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The Ultimate Guide To Choosing Startup Names

June 2, 2023

Choosing your startup name is one of the paramount decisions you will make as an entrepreneur. A great name can help your business stand out and attract customers, while a bad one can be a major setback. This guide will explore some basic rules to remember when naming your business and how is Strikingly a crucial tool for startup names.

Basic Rules To Keep In Mind When Selecting Startup Names

When naming your startup, it's important to remember some basic rules. Your name should be easy to spell and pronounce, relevant to your industry or niche, and memorable. It should also be unique enough that it won't be confused with other businesses. Here are some basic rules of thumb to keep in mind when choosing a startup name:

  • Keep it simple. A straightforward, easy-to-pronounce name is always a good option. Shorter names tend to be more memorable. Avoid anything too long, complicated or confusing.
  • Make it unique. A distinctive name that stands out from competitors and does not directly convey what you do is ideal. Unique names tend to be more memorable and interesting.
  • Check for availability. Make sure any domain name, social media handles, and trademarks that match your desired name have not already been claimed. The availability of relevant handles also helps determine viable name options.
  • Consider the relatability. While unique is good, you also want a name that connects in some way to your brand identity, values, or target customers. The name should resonate in a meaningful way.
  • Think globally. For startups seeking an international reach, choose a name that translates well across cultures and languages or avoids references that only make sense for a specific regional audience.
  • Avoid fads or trends. Steer clear of any name options tied to a current fad or trend which is likely to feel dated as that trend fades. Choose a name with staying power.
  • Say it clearly. One of the first ways people will encounter your name is verbally. Name your startup that the average person can pronounce and understand easily at first glance. Difficult or obscure names do not make a good first impression.
  • Be aspirational. Select a name that conveys your growth ambitions and vision for the company's future. A name should feel inspirational and motivational to your teams and customers.
  • Legal considerations. Do some initial research to ensure any name options do not infringe on patents or trademarks. You want to avoid investing time and money into a name you cannot legally own or protect.
  • Timeless over trendy. While an ultra-modern name may seem appealing at the moment, a timeless name has the most longevity. Look for options with classic style over an overly trendy feel.

Continue to explore different strategies for naming your startup in this guide. We'll also discuss the impact of a name on branding, SEO optimization, online presence, legal considerations, and flexibility for growth. We will also analyze successful and unsuccessful startup names and the tools that can be used to generate startup names.

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Naming Strategies For Finding Startup Names

Naming your business is one of the most important decisions you'll make as an entrepreneur. It's your first impression of potential customers, investors, and partners. Here are some naming strategies for choosing a startup name.

Relevant And Memorable

Your startup name should be relevant to your business and memorable to your audience. It should convey what your business does and stick in people's minds. Avoid vague or generic names that don't differentiate you from the competition.

For example, Amazon is a memorable name that conveys the idea of a vast marketplace with everything you need at your fingertips.

Unique And Distinct

Your startup name should be unique and distinct from competitors in your industry. It will help you stand out in search results and avoid confusion with other brands.

For example, Uber is a unique name that stands out in the crowded ride-sharing market.

International Expansion Considerations

If you plan to expand internationally, consider how your startup name will translate into other languages and cultures. Ensure it has no negative connotations or offensive meanings in other languages.

For example, Nova was a popular car model in Latin America until it was discovered that no va means don't go in Spanish.

Testing And Feedback

Once you've brainstormed some potential names, test them with potential customers, partners, and investors to get feedback on how they're perceived. Use surveys or focus groups to gather feedback on which names resonate best with your target audience.

Consider using tools like Google AdWords Keyword Planner to see how often people search for keywords related to your startup names tips.

Image taken from Strikingly


Brainstorming Names

While brainstorming is a common practice for an entrepreneur, it can also help you find an appropriate name for your startup. Here are some tips for brainstorming and choosing a name to help you stand out in a crowded market.

Collaborative Brainstorming

One effective way to come up with a startup name is to collaborate with others. It can include friends, family, or colleagues who understand your business goals and target audience. Hold a brainstorming session where everyone can share their ideas and perspectives.

Make sure to set clear guidelines for the discussion, such as avoiding names that are too similar to existing businesses or names that could be offensive or controversial. Write down all the ideas on a whiteboard or paper so you can refer to them later.

