website security

You've created your website and taken all the necessary steps to ensure its success, but website security may have been something you forgot to consider. Lack of adequate security measures makes websites vulnerable to cyber attacks, which may be expensive to clean up, harm your reputation, and deter users from returning. Fortunately, strong website security can stop all of it. We'll go through the fundamentals of what is website security and what solutions can help to prevent a cyber assault from bringing your site down.

What is Website Security?

Website security refers to any measure taken or program implemented to ensure website data is not exposed to cybercriminals or to stop the website from being exploited. These procedures aid in defending a website's sensitive information, hardware, and software against numerous current attacks. Your website will be protected from the following security risks if the appropriate security measures are implemented:

  • DDoS assaults - These attacks can cause your site to load slowly or even crash, taking away all functionality and blocking access to it for users.
  • Malware - Malware, which stands for "malicious software," is a pervasive threat used to steal sensitive customer data, spread spam, give hackers access to your website, and more.
  • Blacklisting - If search engines discover malware on your site, this is what may happen. It can be blocked from search engine results and marked with a warning that discourages people from visiting.
  • Exploits of vulnerabilities- By taking advantage of weak spots in a website, such as an out-of-date WordPress plugin, cybercriminals can gain access to a site and its data.
  • Defacement- In this assault, malicious content from a cybercriminal replaces the content on your website.

By using best practices as discussed in this guide to website security, you may safeguard your visitors from these frequent dangers as well:

  • Stolen information- Hackers typically target visitor or customer information saved on a website, including email addresses and payment information.
  • Phishing tactics- Phishing attacks don't only occur in emails; in some cases, users are tricked into supplying critical information by visiting web pages that appear legitimate but are actually malicious.
  • Session eavesdropping - A user's session may be hijacked by some cyberattacks, forcing them to perform undesired actions on a website.
  • Malicious reroutes- Visitors may be diverted from the website they meant to visit a hostile website by specific attacks.
  • Google spam - It is possible to confuse your visitors and send them to malicious websites by adding strange links, pages, and comments to your website.

What Advantages Can Website Security Offer?

Safe websites' benefits include site security is a two-way process that benefits both users and site owners.

1. Boost SEO and Google Rankings

The trust factor is taken into account by search engines when determining where to rank a website. Why does it matter, though? Your potential customer is looking for your goods, services, and solutions. Ranking higher in search engines guarantees audience visits.

2. Protect User Information

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Image taken from Strikingly user’s website

When you secure a website, it enables the encryption of user information. As a result, it would be readable if it fell into the hands of an attacker or an unwanted recipient.

3. Avoid Litigation

Having a website that safeguards user data might help you stay out of court in case of a security breach. For companies that operate online, it is becoming an issue of increasing importance.

4. Higher ROI

Customers who believe a website also believe the vendor. It demonstrates the vendor's concern for the security of the consumer, which helps with sales. For instance, a customer is likely to conduct more business if he feels a transaction is secure.

5. Increase in Website Authenticity

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Image taken from Strikingly user’s website

When clients are aware of and confident in a company's official and legitimate website, they are less likely to fall for phishing schemes. Additionally, frequent or potential consumers will feel more comfortable interacting.

What are the Ideal Website Security Practices?

Sometimes the simplest approaches work the best for completing any assignment. You know the need to protect your website from hackers, but once you start looking into website vulnerabilities, you will encounter complex ideas and arduous remedies. However, there are some fundamental recommended practices to adhere to improve your website security. Here are eight crucial steps you can do right away to improve your website security:

a. Always Update Your Software

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Image taken from Strikingly user’s website

Updating any platforms or scripts you've installed is essential. Hackers aggressively target popular web software security gaps that must be fixed by updating the packages. Every piece of software you use needs to be updated and maintained.

b. Enforce a Policy for Strong Passwords

It's crucial to use secure passwords. Hackers frequently use complex software that employs brute force to break passwords. Passwords should be complex and incorporate capital, lowercase, digits, and special characters to prevent brute-force attacks. Your passwords need to have at least ten characters. This password policy needs to be followed throughout your company.

