Website Footer

When you create a website, you need to get plenty of things in order. A website design isn’t just about the entire website content related to blogs and images. It is also about certain things that go under the radar. After all, there are so many things to consider, such as the website navigation, interface, and website functionality. Once the customers land on your website, they can become glued to it based on your typography, landing page design, colors, and navigation. One thing that is highly influential yet neglected in a website is the website footer design.

The footer of your website is as important for success as the quality features you display at the top of your web page. It serves as a pathway for the customers to look into a deeper understanding of a website. It helps in directing customers to different sections of a website. If you have seen the index at the bottom of your textbooks during college or university days, you can expect a footer to have a similar responsibility.

What is a Footer?

If you want to obtain a high conversion rate for your website, you must know what a website footer is. Also defined as footer web, it is a text block displayed at the bottom of every page on a particular website. In contrast to the footer, the header is something that appears on the top of your web page. Although the website design is the bread and butter of your visitor’s attraction, the design of your footer may be a thing that gets neglected by them. Footer will help you create a good impression with the best design and relevant content.

strikingly website footer

Image taken from Strikingly

One of the key things related to a footer is the call to action (CTA). Your CTAs must be included in your footer so customers get a sense of direction after landing on your website. The footer will act as a secondary website menu, ensuring that your visitors don’t miss out on the smallest of information and can be directed to different pages or sections.

Importance of Footer

1. Attraction

As we have discussed before, the website footer can be classified as a source of attraction to incoming customers. If the customers have gone through many websites before, they will likely check on each of your website elements and the footer could be part of them. If the customers have landed on a website for the first time, they won’t look beyond your landing page.

If the customers check the footer of your website, they will look at the design initially, just like they do with your landing page. Therefore, you must include quality visual elements to leave a good impression. For example, if your footer details are written in a quality font, it will make it easy for the visitors to read. Strikingly gives you a collection of font styles to select and allows you to create a customized font to ensure that your footer content is displayed correctly.

2. Presentation

When you are in a website's blog section, you will be going through articles where the footer contains a bundle of disorganized links. The best website footers do not have the same approach; they don’t make their visitors feel frustrated or disoriented. It is vital that everything is organized and related to your footer and that the font is visually appealing.

You shouldn’t just organize your footer links but also make sure that the links are readable to the public. It is also essential to complement the background color of your footer with the font color. Strikingly provides you with a color palette, which allows you to customize the font color of your footer. The importance of designing quality footers cannot be ignored, as they help users discover new elements in a website. It will not just be good in terms of a navigation tool; it also helps create a strong impression for your customers.

Important Elements of a Footer

1. Contact Us

Regardless of what website you open, it always has two objectives in terms of the customers. Firstly, it has the ambition of providing value to the visitors. Secondly, it has the objective of collecting contact information from qualified leads. Considering the importance, you shouldn’t hesitate to make the contact section part of your footer. Looking into the quality website footer examples on Strikingly, most website developers have put the contact section at the bottom of their web page.

contact email address

Image taken from Strikingly User’s Website

Habit House's website on Strikingly is one brilliant example related to the contact section of a footer. Most customers may get wide-eyed by the background image of their landing page, but professional website users will check their footer and become regular customers on this website. In this footer, you can clearly see their professional email address is displayed in the contact section. They collect the information of their qualified leads through this email address.

2. Social Media Links.

It is not a secret in today’s day and age that social media has become one of the biggest talking points in not just our profession but our daily lives. Our professional work is heavily influenced by the trending topics on social media. Therefore, you shouldn’t hesitate to include social media links in your website footer.

Social media has become a pathway to connect and communicate with quality leads. If a website has social media links in the footer, the company will give itself more opportunities to expand its scope. Just like you shouldn’t miss out on adding social media links in your contact section, you must adopt the same practice regarding your website’s footer. The influence of social media is here to stay and will be a huge part of every element of your profession and personal life.

3. Logo

website logo footer

Image taken from Strikingly User’s Website

Looking at the best website footers around the world, they give a lot of weight to the website logo. They give special consideration to not just its creation but also its placement. Usually, you can find website logos on the right side of the landing page. However, many website developers have different ways of including website logos. Even though it deserves a spot in your footer, you should include it by having the background color of your footer in mind. As the footer color is different from your main page, you should create a different appearance for your logo.

4. Navigation

footer navigation system

Image taken from Fandom

The most essential thing for a website footer is navigation. If all the website elements are placed in a sequence, they will look appealing to the eye, and customers will regard them highly. It is up to the website developer to decide the number of links he wants to include in the footer.

Influence of Strikingly

Just because it sits at the bottom of your website page, it doesn’t mean that your footer web should be less attractive than the rest of your website elements. When the visitors go through your website entirely, your website footer could be the last thing they visualize. You must give your footer the same attention as the rest of your website content. You must create a robust and clean design for your footer so that your visitors quickly absorb all the information you have added to it.

strikingly website builder

Image taken from Strikingly

Strikingly fully believes there is no margin for error while creating a website. Regardless of the website element being at the bottom of the page or at the top, it should be paid equal consideration. Even though it isn’t the first thing your customers see on your website, it can be pivotal in breaking the relationship with them.

Strikingly helps you create a well-designed footer that makes you achieve your business goals with strategic planning. We also provide a search engine optimization (SEO) checklist that lets you optimize all elements from an SEO perspective. To unlock everything in the SEO checklist, you must consider upgrading your subscription plan with us.


In today’s day and age, there are numerous website elements to take care of. For example, if you have an eCommerce website, you need to look at your landing page, the gallery section, your blog section, and most importantly, your landing page. You should go through all of the website elements to make sure that your customers don’t leave your website feeling disappointed. One of those important elements for customer satisfaction is the website footer design.

Before you create your footer, you must have a professional website at your disposal. Strikingly helps you connect all the dots for the website of your dreams. All you need to do is complete the registration on our platform, which will bring you under our free plan. The free plan will give you the authority to create the most basic website in minutes. With a collection of mobile-friendly website templates, your dream website will be on your computer screen within a few minutes.