Solo Brainstorming

If you prefer to work alone, there are still plenty of ways to come up with great startup names. Start by writing down words or phrases that describe your business, such as its mission, values, or unique selling proposition.

Use online tools like or to generate related words and phrases that could inspire your name. Try combining different words until you find something that sounds catchy and memorable.

Narrowing Down

Once you have a list of potential names, it's time to start narrowing them down based on criteria like availability (is the domain name available?), relevance (does it accurately describe your business?), uniqueness (is it distinct from others businesses?), and memorability (will people remember it?).

Consider conducting surveys or focus groups with potential customers to get feedback on which names resonate best with them. It can help narrow your list even further until you have just a few strong contenders.

Finalizing And Securing

Once you've chosen your last name, it's time to secure it by registering a domain name and trademarking it if necessary. Do a thorough search online and in trademark databases to ensure your name is not already used. Consider working with a branding or design agency to create a logo that complements your name and helps you stand out in the market.

The Impact Of A Name

Choosing your startup name is crucial in establishing your brand identity and making a lasting impression on your target audience. However, besides the target audience, startup names also impact other technical requirements of a company.

Branding And Recognition

Your startup name is the foundation of your brand identity. It's the first thing people will see and hear about your business. A solid name can help you stand out in a crowded market, build customer trust, and establish a loyal following.

To create a perfect brand name that resonates with your target audience, consider the following tips:

  • Keep it simple. Avoid complex or confusing names that are tough to spell or pronounce.
  • Be descriptive. Use words that describe what you do or what sets you apart from competitors.
  • Use emotion. Choose words that evoke positive emotions or feelings.
  • Make it catchy. Use alliteration or rhyming to make a catchy startup name that will be more memorable.

SEO And Online Presence

Your startup name can also have an impact on your online presence. A well-chosen name can help improve SEO by making it easier for people to find you online through search engines like Google.

To optimize your startup name for SEO, consider including relevant keywords in your business name or domain URL. It will make it easier for search engines to identify what your business does and improve its visibility in search results.

Legal And Ethical Considerations

When naming your business, it's vital to ensure the name is legally available. It means checking for any existing trademarks or copyrights on similar names or phrases.

In addition to legal considerations, it's crucial to ensure that the chosen name is ethical and doesn't offend any cultural or social groups. An insensitive or inappropriate name can damage your brand reputation and turn away potential customers.

Flexibility And Growth

Finally, choosing a startup name that allows for flexibility and growth is important. Your business may evolve over time, and your name should be able to adapt to these changes. Consider choosing a name that is broad enough to encompass future products or services or one that can be easily modified or rebranded if necessary.

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Name Examples And Analysis

Choosing your startup name is a crucial step in building your brand identity. It's important to come up with a name that is memorable, unique, and relevant to your business.

Successful Startup Names

  • AirBNB - This popular vacation rental platform has a name that is easy to pronounce, memorable, and relevant to its business model.
  • Dropbox - It suggests a place where you can store your files securely in the cloud, which is exactly what the company offers.
  • Google - The name has become synonymous with search engines and has become so popular that it's now used as a verb.
  • Uber - It suggests speed and convenience, which is exactly what the ride-hailing service offers.
  • LinkedIn - The professional networking site's name describes exactly what it does: it connects people for work-related purposes.

These successful startup names have several things in common: they are easy to remember, relevant to their businesses, and have become part of our everyday language.

Unsuccessful Startup Names

  • Cuil - The search engine attempted to rival Google but failed partly due to its difficult-to-pronounce name.
  • Friendster - The social networking site was once popular but eventually lost out to Facebook due to its clunky-sounding name.
  • Juicero - It was created as a juice machine criticized for being too expensive and unnecessary; its bizarre-sounding name didn't help matters either.
  • Pay By Touch - A payment technology company had a forgettable name that failed to stand out in an already crowded market.
  • Quirky - This product development company had a fun-sounding name but ultimately failed due to mismanagement and financial issues.

These unsuccessful startup names lacked memorability and relevance or were too difficult to pronounce. It's important to keep these factors in mind when naming your business.

Resources And Tools

When it comes to naming a startup, a variety of resources and tools are available to help you brainstorm ideas, narrow down options, and ultimately choose the perfect name for your business. Here are some helpful resources to consider:

Name Generators

Consider utilizing a name generator tool if you're having trouble coming up with ideas for your company's name. You may enter terms relating to your company or industry into these tools, which will provide a list of suitable startup names for you to consider.

