
The influencer marketing industry is booming, thanks to the fact that it gives brands access to a vast audience. But what if you don't have the budget for a big-name influencer? Or what if you want to reach an audience that's more specific than your typical macro-influencer can offer? Micro-influencers are the answer!

In this article, we'll go over what micro-influencers are and why they're so effective at engaging audiences on social media. In this article, we'll take a look at what influencers are, how they work with brands to promote products or services, and why they're a better option than traditional advertising.

What is an influencer?

You may already know what an influencer is—if not, it's someone who has a large following on social media. But what does it mean to have a "large" following? Well, that's up for debate. Some people think that anyone with 10k followers qualifies as an influencer; others think that you need 500k+ followers before you're worth your salt.

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Image taken from a Strikingly user’s website

Either way: if you've got a decent-sized audience and want to monetize your platform by promoting products/services in exchange for money/exposure (or both), you're probably better off with a micro-influencer.

What is a micro-influencer?

You may have heard the term "micro-influencers," and if you haven't, you soon will. It's a growing trend in marketing that has companies scrambling to find these niche influencers who can help them reach their target audiences.

Micro-influencers are online personalities with small but dedicated followings—usually under 100,000 on Instagram or Twitter. They're not celebrities; they don't have millions of followers who will buy anything they say or do simply because they're famous. Instead, they are people like your friends or family members who have one foot in life as an influencer and another in their real lives as normal people. Their followers feel like they know them personally because they share parts of themselves through social media: hobbies and interests; personal struggles; even some awkward moments (think #OOTD fails).

Why should you use micro-influencers?

The world has changed a lot in the last few years. We are now living in a digital and social world where mciro-influencers are playing a huge role. Before you create a micro-influencer campaign, you need to understand the benefits of using micro-influencers for your marketing campaign.

Here are a few considerations to help you decide if this strategy is right for your brand.

  • Micro-influencers are more authentic

Many people trust the recommendations of a brand by an acquaintance rather than a celebrity or well-known blogger. Not only are micro-influencers more relatable than macro-influencers, but they're also able to build trust with their audience because by engaging with their audiences on a more personal level and exhibiting the same characteristics as an everyday person.

Micro-influencers tend to be more attentive in engaging with their audience on social media platforms like Instagram or Facebook because they have fewer followers. They also tend to have higher engagement rates overall because they aren't bombarded by messages from brands who want them on their team. They're willing (and able) to take time out of their schedule to answer questions posed by potential customers asking about products/services or basically, anything under the sun!

  • Micro-influencers are more affordable than celebrities

Micro-influencers charge less than well-known bloggers or celebrities for sponsored posts and collaborations. If you have a small budget, you can work with a micro-influencer with an engaged audience ready and waiting to hear about what's new in your industry.

  • Micro-influencers are more approachable than celebrities

Micro-influencers are more accessible and open to working with new brands. You'll often find that they have a very personal connection with their audience members—after all, it's easy for people to connect when there aren't thousands of other fans between them.

Between celebrities and micro-influencers, these micro-influencers are better at building relationships with their followers. Imagine you're on social media, scrolling through your feed. You see an advertisement for a new movie starring one of the most famous people in the world—a celebrity with millions of followers. The ad says that if you buy tickets now and use this hashtag, you'll get an exclusive gift from them at the cinema. Excited about this new opportunity to meet your favorite actor or singer, you click it right away!

But when you get to the theater and ask for your free gift (which was supposed to be handed out by someone dressed as Santa Claus), they tell you they don't have any more gifts left because so many people had come looking earlier!

Now imagine instead of trying to meet a celebrity who didn't give his personal time or attention at all, how much more special it would feel if, instead, he did take time out of his schedule? Micro-influencers can do that.

  • Micro-influencers are more relatable than celebrities

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Image taken from a Strikingly user’s website

Micro-influencers are more approachable and relatable to their followers. More than that, they can also offer a more intimate experience for your audience. They don't feel like untouchable gods who can do no wrong—they just seem like normal people who share your interests and passions!

During their live sessions or on their video, they're more likely to share personal experiences or anecdotes you can't get from celebrities.

In addition to this point, there is also the fact that micro-influencers can connect with their followers on a deeper level than celebrities do because of their authenticity. They focus on building relationships with their followers more than famous people. While top celebrities may have millions of followers on social media accounts, many people don't follow them because they don't feel like they know them personally or share common interests.

Micro-influencers can connect with followers on a much deeper level because they typically engage regularly and genuinely care about what their audience thinks. If your company feels right for their niche or audience demographic, speaking directly with one or two experts will likely work better than getting an endorsement from someone else!

  • Micro-influencers are cost-effective

Let's face it: most of us can't afford to pay mega-influencers for a single Instagram post. But what if I told you that micro-influencers could cost a fraction of the price?

Normal people—that is, non-celebrities—can be content creators too. They have something to say and a following who will listen, so they're perfect for your brand's campaigns.

