Build a Winning Graphic Designer Resume Website with Strikingly for 2023

· Building Your Site,Promote Your Site,Design Inspiration
Graphic Designer Resume with Color Palettes

In today's competitive job market, having a professional graphic designer resume website is crucial for showcasing your skills and standing out. With the help of Strikingly, you can easily create a winning graphic designer resume website that highlights your expertise and impresses potential clients or employers. This blog will provide an overview of the sections covered in this guide, ensuring you have all the necessary information to create an impactful online presence.

A well-designed and visually appealing graphic designer resume website is a digital portfolio that allows you to showcase your creative skills and experience. It provides potential clients or employers a platform to explore your work and get a sense of your design style. Having a professional website can establish yourself as a credible and talented graphic designer.

How Strikingly Can Help Create A Winning Graphic Designer Resume Website

Strikingly is an intuitive website builder that offers templates to create stunning graphic designer resumes. With its user-friendly interface and customization options, Strikingly makes it easy for even those with no coding experience to create a visually impressive website. Its drag-and-drop editor lets you easily customize the layout, colors, fonts, and more, ensuring your website reflects your unique design style.


This blog will provide step-by-step guidance on how to create an effective graphic designer resume website using Strikingly. We will cover various sections such as showcasing your skills with an eye-catching homepage design, crafting an impressive about me page, displaying your portfolio with impactful projects, highlighting your expertise with testimonials, creating an engaging blog to share insights and updates, optimizing your website for better visibility through SEO techniques, incorporating contact information for easy communication with potential clients or employers.

1. Showcase Your Skills with a Stunning Homepage

Rosa Villa Graphic Website Design

Creating an eye-catching homepage design is crucial when building a graphic designer resume website. Your homepage is the first impression potential clients or employers will have of your skills and creativity. It needs to capture their attention and showcase your unique design style.

Utilizing Strikingly's templates and customization options can significantly enhance the visual appeal of your homepage. With a wide range of professionally designed templates, you can easily find one that suits your aesthetic preferences. Additionally, Strikingly allows for easy customization, allowing you to personalize every homepage aspect to reflect your individuality as a graphic designer.

One effective way to showcase your graphic design skills is through visual elements on your homepage. Incorporating images, illustrations, or interactive elements can give visitors a glimpse into your creative abilities. Whether displaying some of your best design projects or creating unique graphics for your homepage, utilizing visual elements will leave a lasting impression on potential clients or employers.

By creating an eye-catching homepage design that utilizes Strikingly's templates and customization options, you can effectively showcase your graphic design skills and leave a lasting impression on potential clients or employers.

2. Craft an Impressive About Me

Antoine's Graphic Designer Website

Crafting an impressive About Me section on your graphic designer resume website is crucial in showcasing your experience, qualifications, and unique personality. This section allows potential clients or employers to glimpse who you are as a professional and what sets you apart from other graphic designers.

Highlighting Your Experience And Qualifications

When creating your About Me section, it is essential to highlight your relevant experience and qualifications in graphic design. Share details about your previous work experiences, internships, or freelance projects demonstrating your expertise in various design software, techniques, and concepts. You establish credibility by showcasing your past accomplishments and skills and show potential clients or employers why they should choose you.

Incorporating Your Unique Personality And Design Style

Apart from highlighting your professional achievements, it's important to incorporate your unique personality into the About Me section of your graphic designer resume website. Use this opportunity to let potential clients or employers understand who you are as a designer beyond just the technical skills. Share insights into what inspires you creatively, how you approach design challenges, and what makes your design style stand out. This personal touch can help create a connection with visitors and make them more likely to remember you.

Including Relevant Keywords To Optimize Your Website's Visibility

To ensure that your graphic designer resume website is easily discoverable by search engines, including relevant keywords throughout the About Me section is crucial. Incorporate keywords such as create a graphic designer resume website, graphic design resumes, graphic design resume examples, graphic designer resume sample, and resume graphic design strategically within the content. This will improve the visibility of your website in search engine rankings and increase the chances of attracting potential clients or employers.

