
Producing valuable and engaging content is essential for any company trying to have a robust online presence in today's digital environment. To reach the intended audience, outstanding material needs to be delivered and promoted in addition to being created; this is where content seeding comes in. With content seeding, you can extend your material's reach, increase website traffic, and raise user interaction by strategically distributing it on relevant and well-liked sites.

We'll delve into the details of content seeding in this article, along with methods and best practices for effective implementation. You'll leave with a better grasp of how to promote your content and efficiently increase your online presence, whether you own a small business or a major multinational. Sit back and enjoy the read!

What is content seeding?

Content seeding is a marketing strategy involving placing your content on other websites and platforms to expand its reach and drive more traffic and engagement. It's like planting a seed and nurturing it until it grows and attracts more and more people. Think of it as a way to get your content in front of more eyes and attract a new audience to your website.

Content seeding is a simple concept that can be effective when executed correctly, and it's a great way to amplify your online presence and boost your visibility on the web. In a nutshell, content seeding is a way to share your content with a broader audience, increasing your website traffic, engagement, and potential customers.

For starters, it's critical to comprehend that the purpose of content seeding is to deliver relevant and worthwhile material to a chosen audience. A content seeding strategy is achievable by posting or disseminating material on sites like social media, forums, or specialized websites that your target audience is likely to visit. People are more likely to visit your website, follow your social media accounts, or buy your product or service if they see and interact with your content.

How to use content seeding

One of the key advantages of content seeding is that it allows you to reach a wider audience than you would through traditional advertising. Instead of targeting a specific group, you can get anyone who comes across your content online. It can also help establish your brand as an authority in your industry by providing valuable information and resources to your audience. There are many ways to use content seeding, such as blogger outreach, influencer marketing, and sharing your content on online forums and communities.

When creating a content seeding strategy, you should identify the channels that your target audience frequents and choose the distribution methods that will work best for them.

Momentary website landing page

Image taken from Momentary

Moreover, it's crucial to create high-quality, engaging content that will be shared and viewed by a wide audience. By adhering to these methods, you can efficiently use content seeding to promote your company, reach a larger audience, and boost your online presence.

Different types of content seeding

Content seeding is a great way to promote your content and reach new audiences. You can use several different types of content seeding, including blogger outreach, influencer outreach, content syndication, social media sharing, forum, community posting, and paid advertising.

Each content seeding strategy type has its pros and cons, so choosing the approach that best aligns with your goals and target audience is important. When mixed and matched, a content seeding strategy can help you reach a more diverse audience and increase your chances of success. The content seeding examples below can help you decide which content seeding strategy can help your audience grow.

  • Blogger Outreach

Reaching out to popular bloggers in your industry is a good way to promote your brand and increase your online visibility. You can tap into their large and engaged audiences by building relationships with these bloggers and asking them to share your content on their website or social media channels. This content seeding strategy can be a highly effective way to reach new customers and promote your brand.

When connecting to bloggers, it's important to be professional and to clearly explain how your content can benefit their audience. Offer them something in return, such as a link back to their website or a mention on your social media channels. Additionally, It's crucial to understand their niche and audience and tailor your approach accordingly.

Strikingly's newsletter sending from custom domain

Image taken from Strikingly

With Strikingly's newsletter feature, you can send emails to multiple bloggers at once. It's ideal if you want to promote your branding and individualize every connection with the bloggers you want to connect with.

Another way to reach out to bloggers is by creating content specifically for them, increasing their chances of publishing it on their websites and sharing it with their followers. It's also important to remember that building relationships with bloggers takes time and effort, so be patient and keep going if you get a response immediately. Keep reaching out and building those relationships, and eventually, you'll be able to leverage their reach and promote your brand effectively.

  • Influencer Outreach

Similar to blogger outreach, partnering with popular influencers on social media platforms like Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube is another effective way to promote your content and reach a wider audience. Influencer marketing has become increasingly popular in recent years as it allows brands to tap into a large audience and engage with the followers of these influencers.

It's vital to choose those who align with your brand and have an audience that is similar to your target market when partnering with influencers. Contact them with a professional and clear message explaining how your partnership will benefit both sides. And make sure to offer them something in return, such as monetary compensation or a product sample.

  • Content Syndication

It's critical to determine the websites and platforms that your target audience uses when developing your content seeding plan and to pick the distribution strategies that will be most effective for them. It's also essential to provide top-notch, captivating content that will be shared and viewed by a large audience. One powerful content seeding strategy is to partner with other websites to share your content on their platform. This kind of content seeding strategy is possible via RSS feeds, automated content distribution, or manual content submission.

Strikingly's blog editor with RSS feed

Image taken from Strikingly

Using RSS feeds to automatically share your blog posts on other websites that accept RSS feeds can help you acquire a broader range of audience and drive more traffic to your website. Another example is automated content distribution services, which can help you get in touch with multiple websites and social media platforms with a single click. Take a look at this article to enable RSS feeds on your website.

Manual content submission is another way to seed your content; it involves reaching out to websites and blogs in your niche and asking them if they would be interested in publishing your content on their platform.

  • Social Media Sharing

Social media sharing is one of the content seeding examples where you share your content on social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn. Add social media icons on your Strikingly website's footer so your audience knows where they can find you.

This content seeding strategy can include sharing blog posts, videos, infographics, and other types of content to reach new audiences.

  • Forum and Community Posting

One method of content seeding is posting your information on websites with communities and forums devoted to your sector. This content seeding strategy is a terrific approach to promote your brand and reach a larger audience. This content seeding strategy includes sharing blog posts, videos, and other types of content and engaging with the community through comments and discussion threads.

Participating in these online forums allows you to mark yourself as an authority in your industry and develop connections with potential clients.

When sharing your content on forums and communities, it's essential to be professional and to provide value to the community. Share relevant and helpful information, and avoid spamming the community with self-promotional content. Engage in discussions and offer solutions to people's problems in the industry.

Remember, it's crucial to research and identify the communities and forums that your target audience frequents and tailor your approach accordingly.

  • Paid Advertising

Paying for advertising on various platforms is an effective content seeding strategy to promote your content and reach a wider audience.

Using paid advertisement as your content seeding strategy can include display ads, sponsored content, and influencer partnerships. These methods allow you to target specific demographics and get your content in front of the right people. For instance, display ads can be placed on websites your target audience frequents, while sponsored content allows you to share your content directly on a platform, such as social media. Partnering with influencers is another way to get your content in front of a large and engaged audience.

Strikingly website landing page

Image taken from Strikingly’s landing page

When creating your advertising strategy, it's crucial to identify the platforms that your target audience frequents and to choose the advertising methods that will work best for them. You also have to make high-quality, engaging content that will be shared and viewed by a diverse audience.

Keep in mind that you must track and analyze the results of your advertising initiatives to modify your plan. By paying for advertising and targeting the right audience, you can effectively promote your content, resulting in more income.