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Using a free photo editor to tweak website images can be time-consuming but it is something that has to be done. We cannot emphasize this enough: visual marketing is a crucial element in website design. Images, graphics and videos have the power to drive traffic, shares, and conversions. In fact, your webpage is more likely to rank on search engine results lists if you have at least one relevant …

Everyone wants to be a blogger these days, thanks to the rising popularity of content creators and the huge income-generating potential of this niche. But starting a blog can be quite intimidating especially if you don’t quite know where to begin. The idea of having something you wrote being consumed by readers and actually shared to other people can be exhilarating but learning how to create a …

The entire Google Fonts library is now available on all sites for free! Try out some modern fonts for a fresh look

Whether you’re a professional starting out in your career or a small business owner looking to expand your operations, you need to establish a web presence to get ahead. Having a website is a non-negotiable if you want to build your brand online but if you’re on a tight budget, there are still a lot of ways for you to build your own online space without breaking the bank. Nowadays, you don’t need…

Every website needs an address - something that is catchy enough to attract the targeted traffic but simple enough that it is easy for users to remember. Getting a domain name is the first step towards building a proper website. A domain defines your brand and gives users an idea what your website is about. Choosing one is much like naming a child - it requires careful thought because your websit…

If you want to establish a web presence for your business and solidify your brand online, you need a website. And the first thing that you need to do to create a successful online space is to get a domain name. What is a domain name? A domain name is the address that people type into the browser URL to get to your site. If your website were a house, your domain name is the address. Every website…

When you’re in the process of building your career, the one thing that you should always strive for is to stand out. You have to differentiate yourself from all other candidates with similar educational backgrounds, work experience and basic skills as you do. Using a resume builder to create an online profile will give you space to market yourself to potential employers and headhunters. Having a…

Whether you’re a fresh graduate looking to land your first job or somebody who has been in the workforce for quite some time and is looking for new opportunities, you need a well-built resume to land the job that you’re aiming for. While it’s good to maintain profiles on professional networking sites like LinkedIn, building your own personal website can make you stand out. It will differentiate …

Set different tiers (including recurring paid membership) for your site, each accessing different pages, and each paid membership at different monthly prices. Grow your site membership revenue!

When you’re applying for a job or you’re trying to establish yourself as a freelance professional, you will constantly need to create and update a resume or an online portfolio. If you want to stand out in your industry, however, you should consider building your own personal website. If you want to go beyond a traditional CV, read more here for why a resume website is the best way to go. Set you…

With everyone spending most of their time at home, starting an online business might well become the most lucrative venture in this new normal. Clothing websites are cropping up all over the internet, eager to take a piece of the growing ecommerce pie. Over the next few years, experts see this particular niche grow into a multi-billion dollar industry and there’s a lot of opportunity for aspiring…

As a clothing retailer, you understand how important it is for any item to look good in order for it to sell. You know your brand more than anyone else - the kind of customers it appeals to, what kind of need it fulfills, how it plays with other styles and brands in its niche. You want to take this knowledge with you when you design clothing websites for your line. And while appearance plays an i…

Web design tends to feel like rocket science to the uninitiated. Getting the right combination of colors, fonts and other design elements can be a challenge for beginners. Even those who have dabbled in website building still tend to suffer from paralysis by analysis when trying to come up with that magical combination that will engage users and fulfill business goals and digital marketing object…

If you want to get ahead in the digital era, you need to start building your personal brand on the web. The internet may well become your most effective networking tool and it would be in your best interest to create your own personal website to serve as a central hub for professional information about you and your skills. Why you need a personal website The best personal websites are designed t…

When it comes to web design jobs, it’s best to expect stiff competition not just from seasoned web designers and web development agencies but also from younger creatives eager to practice what they have learned in school. Your resume can play a big role in your ability to land that job that you know you deserve. A web designer resume should be able to strike the perfect balance between professio…

You can now set individual products as pre-order products, and set an estimated delivery date for different products.