3. Display Your Portfolio with Impactful Projects

Antoine's Graphic Designer Website

Creating a well-curated portfolio section is crucial when building a graphic designer resume website. It lets you showcase your best graphic design projects and demonstrate your skills and expertise to potential clients or employers.

Importance Of A Well-Curated Portfolio Section

A strong portfolio section on your graphic designer resume website is essential because it visualizes your capabilities. It allows visitors to see the quality and range of your work, making it easier for them to assess whether you are the right fit for their design needs.

Importance Of A Well-Curated Portfolio Section

When selecting which projects to include in your portfolio, choosing those that highlight your strengths and align with the type of work you want to attract is important. Select projects that demonstrate versatility, creativity, and problem-solving skills.

Utilizing Strikingly's Gallery And Layout Options

Strikingly offers various gallery and layout options that can help you impactfully present your graphic design projects. You can choose from templates that allow easy customization, ensuring that your portfolio section reflects your unique style as a designer.

By utilizing Strikingly's gallery features, you can create an engaging visual experience for visitors browsing through your work. Whether displaying images, videos, or interactive elements, Strikingly provides the tools necessary to ensure each project stands out.

Remember, your portfolio section reflects your skills and expertise as a graphic designer. Choosing projects that showcase your best work and utilizing Strikingly's gallery and layout options are important to create an impactful visual experience for visitors.

4. Highlight Your Expertise with Testimonials

Theor Karsenty Website Design

Including testimonials from satisfied clients or employers is a powerful way to showcase your skills and expertise as a graphic designer. Positive feedback from others can help build trust and credibility, making potential clients or employers more likely to choose you for their design projects. By incorporating testimonials on your graphic designer resume website, you can effectively demonstrate the value you bring to your clients.

Utilizing Strikingly's testimonial feature is an excellent way to enhance the credibility of your website. With this feature, you can easily display testimonials in a visually appealing format that catches visitors' attention. Whether a short quote or a longer testimonial, Strikingly allows you to customize how they are presented on your website.

By including testimonials from satisfied clients or employers, you are providing social proof of your skills and capabilities as a graphic designer. These testimonials serve as evidence that you have successfully delivered quality work and have satisfied previous clients or employers. They highlight your ability to meet client expectations and showcase the positive impact of your designs.

Including relevant keywords such as graphic design resumes, graphic design resume examples, graphic designer resume sample, and resume graphic design within the testimonials can also help optimize your website for search engines. This ensures that when potential clients or employers search for these keywords, your website will appear in their search results.

Incorporating testimonials into your graphic designer resume website not only adds credibility but also provides potential clients or employers with insights into what it's like working with you. It allows them to see firsthand the positive experiences others have had when collaborating with you on design projects.

By showcasing positive feedback through testimonials on your Strikingly-powered website, you can effectively highlight your expertise as a graphic designer and increase the chances of landing new opportunities.

5. Create an Engaging Blog to Share Insights and Updates

Inksome Tiny Website Design

  • Exploring The Benefits Of Having A Blog Section On Your Website

Having a blog section on your graphic designer resume website can provide numerous benefits for your career. It allows you to showcase your expertise in the field, share industry insights, and establish yourself as a thought leader. By regularly updating your blog with relevant and valuable content, you can attract potential clients or employers who are seeking a skilled graphic designer. Additionally, a blog can help improve your website's search engine ranking by providing fresh and keyword-rich content.

  • Sharing Industry Insights, Design Tips, And Updates

One of the main purposes of having a blog section on your graphic designer resume website is to share valuable information with your audience. You can write about industry trends, design tips and tricks, or even provide tutorials on various graphic design techniques. By sharing your knowledge and expertise through informative blog posts, you not only establish yourself as an authority in the field but also attract readers who are interested in learning from you.

  • Integrating Strikingly's Blogging Platform For Seamless Content Creation

Integrating Strikingly's blogging platform into your graphic designer resume website makes it easy to create and manage engaging blog posts. With its user-friendly interface and customizable templates, you can effortlessly create visually appealing blog layouts that align with your overall website design. Strikingly also offers features like scheduling posts in advance and allowing readers to leave comments, enhancing the interactive experience for both you and your audience.

