blog banner title Unlocking the Power of Product Marketing

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When you’re planning to set up a business, you have to think about the importance of product marketing. In simple terms, product marketing is about effectively showcasing suitable products to the target audience. But building a relationship between the customer and the business is more important than just selling stuff.

Think of it like curating the ideal soundtrack for a relaxing night in. Similarly, product marketers choose their products carefully and present them to clients in a way that is both appealing and relevant. You want to ensure that each song flows into the following rhythm and that the overall atmosphere of the playlist matches the mood you're trying to create.

Knowing what clients seek is key to building a product narrative that resonates with them. Product marketing managers work hard to understand them to create a marketing strategy that appeals to their target audience's requirements and desires. Every product marketing strategy must take into account the needs of the customer. After learning what the customers want, product marketers focus on strategy to keep their products at the forefront of consumers' minds.

We will guide you to product marketing and how it can generate sales for your business, so read on.

What is product marketing?

Product marketing is a technique that aids organizations in comprehending the needs of their target market and creating a plan to sell that market the benefits of their goods or services.

Any company that manufactures and sells physical or digital items must invest heavily in product marketing. Understanding your target audience's needs, wants, and pain areas are the process's first step. The product marketing team uses this data to develop a unique selling proposition (USP) that emphasizes the product's salient features and how they meet customer wants.

The product manager and their team begin creating promotional content and campaigns for the product after they establish the USP. Anything from product manuals and videos to website material, social media posts, and sponsored advertising could fall under this category. Additionally, they ensure that the target customer can quickly obtain the product and that its price is competitive.

After the product is finally released, the team monitors sales information and customer reviews to determine how the product is doing in the market. They use this data to improve performance and boost sales by making necessary product and marketing plan changes.

The ultimate objective of product marketing is to create buzz and demand for the product, which will raise sales and profits for the business.

What is the importance of product marketing?

Product marketing is a potent weapon a business can use to succeed in the market. It enables a business to comprehend its target market, develop a special selling proposition, promote product awareness and demand, optimize pricing, assess and enhance product performance, and achieve internal alignment, all of which can result in more sales and revenue.

The development and execution of marketing initiatives and materials that increase consumer awareness and interest in the product fall within the scope of product marketing. Sales growth and revenue for the business may result from this. The product marketing manager and their team can optimize the product's price to be well-received by the target consumer by pricing the product competitively in the market and evaluating competitors' pricing strategies.

Product marketers can learn how their product is doing on the market by monitoring sales statistics and customer feedback. With this insight, they can adjust their product and marketing approach to enhance performance and boost sales over time.

Here's a guide to product marketing enhancement that you can use to generate sales:

1. Market research

The first step in product marketing is to conduct market research to understand the target market and the competitive landscape. Surveys, focus groups, and interviews with prospective consumers can be used to learn more about their requirements, problems, and criteria for making decisions. The research can also involve studying the competitors, what they offer, their marketing strategy, and their positioning.

Adding Strikingly's custom form to your website can help you make various types of forms that can help with creating surveys to know more about your customer's needs and wants. You can use the data you gathered from these forms to improve your product marketing strategy and boost sales

2. Product development

Once the market research is complete, the product marketing team works with the product development team to design a product or service that meets the target market's needs. This could involve making changes to an existing product or developing a new one from scratch.

Strikingly pop-up section

Image taken from Strikingly

You can then introduce your product improvements with the help of Strikingly's pop-up feature. Activating a pop-up for your site is a breeze -- just head over to the Settings section, then hit Promotion, and finally, Pop-Ups. Sign up for our Pro plan to take advantage of more cool features for your website.

3. Positioning

Creating a positioning strategy for the product is the next step in product marketing. This strategy should identify the product's key selling points and how it stands out from the competition. Your company should inform the target market of this positioning once it has been identified through all marketing efforts, including packaging, ad text, website material, and social media. For the market to comprehend how the product is different and why it is valued, it is crucial to maintain consistency across all of these channels. Product positioning aims to establish a distinctive picture and message for the product in their minds to make it simpler for target customers to select a product over rivals.

4. Pricing strategy

The importance of product marketing also lies in determining the appropriate pricing for your product. It is essential to look into the competitive price, account for production costs, and assess how much the client believes the product is worth. The pricing strategy should also consider different package options, such as free or basic and premium versions.

Strikingly's paid membership section

Image taken from Strikingly

If you plan to offer paid subscriptions to your target market, Strikingly's membership tiers can come in handy. For example, if you want to offer online courses and be paid monthly, simply activate the membership feature on your website and set up the pricing on different tiers.

5. Marketing plan and materials

Product marketing plays a crucial role in creating a website for a good or service after it has been developed, positioned, and priced. The product marketing team is responsible for developing a comprehensive marketing strategy to promote the product or service to the target market. One of this strategy's key components is using various marketing tools such as brochures, videos, email campaigns, websites, and social media posts to reach the target audience.

Strikingly's social feed section inside the site editor

Image taken from Strikingly

Building a website with Strikingly allows you to reach a wide range of audience. With the help of Strikingly's social feed section, you can show the most recent content you've posted to your page on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter. It's a terrific approach to keep your website updated with fresh information without much work.

6. Promote, promote, promote!

With the marketing materials and plan in place, the product marketing team will work to promote the product. It can involve public relations, influencer marketing, content marketing, advertising campaigns, and other initiatives promoting product awareness and interest.

Strikingly's newsletter feature

Image taken from Strikingly

With the help of Strikingly's newsletter feature, you can send emails to your audience and promote newly launched products, enhancements, and other promotions that you are currently offering.

7. Sales support

In addition to offering assistance and training, the product marketing manager and their team should collaborate closely with the sales team to create sales collateral, including presentations, brochures, and case studies. Furthermore, they should assist the sales team in developing a focused message and positioning consistent with the product's main advantages.

8. Metrics and Analysis

Finally, to assess the success of your product marketing initiatives, the product marketing manager and their team should keep an eye on crucial data, like website traffic, social media engagement, and sales. This data allows you to modify your product marketing strategy and tactics to improve results. You can gain a clear sense of how well your product marketing efforts are connecting with your target audience by keeping an eye on these data points, and you can then make any required adjustments to improve results.

Keep up with market trends and shifts in the competitive environment to guarantee the ongoing effectiveness of your product marketing operations. To ensure continued success, the product marketing team must be flexible and willing to change course as needed. Making sure that the product or service is appropriately communicated and received in the market, calls for continual study, analysis, and iteration.

It's vital to bear in mind that product marketing is not a one-time event; it's an ongoing effort that requires continuing attention and commitment. Product marketing is a crucial stage for a product to be well received in the market and realize its full potential, from researching the target market and positioning the product to design the marketing campaigns to monitoring the results and altering the plan as needed.

In summary, product marketing is a dynamic process that helps companies to understand their target market, develop products and services that meet their needs, and effectively communicate the value of those products and services to drive sales and growth. It includes various activities, like market research, product development, pricing, and advertising, all aimed at effectively communicating a product's or service's value to a target market.