Website Audit

Do you think that you have achieved everything after creating a professional website for your business? If you think that way, you are doing yourself no favors in the world of digital marketing. Creating a professional website is just the start of your long journey in the digital world. After completing the development, you must know about all the required sets of tools and innovations to audit a website. So, if you think that your hard work isn’t getting rewarded after developing your website, you don’t need to worry.

Strikingly is a website platform that has made it easy for you to build and manage your online space. Before you think about doing a website audit, you must know everything about your website statistics. By going through the website stats, you will understand all the key areas of your website that need addressing. The more you review your website, the better chances you will have to minimize your website’s deficiencies.

What is a Website Audit?

If you want to see an improvement in your website’s Google rankings, you must know how to do website audit. Wix blog claims that an audit of a website is as important as developing a website. If you have spent a lot of time in the kitchen making lunch, but the food doesn’t go as you expected, all your hard work is wasted. This is precisely the case with an online audit and its generated results. If you have worked hard to create your website, but the audience doesn’t value it, you have nothing to show for your hard work.

doing data analysis

Image taken from Strikingly User’s Website

The aim of this check-up is to go through all the functionalities and the ability to be searchable online. Once your website is active, you can conduct the audit right away. An audit ensures that there are no problems with your website traffic and searchability. If there are problems with your visibility on search engines, it will directly impact your traffic and online sales.

Importance of a Website Audit

1. Performance and Analytics

Are you looking for new upgrades on your established website or in the process of making a website? Regardless of your answer, your success will depend on your website’s performance and functionality. When you go through your website audit checklist, all of the factors involved will revolve around these two factors. As we have said in the previous step, you must ensure that Google recognizes your website. Your dashboard contains all the essentials of your website sections.

search engine optimization

Image taken from Strikingly User’s Website

To improve your website, you must understand a few technical aspects, such as search engine optimization (SEO) and technical SEO audits. These are the terms that define the overall success of your website. They ensure that your website doesn’t just appear on Google but also maintains an ideal ranking. If you don’t conduct an audit of your website, you will not understand the issues. After all, the audit isn’t just for improving your website. It is also for your audience.

2. Protects Brand Image

The most important thing about running a website audit is saving you from bankruptcy and website shutdown. As the world is becoming digital completely, cyber-attacks are also increasing day by day. Cyber attacks don’t just hurt your revenue but also destroy your brand image. It takes years of hard work to build a strong image in the digital world, and it takes seconds to completely destroy it. Before you even know it, all your hard work in building a brand image will go down the drain.


Image taken from Strikingly User’s Website

Audits help you to eradicate data breaching. Once you master the practices of an online audit, you will protect your brand from online data hacking. A thorough audit will also send a positive message to your audience, who will waste no time spreading good vibes about your professional website. Strikingly believes in the maintenance of a brand image after creating a website. You can build ideal website logos to suit your online business. By bringing uniqueness to your online business, you can create a strong brand identity.

3. Protection Against Hackers

It is not a secret anymore that hackers are one of the biggest threats in the IT world today. With time passing by, the hackers have become so powerful that they take away all the good you have done to your business website. They manipulate your website before destroying it completely. By being at the right place at the right time, they take away all the critical details surrounding your system information and personal data. When you conduct a website audit, your biggest priority is to protect your website from these hackers.

An ideal website audit will protect your website from all the drawbacks. You cannot remove all the hackers from the digital world, but what you can do is create a strategy that eliminates all their malicious activities. Once you plan their activities ahead of time, you will take immediate steps for safety precautions.

Tips to Do Website Audit

1. Speed Assessment

When you start running a website audit, the first step is to review the website speed scores. An article on Wix stated that in 2010, Google announced that they would prioritize page speed to decide which websites should be made visible for searching purposes. This concept is pretty simple i.e. the faster your website speed, the more chances your website will have to get recognized by users.

improve google rankings

Image taken from Google

If you want to improve website statistics, pick a quality platform, such as Strikingly. Thanks to our technical staff, we have improved the speed of our website over the years. Due to their hard work, the average page speed insight score is around 90. If your website has a good page speed insight score, it directly influences your position in the Google rankings. However, you must take the right steps to maintain your website speed.

2. Check SEO Indicators

When you conduct a website audit, you must prioritize relevant SEO strategies. If your website is SEO optimized, it will be found on search engines. You can address all the SEO issues, such as meta tags, meta descriptions, canonicals, etc. Strikingly provides users with all the tools for SEO optimization.

strikingly seo checklist

Image taken from Strikingly

Strikingly believes in implementing SEO strategies on a website. We provide our users with an SEO checklist, which helps them check out all the sections of their website from an SEO perspective. When you create a website on Strikingly, you shouldn’t have the mindset that you have done all the dirty work. It is just one of the steps you have taken in your digital journey. You should take all the required steps to ensure that your hard work doesn’t get wasted. You must develop a strong customer base and create strategies to eradicate all the malicious activities conducted by hackers.

3. Password Security

Password security is one of the crucial things in your website audit checklist. Passwords are one of the common things to protect not just a website but almost everything related to a digital world. When you open your mobile, you likely have to enter a password for unlocking purposes. If you have critical data in an app, you can place a password on that app so only you can access it.

Similarly, Strikingly gives users a chance to protect their websites by using a password. You can even place a password on every web page for protection. However, you must note down all the passwords in a notepad to remember all of them clearly. Putting a single password on all of your web pages is a totally different argument. Your website contains special characters, upper and lower case letters, and numbers.

4. SSL Certificate Renewal

You cannot be running a website audit without including an SSL certificate review. SSL certificates are important for the process of website development. Without an SSL certificate, your website and credentials will be in hot water. They ensure that all the communication within your business website is encrypted.


In today’s day and age, there has been a negative trend among many marketing people worldwide. They believe that once they have created a website, they can start doing everything to make their business relevant in the mainstream media. However, even if they do the right things, their hard work is not rewarded. The reason for that is the ignorance of a website audit.

If you don’t audit a website, you leave yourself exposed to the hackers and scammers in the online world. Strikingly will provide you with the best web services and tools for maintaining your brand website. This will help you create an ideal brand strategy and promote audience engagement. Moreover, we have a team of Happiness Officers that can interact with you 24/7. So, get started today and make your website the best it can be.