pinterest marketing

Although it is a unique social media platform, Pinterest has become an ultimate inspiration hub for millions of users worldwide. The visual search engine is the bread and butter for every marketer, artist, and influencer. However, it isn’t about scrolling down on your mobile phone and wasting time.

You can use Pinterest marketing for all kinds of business to conduct brand marketing. According to the recent statistical report on social media, the Pinterest platform has around 2 billion searches every month, with 55% of the users using this platform for shopping purposes. Apart from that, 87% of the users purchased a product thanks to Pinterest, whereas 93% tend to use it for future buying purposes. This shows that even though people still have names of Facebook and Instagram on their lips regarding social media, a huge section of the audience is inclined to the Pinterest platform.

Best Strategies for Marketing on Pinterest

Even though it isn’t as popular as Facebook or Twitter, the Pinterest platform is also making massive strides in marketing. Many top-class business owners are trying to integrate this platform into their working plans. After all, it is not just about sharing your content only across popular social media platforms. As a business owner, you must make sure that you popularize your content even in those mediums which aren’t that popular. This will enable you to attract new audiences. For your better understanding, we have shared some fundamental strategies for marketing on the Pinterest platform.

1. Complete your Profile

The first and most important rule is to complete your profile at all costs. Completing your profile is even more critical if running a business account. If your visitors aren’t unaware of all the essential details surrounding your business, you will expect to see a high bounce rate from your platform. Hence, it is the most critical Pinterest marketing strategy out there as your entire business reputation is based on it.

When you describe your brand, make sure that you include relevant keywords, which will be fundamental in attracting different sections of the audience. After writing the description, make sure that you upload an image. Regardless of it being a logo or a personal one, make sure that it isn’t blurry or informal.

2. Cover Photo

As we may see with so many other social media accounts, your cover photo may prove to be your first and last impression. If we talk about Pinterest marketing strategies, it is no different. When a visitor comes to your social media page, a cover photo is usually the first thing they recognize. Make sure that you use a high-quality image that looks attractive and catchy. Moreover, it should also indicate what your page is about.

quality cover photo

Image taken from Pinterest

Pinterest enables you to use an image that you can pin and put as a cover photo of your account. Therefore, you must make sure that you optimize your cover photos before associating them with any board. Strikingly enables you to work with a wide range of image sizes, dimensions, and styles. The backdrop photos of Strikingly are established to ensure that it fits all the screen sizes. To make it look pleasant, we recommend the picture size of 1600 pixels width and 900 pixels height.

3. Active Engagement

As is the case with all the social media accounts, you will not have a lot of followers initially when you open your Pinterest account. Initially, everyone has a few followers to interact with. However, the basis on which they increase their followers is their social media engagement strategies. An effective Pinterest marketing strategy will always consider direct messages an excellent option.

Make sure that you reach out to the people who have reacted to your posts. If anyone has repinned your images, you must regard them highly. Moreover, you can create group conversations to improve your engagement on Pinterest.

4. Follow Competitors

One of the most important Pinterest marketing strategies is to conduct competitor analysis. To improve your online business via Pinterest, make sure that you identify your competitors’ Pinterest accounts. You can check out the strategies they implement on their Pinterest account and learn from them. Maybe you can take a leaf out of their book and improve your business as well. If you follow your competitors, it is more than likely that they will follow you back. By following each other on Pinterest, you can cross-promote and encourage each other on platforms, which will enable you to interact with a wide range of audiences.

5. Blog Posts

share blog posts

Image taken from Pinterest

If you have seen any interesting blog posts, Pinterest for business can make the most out of them. Pinterest marketing will enable you to repurpose them in the form of infographics before utilizing them. Even though it uses the same content, it will display itself through attractive visuals. Just make sure that you spend a lot of time crafting the visuals, and you will be set to proceed. Most importantly, make sure that you don’t credit the author in your visuals.

6. Community Board

If we define it in simple words, a community board is an interactive board owned by an individual and has room for more creators to post on the board. You can use Pinterest marketing to create an effective web presence for your business through the community board. You can put in a request to join the already existing community boards. If you have created one yourself, you can send invitations to your competitors to collaborate with you.

You can discuss the appropriate community boards with your business team. By identifying the best community boards, you will have a chance to attract a highly targeted audience that you wouldn’t have had an opportunity to do previously. Apart from that, it is also a reliable social media platform to recognize relevant content to pin on your respective community boards. However, you need to keep refreshing your content. With time, people will repeatedly lose interest in the same kind of content.

7. Cross-Promote

As we have said previously, following the competitors will provide you with a chance to cross-promote on various social media platforms. It is one of the best Pinterest marketing strategies to promote your business in 2021 and beyond. If you have just started using this platform, you must use other social media networks to help you grow your audience and increase social traffic on Pinterest. You cannot just rely on high-quality content on your new social media platform to generate traffic.

For example, if you have a large fan following on Twitter, you can tweet about your new pin or post on Pinterest. Or, you can put an Instagram story of your new post on Pinterest. If you own a business account, this strategy becomes even more critical as it will make other businesses aware of the steps you are taking in the digital world. Using this strategy will announce your presence on Pinterest to your already existing followers on other social media platforms.

Embed Pinterest on Strikingly

Now that you have understood Pinterest marketing, the next question that arises is whether you can show your Pinterest pins and boards to your website visitors. The answer is yes, as you can easily embed Pinterest on your Strikingly website. Pinterest enables you to gather ideas from any category. For business owners, this platform allows them to establish their brand. We have shared a few steps below in which you can ensure that.

embed an app

Image taken from Strikingly

  1. Move to the editor (on the left side of your screen) and select “Add New Section”. This will bring you to the “App Store & HTML” section. After identifying that section, you can click on the “edit” button on the section that you have recently added.

strikingly app store

Image taken from Strikingly

  1. Look for the Pinterest app and click to select it.
  2. Add one of the following URL formats in the app box
  • User Profile
  • Pin Board
  1. After you have added the URL, make sure to click on “Save”.
  2. Get a complete overview of your website.
  3. That is it, keep enjoying and keep pinning your posts before they are displayed on your Strikingly website.


It is no good to do all the hard work regarding your business when you don’t have a superior social media platform for recognition purposes. Pinterest marketing strategies ensure that your hard work doesn’t go down the drain. Make sure that you check out all of the innovative strategies described above to improve your business through this platform.

strikingly pinterest marketing

Image taken from Strikingly

Pinterest is an incredible social media platform that enables you to increase your online sales and website traffic. Even though many small businesses are yet to understand its importance, it is slowly but surely gaining the spotlight in the marketing world. Once you start using this application, you will understand its impact on your business. So, make sure that you keep pinning your Pinterest posts and attracting new audiences to your website.