Not only are micro-influencers more affordable, but they're also far more targeted than celebrity endorsements. If you're running a campaign for beauty products, for example, it makes sense to partner with someone who has an audience that is interested in trying out new cosmetics and other beauty products (not necessarily at the level of an A-list celebrity).

The higher number of followers that micro-influencers can have gives them the ability to reach more people at a much lower cost. They have a higher engagement rate than macro-influencers, and their followers are more loyal to them. They are also more personal and intimate.

  • Micro-influencers have a higher engagement rate than macro-influencers

If you're looking at the engagement rates of posts from macro-influencers, you may be tempted to think that their followers are simply more engaged and, therefore, more likely to engage with content. While this could be true in some cases, it is unlikely that this is the case for all of them.

When choosing a micro-influencer, look at how many comments other posts on their feed have received. If there are hundreds or even thousands of replies per post, then they have a community that will respond more often than not when they share something new with them.

How do you find a good micro-influencer for your brand?

The first step in finding a good micro-influencer is to identify a group of people with a similar audience to your target market. If you're selling running shoes, for example, you might look for an influencer who has an audience that enjoys exercise and health—or maybe even just someone who's going through the same "runner's high" as your target customer.

It's important to know how many followers each influencer has so that you can ensure they're relevant enough to be worth working with (remember: there's no point in paying an influencer if they don't have enough reach!).

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Image taken from a Strikingly user’s website

The second step is determining whether or not the influencers are active on social media. This step ensures that their accounts won't grow stale over time and lose their impact on marketing efforts. For example, if you worked at Nike and wanted to work with an Instagram account called NikeRunnersWorldwide (4K followers). But you discovered that it hadn't been updated in three years and had only posted seven times total since its creation date back when your parents were still dating--well, maybe consider looking elsewhere!

The third step is looking at the content already created by each influencer. While this may seem like a no-brainer, it's important to note that not all influencers are equal when it comes to quality. For example, while an influencer might have thousands of followers on Instagram, if they only post one or two photos a month, then they probably aren't going to be worth working with—especially if their audience isn't engaged and interacting with them!

The fourth step is looking at how much influence each influencer has in their respective niche. You can track this by looking at each person's number of followers and the post-engagement rate. Suppose you want to work with a foodie micro-influencer. Check out their engagement rate. If you see that each post only has 20 likes and three comments, that person is obviously not worth it.

Are there any risks in working with micro-influencers?

Working with a micro-influencer can be a great way to get your brand in front of your audience, but it's crucial to ensure you're getting the right person for the job. You'll want to make sure that they are a good fit for your target audience and that they will deliver on their promises.

If you're not careful, you could risk alienating customers or even damaging your brand image by working with someone who doesn't align with everything else you stand for.

Another thing to consider is that micro-influencers are less likely to have a large following. This means that they may not be as effective at reaching your audience as someone with a larger following; however, it also means you're more likely to get their attention and work directly with them instead of dealing with an agency or other middleman.

If you're using a micro-influencer for the first time, you must get to know them to ensure they are the right fit for your brand and will deliver on their promises. It would help if you also clearly outline what is expected from both sides, so there are no misunderstandings in the future.

Use Strikingly for your micro-influencer marketing campaign

Strikingly landing page

Image taken from Strikingly

You might be wondering, "how can I use Strikingly website builder for my micro-influencer marketing?". Well, it's easy! Just follow these simple steps:

  • Use the Strikingly website builder to create a beautiful landing page with just a few clicks of your mouse.
  • Use Big Media sections to add videos from your micro-influencer.
  • Create a blog and develop a content marketing strategy related to your industry. You can also invite your micro-influencer to be a guest blog writer!
  • Add the Social Feeds section to add dynamic content to your website. This is particularly helpful if your social media channel is populated with content from your micro-influencer.
  • Use SEO. Follow Strikingly's SEO checklist to help drive traffic to your website and your campaign.
  • Share your website everywhere! You can ask your micro-influencer to add your website URL to their bio or comment section so their audience can find you easily.

Repurposeful UK social media section

Image taken from a Stritkingly user’s website

Once you have a landing page, you can use it to drive traffic and conversions by promoting it through social media. You can also share the page with influencers who already have an audience that might be interested in your offer. It's a surefire way to get more eyeballs on your website while building trust with potential customers!

If you want to build a connection with your audience, micro-influencer marketing is a great way to do that!

You've probably heard the adage that you should "find your tribe" before, but what does that mean? Well, if you're a brand looking to build a connection with your audience, this is where micro-influencer marketing comes in.

Micro-influencers are more likely to be able to relate to their audiences because they share similar interests and lifestyles. They tend to have smaller followings (but still substantial amounts!) and can build relationships with their fans by being more personal and authentic than larger accounts.

The best part about them? They're usually not charging huge sums for sponsored posts or product placements on social media -- so it's easier for brands without deep pockets to get involved!

What are you waiting for? Create your website with us today and find your tribe.