It's quick to get preoccupied with the main elements of web design. After all, there's the interface to consider, the navigation to implement, and the functionality to think about. By its nature, a website can entice visitors from the moment they arrive. It's all about the design, colors, typography, navigation, and more.
That's why many (if not all) web designers concentrate on creating the top portion of a page's design appealing, focus, and intuitive from a user's perspective. The website footer, however, can be just as critical to your site's success as those eye-catching features at the top.
A website footer serves as a gateway to deeper involvement. It helps to direct people to different pages or areas of the website. It makes them want to do something about it. A website footer, simply put, is the part of a website that appears at the bottom of each web page. This section is also set out similarly to the index at the back of a textbook, with links to articles or tools, contact details, and other useful information.
It's critical to understand the importance of website footers, how a footer design looks, and how they can function to their fullest potential, whether you're building your own website or simply browsing the web for answers. This guide will go into everything you need to know about adding a website footer. In addition, you'll find 8 website footer examples to get you started.
What is a website footer?
A website footer or a footer web is a text block that appears at the bottom of each page of a website. The heading of your website, however, is the segment that appears at the top of the page. Although the design of your homepage is always what gives visitors their first insight into your website, your footer design is likely to be the last thing they see. It will help you reach your website's key objectives by creating a meaningful and enduring impression with the best design and content.
Your CTAs (call-to-action) should be in your website footer. It's the perfect spot where your website visitors can contact you or join your mailing list. Your website footer will function as a secondary website menu, ensuring that visitors don't miss any important details and directing them to your different pages with simple navigation. You may also opt to highlight specific items, such as customer testimonials, your social media pages, or press.
Finally, a good footer design gives you a place to arrange basic information, including terms & conditions, privacy policies, and other legal concerns. You'll be able to devote the remainder of your site to building an entertaining user experience and attracting new customers now that all of these formalities are in one place.
Why is footer design important?
After all of the time and effort that goes into creating a website, it's easy to overlook this final step. Though a website footer design is tucked away at the bottom of a page, it does not indicate that a user's experience is over. Instead, the best website footers can serve as a portal to other content, show tempting social icons, collect email addresses, and convey additional information to users.
A website footer design is critical on two fronts, aside from providing a visual conclusion to your web page:
- Regarding the End-User
A footer design gives visitors access to valuable information that isn't always available or easy to find in the main menu, such as contact information, the "About Us" tab, terms of service, or press releases.
- Owners of Websites
A footer may provide a forum for a business owner to advertise and promote activities, deals, famous posts, and social media accounts. Offering visitors useful footer resources and tools builds confidence and respect, which can lead to more followers and frequent users.
3 Important Reminders for a good footer design
Now that we've identified why footers are critical, let's take a closer look at the components and things you must remember that make up a compelling website footer design.

- Attractiveness
Since the appearance of the footer is the first thing a consumer sees, it's important to have some visual elements. Having something visual at the bottom of a page to please the visitor's eye is crucial, whether it's buttons, a logo, diagrams, or even a colored pattern.
- Concentration on the brand
From the color scheme to the graphics and typography, a footer must be compatible with the brand's aesthetic. For example, if a logo appears in the page's header, it might be necessary to repeat it in the footer.
- Presentation matters
Too often, you'll be reading an article or blog on a website when you see a jumble of disorganized links in the footer. As a customer, this can be disorienting and frustrating. It's necessary to carefully organize the right material and ensure that the font is visually appealing.
The importance of properly designing website footers cannot be overstated, since they effectively provide users with the opportunity to discover new details about your website. Furthermore, not only can it be a useful navigation tool, but it can also be a good way to make a good first impression on others.
8 Footer Content Elements to Include
A website footer serves as a resource for travelers by providing information and navigation options at the bottom of web pages. The aim of website footer design is to support visitors and achieve business goals by deciding what to include.
I bet you’re excited to know each footer examples we listed. The next move is to refine the content in your footer once you've hooked users with a great design. Website footers often give you a place to put all of your important contact information, such as your physical address, phone number, email signup, and other details. Footers are a straightforward part of a design that provides useful details that would be out of place elsewhere.
- Copyright protection
Copyright infringement of digital property belonging to you and your small business customers is a critical part of maintaining an efficient and profitable online presence. A copyright notice protects your work by informing anyone who visits your website that using any of its material without permission is illegal.
This image is taken from Strikingly Product
- Sitemap
Although it is unlikely that many users will click on it, an HTML version of a sitemap helps search engines like Google locate and index pages on the web. Links to the About Us tab, contact us page, privacy policy, shipping and handling, shopping cart, image gallery, services page, and all other related web pages should be included in the sitemap footer.
This image is taken from Strikingly Product
- Contact Us
A website's two main goals are to offer value to visitors and to collect contact information from qualified leads. Making it as simple as possible to contact the company is one way to meet each of these needs.
This image is taken from Strikingly Product
- Social Media Links
Connecting with quality leads on social media is a tried-and-true way to create and communicate with them. A company will create more opportunities to expand its scope by including social media profile links on the website footer.
This image is taken from Strikingly Product
- About Us
Adding a link to your company's "About" page on your website can have a big effect on visitors. A compelling mission statement, who we are, or even a couple of clever lines that fit your company's style, will make a lasting impression on visitors and encourage them to return to your site in the future.
This image is taken from Strikingly Product
- Logo
A logo is an excellent tool for representing a company's branding and reinforcing its brand identity in the marketplace. Although it deserves a spot in your website's footer, the rules for how your logo should appear to vary slightly. The background color of a site footer, for example, is often different from that of the main page.
This image is taken from Strikingly Product
- Terms & Conditions
A Terms & Conditions connection in the footer of a website usually leads to a legal disclosure that outlines what users are agreeing to when they use your service or product.
This image is taken from Strikingly Product
- Getting Around
Saving the best for last, the website footer is the final point of contact for a lost user. If they can't find it above the fold, a navigation section at the bottom can guide them to the topic they were originally interested in or want to learn more about.
This image is taken from Strikingly Product
One thing to keep in mind is that all of these elements do not have to be present in the same footer at the same time. Let's face it, that'd be a lot to process. It is up to you, the website owner, to determine which links should be included in the footer of your site. When you consider what your users are most likely to need and use, keep these 8 elements in mind.
Maximizing Website Footer Elements
Since it's at the bottom of your page, your website footer doesn't have to be any less attractive than the rest. It's possible that it'll be the last thing your followers notice. It's a must to give it the same amount of consideration as the rest of your content when it comes to design. Maintain a clean and clear footer design so that visitors can quickly absorb this final, vital information.
It's only the tiniest details that make all the difference. Constructing your website's footer is unlikely to be a priority on your to-do list when it comes to building a website. Keep in mind this frequently overlooked piece of content can make or break a visitor's experience. A well-designed footer will help you achieve your business goals with some consideration and strategic planning.
This image is taken from Strikingly Website
Before you start listing down the features you need to add to your website footer, you need a website first! What better way to build one is through Strikingly. We can help you build a stunning website for your start-up business. With various templates to choose from, a mobile-friendly interface, build your website in minutes! You could never go wrong with this option. Create your account now!