Some popular name-generator tools include:

  • NameMesh
  • Business Name Generator
  • Panabee
  • Namelix

Remember that while these tools can help generate ideas, they may not always provide the most unique or memorable startup names.

Thesauruses And Dictionaries

Thesauruses and dictionaries can be great resources for finding synonyms or related words that can help inspire your startup name. Consider looking up words related to your industry or the products/services you offer, and see if any spark inspiration.

Some popular online thesauruses and dictionaries include:

  • Merriam-Webster Thesaurus
  • Oxford English Dictionary

Research And Trademark Databases

Before settling on a startup name, it's important to do thorough research to ensure that it isn't already used by another company or trademarked by someone else. It can help you avoid legal issues down the road.

Some helpful research and trademark databases include:

  • United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO)
  • European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO)
  • Google Patents
  • WIPO Global Brand Database

Design And Branding Services

Once you've chosen a startup name, developing a strong brand identity around it is important. Consider working with a design or branding service to help you develop a logo, website, and other branding materials that align with your chosen name and overall brand vision.

Some popular design and branding services include:

  • 99designs
  • Fiverr
  • Canva
  • DesignCrowd

Remember, choosing your startup name is just the first step in building a successful business. Having a strong brand identity and online presence is critical to make your company stand out in a crowded market. If you have the appropriate materials and equipment, you may position yourself for success immediately.

Image taken from Strikingly


How Is Strikingly A Crucial Tool For Startup Names?

Here are ways Strikingly can be a crucial tool for choosing and launching your startup name:

  • Check domain availability. Enter your name ideas into Strikingly's domain search to instantly see which .com or .co domains are available for purchase. Finding an available, matching domain is key to determining viable name choices.
  • Design a visual brand. Use Strikingly's logo maker, color palette, and font tools to design a visual brand identity around your new name. Your brand design, including a logo, helps bring your name to life and establish a cohesive identity.
  • Build a landing page. Create a one-page site on Strikingly to help launch your new startup name. Include details about your business focus, mission, founders, and brand to start promoting your name and raising visibility.
  • Integrate email marketing. Use Strikingly to connect to an email service like Mailchimp so you can start sending newsletters and campaigns to spread the word about your new name and brand launch. Email marketing helps drive traffic and buzz.
  • Gain social traction. Add your startup name, visual brand, and Strikingly landing page to your social media profiles. Then begin actively posting and engaging with your networks to increase awareness and interest around your new name.
  • See how people respond. Share your name options and brand designs with potential customers and connections to get feedback on what resonates most. Their input helps ensure you choose a name with the impact you want.
  • Make it official. Once you have selected your name, use Strikingly to launch your company website officially. Continuously optimize your online presence and brand to build around your new name.
  • Measure and iterate. Use Strikingly's built-in analytics to gain insights into how people are responding to your new name and related brand elements. Make any needed changes to strengthen your positioning and impression.

Strikingly provides an end-to-end solution for choosing, designing, and launching an impactful new startup name. It simplifies the naming process while giving you the tools to make a powerful introduction to your brand. With the right strategy, a distinctive new name, and an optimized online presence, set your startup up for real visibility and success.


Choosing the right startup name is crucial for your business's success. The Basic rules include relevance, memorability, uniqueness, and international expansion considerations. Successful startup names are often short, catchy, and easy to remember. Unsuccessful ones may be too generic or difficult to pronounce.

The impact of a name goes beyond branding and recognition. It also affects SEO and online presence, legal and ethical considerations, and flexibility for growth. Strikingly offers a user-friendly platform enabling you to easily test out startup names, receive feedback, and launch with a professional website. With customizable templates and built-in SEO optimization features, Strikingly can help you establish an online presence that builds your brand identity.

Remember that choosing a startup name is not just about being creative or clever - it's about creating a lasting impression on your target audience. Keep it simple yet memorable, unique yet relevant - representing what your business stands for.

Don't rush into making a decision - take the time to test out different options with potential customers or colleagues before finalizing your choice. And most importantly - have fun with it! Naming your business can be a creative and exciting process that sets the tone for your company's future success.