6. Optimize Your Website for Better Visibility

Barbara Szucz Website Design

To ensure that your graphic designer resume website gets the attention it deserves, it's crucial to optimize it for better visibility. Here are some strategies to help you achieve that:

  • Incorporating Relevant Keywords Throughout Your Website

One of the most effective ways to improve your website's visibility is by incorporating relevant keywords. This includes your homepage, about me section, portfolio, and blog posts. Using keywords such as create a graphic designer resume website, graphic design resumes, graphic design resume examples, graphic designer resume sample, and resume graphic design strategically in your content, you can increase the chances of your website appearing in search engine results.

  • Implementing Proper Metadata And Descriptions

Metadata plays a crucial role in optimizing your website for search engines. Ensure that each page on your website has a unique title tag and meta description that accurately describes its content while incorporating relevant keywords. This will not only help search engines understand what your website is about but also entice users to click through to your site.

  • Utilizing Strikingly's SEO Tools To Improve Your Website's Search Engine Ranking

Strikingly offers a range of SEO tools that can help you optimize your graphic designer resume website further. These tools allow you to customize elements such as page titles, URLs, meta descriptions, and alt tags effortlessly. Additionally, Strikingly provides valuable insights into keyword usage and suggestions for improvement, ensuring that you're maximizing the potential of each page on your site.

By following these optimization strategies and utilizing Strikingly's SEO tools effectively, you can significantly improve the visibility of your graphic designer resume website and attract more potential clients or employers.

7. Incorporate Contact Information for Easy Communication

Leo Liu Design

Providing contact information for potential clients or employers is crucial when creating a graphic designer resume website. This allows them to easily contact you and inquire about your services or job opportunities.

You can include your contact information in various website sections, such as the header, footer, or a dedicated Contact page. Include your email address, phone number, and professional social media profiles.

You can streamline the communication process by using Strikingly's contact form or social media integration features. The contact form allows visitors to send messages directly from your website, while social media integration enables them to connect with you through platforms like LinkedIn or Behance.

Ensuring easy and convenient communication channels is essential for building trust and establishing professional connections. Promptly responding to inquiries and providing clear instructions on reaching you will leave a positive impression on potential clients or employers.

Showcase Your Skills with a Graphic Designer Resume

Anne Sigismund Website Design

Building a graphic designer resume website is essential in showcasing your skills and standing out in a competitive industry. With Strikingly's help, you can create a professional and visually appealing website highlighting your expertise.

Recapping the importance of building a graphic designer resume website allows you to present your portfolio, skills, and qualifications in an organized and visually appealing manner. It also provides potential clients or employers easy access to your contact information for seamless communication.

Strikingly offers various templates and customization options to create a unique homepage that captures attention. You can showcase your graphic design skills through visual elements, making a lasting impression on visitors.

  • Crafting an impressive About Me section allows you to highlight your experience, qualifications, and unique personality. Incorporating relevant keywords helps optimize your website's visibility in search engine rankings.
  • Displaying your portfolio with impactful projects is crucial for demonstrating your capabilities as a graphic designer. Utilizing Strikingly's gallery and layout options lets you curate a well-presented portfolio showcasing your best work.
  • Including testimonials from satisfied clients or employers adds credibility to your expertise and skills. Strikingly's testimonial feature enhances the credibility of your website by showcasing positive feedback from past clients or employers.
  • Creating an engaging blog section on your website allows you to share industry insights, design tips, and updates. Integrating Strikingly's blogging platform makes content creation seamless and helps attract more visitors.
  • Optimizing your website for better visibility involves incorporating relevant keywords throughout the content, implementing proper metadata and descriptions, and utilizing Strikingly's SEO tools to improve search engine rankings.
  • Incorporating clear contact information ensures potential clients or employers can easily reach out to you for opportunities. Whether using Strikingly's contact form or social media integration, providing convenient communication channels is essential.

Building a graphic designer resume website using Strikingly offers numerous benefits in showcasing your skills, qualifications, and portfolio. It allows you to create a professional and visually appealing online presence that distinguishes you from the competition. Start building your winning graphic designer resume website today with Strikingly and take your career to new heights.