c. Make Your Login Pages Secure

On your login pages, employ SSL encryption. SSL enables the safe transmission of sensitive data such as login credentials, credit card numbers, and social security numbers. The data entered on a page is encrypted to make it unintelligible to any potential interceptors. This makes it harder for hackers to obtain your login or other sensitive information.

d. Employ a Safe Host

The web hosting company you choose will significantly impact website security. Ensure the host you select is knowledgeable about dangers and is committed to protecting your website. If your website is compromised, your host should have a backup copy of your data stored on a remote server that is easy to recover. Choose a host that offers ongoing technical help when necessary. CommonPlaces provides our clients with dependable, secure hosting.

e. Maintain a Clean Website

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Image taken from Strikingly user’s website

Databases, tools, and plugins on your website are all additional possible entry points for hackers. Any unused files, databases, or software should be removed from your website. Be proactive at all times when it comes to protecting the data of your company and customers.

f. Make a Data Backup

Maintain regular site backups. All your website files should be kept in backups in case your site is rendered inoperable, or your data is lost. You should periodically back up your files even though your web host provider should offer backups of their servers. There are plugins or extensions for some content management systems that can automatically back up your website, and you should be able to back up databases and content as well manually.

g. Check Your Website for Security Flaws

It's crucial to run regular website security scans to look for server and website vulnerabilities. Scan your website for vulnerabilities regularly and after adding or changing any web components. To gauge how safe your website is, various free tools are available online. These tools can be helpful for a quick check, but they won't find all of your website's potential security vulnerabilities. An in-depth analysis and explanation of the vulnerabilities on your website will be provided by having a professional run security scans on it.

h. Engage a Security Specialist

To improve your website security, establishing a partnership with a company that offers security services might be crucial. Although you can execute the smaller security measures on your own, many should be handled by a professional. Security service providers can frequently check your website for vulnerabilities, conduct thorough security audits, keep an eye out for unwanted behavior, and be available for repair when necessary. These valuable ideas cover the most fundamental techniques for safeguarding your website; you and your staff must constantly exercise caution. Never stop looking for website security measures. Don't let the evildoers triumph.

Introducing Strikingly

Here is another method or plan for to enhance your website security. The platform that your website is built on will have a significant impact on its security. The time when people and companies needed to employ a costly web developer to handle all the programming for their websites is long gone. They frequently had to work with a different website designer to build the layout and style of their site from scratch.

Strikingly is a rapidly expanding website builder that frequently releases new upgrades and capabilities to make it easier for users to create websites. We provide pre-made themes and a user-friendly interface, which together make it simple for any layperson to build a credible and appealing website for their company or personal brand. You may improve your website security in several ways with the help of Strikingly's capabilities.

  • For all of our users that utilize a custom domain for their Strikingly website, we automatically offer HTTPS.
  • If your website encounters a vulnerability or security issue, we enable you to clone or replicate it to keep all your material safe as a backup.
  • We offer trustworthy password protection measures to assist you in stopping any unneeded or unauthorized access to your website.
  • We give built-in website analytics so that you can always keep an eye on your site's performance. Additionally, we have an internal security system that continuously assures the security of your website.

In addition, you may run a smooth, safe, and secure website if you routinely do website security audits and are careful about the kind of content you distribute to your visitors on your web pages. By choosing our reputable website builder, you may have peace of mind knowing that even if your website is in danger, you won't have to deal with the problems on your own.

Through our live chat support, we are here for you round the clock and answer users right away. We have always been ardent supporters of website security and work to address any potential flaws in our users' websites.


Every brand in the digital age has a website that may be found on a search engine. Additionally, due to the enormous volume of daily transactions, the fast rise in e-commerce websites has forced businesses to enhance their website security. As a result, a website security guide is now essential in today's society.

As a business owner and webmaster, you can't just set up a website and ignore it. Security maintenance is still important even if building websites is now simpler than ever. Be proactive at all times when it comes to protecting the data of your company and customers. Whether it's personal information or information related to online payments that users put on your site, it needs to be in the right hands.