement, it's time to take action! This step is where the rubber meets the road, or the sales meet the customer. More than creating a sales report and analyzing the data is needed; you need to use that information to make changes and drive results. You may need to tweak your marketing strategy, adjust your pricing, or hire a new salesperson. Whatever the case may be, taking action based on your sales report is crucial for the success of your business.

But taking action can be easier said than done. It's easy to fall into analysis paralysis or get stuck in a cycle of overthinking. That's why having a clear action plan and staying focused on your goals is essential. Set realistic deadlines and enlist the help of your team or colleagues if needed. And remember, taking action is not a one-time event. You need to continually monitor and adjust your approach based on the results you're seeing. By taking action and using your sales report to drive improvements, you'll be well on your way to achieving your business goals and reaping the benefits of reports in business.


Image taken from Radio Eden

Make Sales Report With Us

Welcome to the world of sales reporting! Here at Strikingly, we make it easy for you to create a sales report as impressive as your quarterly earnings. Whether you're a sales veteran or a newbie, our platform has got you covered. All you have to do is sit back, relax, and let us take the reins!

Our platform provides an intuitive interface that allows you to easily input your sales data, adjust your parameters, and generate your report in no time. No need to spend hours poring over spreadsheets or fumbling with pivot tables. With Strikingly, creating a sales report is a no-brainer.

Create Sales Report from Your Analytics

Creating a sales report from website analytics can provide valuable insights into the performance of an online business. By analyzing website traffic, user behavior, and conversion rates, companies can better understand their customers and optimize their sales strategies. The report can include metrics such as the number of website visitors, the sources of traffic, the most popular products or services, the average order value, and the conversion rate. This information can help businesses identify areas to improve their website and marketing efforts and make data-driven decisions to increase their sales and revenue.

Here at Strikingly, you can monitor site activity based on unique visits through our default site stats counter. However, if you‘d like to get a more granular report on how your websites are faring in site traffic, you can use Google Analytics.

To view your sales analytics,

  • Go to your site editor, then select “Settings” tab.
  • Click on “Orders”.
  • Click on “View Stats” from your editor page to check on your sales reports.

Image taken from Strikingly

On the View Stats page, you can get a clearer picture of reports about your website visitors, the sales you got in the last 24 hours, 7 days, 30 days, or 90 days.


Image taken from Strikingly

Export Products to CSV

A comma-separated values file, or simply CSV, is a collection of data saved in a tabular format. These types of files can be used with almost any spreadsheet program, such as Microsoft Excel or Google Spreadsheets. CSV files help in organizing large amounts of data like your sales report.

Here at Strikingly, you can better make sales report for your online store. You can now export your store’s products to a CSV file, which can be opened in Excel or Google Sheets. With this tool, you can have a reliable sales reporting system to track your sales for a specific timeframe. You can easily edit products in bulk and re-import the changes, which is a time-saver if your store has a lot of products.

To export your products into a CSV file,

  • In your site editor, go to your Simple Store section.
  • Click on the “Store”, then select on “Orders” tab.
  • On the Orders Page, you can choose to export your products. Click on “Export Orders” tab.


Image taken from Strikingly

  • A pop-up will appear with options for selecting the time range and order status you want to export.
  • Click on “Export”.


Image taken from Strikingly

After exporting your products for your sales reporting system, we recommend opening the CSV file using Microsoft Excel or Google Sheets for a smoother workflow. Also, you can only export physical and service products. You can’t export digital products.

Looking for a website builder to create your sales report? Look no further! Strikingly is here to help you build the report of your dreams. With our user-friendly platform and top-notch features, you'll be whipping up sales reports like a pro in no time. Our platform provides you with the flexibility to create a report that is tailored to your unique requirements. Why settle for a generic report when you can have one that reflects your business?

Come join us at Strikingly, and let's get reporting! Chat with us today.