5 common causes of business failure
In the world of business, the threat of failure is ever-present. It's a sobering reality that every entrepreneur must face. But, while the risk of failure can't be eliminated, it can be mitigated by understanding and avoiding the common causes of business failure.

In this article, we'll explore the top reasons businesses fail and how to avoid failure. We'll delve into the importance of understanding the causes of business failure, so entrepreneurs can avoid these pitfalls and give their businesses the best chance of success.

We'll cover five of the most common reasons for business failure, and how to avoid business failure:

  • Poor Financial Management
  • Lack Of Market Research
  • Failure To Adapt To Changing Market Trends
  • Ineffective Marketing Strategies
  • Lack Of Customer Focus.

We'll provide real-world examples of companies that have failed due to these factors and discuss how to avoid making the same mistakes.

To illustrate our points, we'll use Strikingly, a popular website builder platform, as an example. It will showcase how businesses can use the right tools and strategies to build a successful online presence and mitigate the causes of business failure. By the end of this article, you'll clearly understand how to avoid business failure and achieve long-term success.

#1- Poor Management

Poor management is one of the most common causes of business failure. It can manifest in many ways, such as ineffective leadership, lack of delegation, poor communication, and failure to adapt to changing circumstances. When poorly managed, businesses are more likely to experience financial problems, employee turnover, and decreased productivity, ultimately leading to business failure.

How To Avoid Poor Management Using Strikingly?

One way to avoid poor management is to use the right tools and strategies to build a professional online presence. Strikingly's website builder features can help businesses create a website that instills trust in customers and investors, which can be critical to their success. Businesses can establish themselves as reputable and reliable by showcasing a professional website that reflects the brand's values, mission, and products.

  • Professional Website

Strikingly's easy-to-use website builder allows businesses to create a professional-looking website without requiring technical skills or expertise. They can choose from various templates, customize their website's design, and add features such as contact forms, social media integration, and e-commerce capabilities. These features can help businesses improve customer engagement, sales, visibility, and credibility.

Tools for Website Analytics on Strikingly
Image taken from Strikingly

  • Use Of Analytics

Furthermore, Strikingly's website builder features also help businesses manage their website's performance and track its success through analytics tools. By analyzing data such as traffic, engagement, and conversion rates, businesses can identify areas for improvement and adjust their strategies accordingly. It can be critical in avoiding poor management and ensuring that the business stays on track toward success.

Poor management can be one of the significant causes of business failure. Still, by using Strikingly's website builder features, businesses can mitigate this risk and create a professional online presence that instills trust in customers and investors. By avoiding poor management, businesses can establish themselves as reputable and reliable, ultimately leading to long-term success.

#2- Lack of Financial Planning

Another common cause of business failure is a need for more financial planning. When businesses have a clear understanding of their finances, they may be able to anticipate and prepare for financial challenges. It can lead to problems such as cash flow issues, excessive debt, and inability to invest in growth opportunities. Ultimately, these financial problems can lead to business failure.

How To Avoid Lack Of Financial Planning Using Strikingly?

Businesses can use Strikingly's e-commerce features to ensure financial planning is maintained. They can track sales, manage inventory, and optimize revenue. By clearly understanding their financial data, businesses can make informed decisions and plan for the future.

  • Revenue Tracking

Strikingly's e-commerce features allow businesses to set up an online store, manage orders, and track sales. These features enable businesses to keep track of their revenue and expenses, manage inventory, and analyze customer data. With this information, businesses can make informed decisions about pricing, marketing, and sales strategies.

Order tracking tool for ecommerce on Strikingly
Image taken from Strikingly

  • Discounts & Offers

Furthermore, Strikingly's e-commerce features also enable businesses to optimize their revenue by offering discounts, promotions, and upselling opportunities. Businesses can improve customer engagement and retention by using these features, leading to increased revenue.

Add coupons to ecommerce store on Strikingly
Image taken from Strikingly

  • Informed Decisions

By using Strikingly's e-commerce features to track sales, manage inventory, and optimize revenue, businesses can avoid the financial problems that can lead to business failure. With a clear understanding of their finances, businesses can plan for the future and make informed decisions, leading to long-term success.

A lack of financial planning can be one of the significant causes of business failure. By understanding the financial data and optimizing their revenue, businesses can avoid financial problems and achieve long-term success.

#3- Failure to Adapt to Market Changes

Another one of the common causes of business failure is a failure to adapt to market changes. Markets constantly change, and businesses that don't keep up risk becoming irrelevant. It can lead to problems such as declining sales, loss of market share, and, ultimately, business failure.

How To Adapt To Market Changes Using Strikingly?

Businesses can use Strikingly's website customization features to update messaging, promotions, and branding in response to market trends and customer feedback. By staying up-to-date with market trends and customer needs, businesses can adapt their strategies and stay relevant in their industry.

Update Website

Strikingly's website customization features allow businesses to update their messaging, promotions, and branding quickly and easily. These features allow businesses to respond to real-time market changes and customer feedback, ensuring they remain competitive.

For example, if a business notices that customers are increasingly interested in sustainable products, it can update its website messaging and product offerings to align with this trend. It will help them attract new customers and retain existing ones who value sustainability.

Customize Website

By using Strikingly's website customization features to adapt to market changes, businesses can avoid the risk of becoming irrelevant and ultimately failing. By staying up-to-date with market trends and customer needs, businesses can remain competitive and achieve long-term success.

A failure to adapt to market changes can be one of the significant causes of business failure. Still, by using Strikingly's website customization features, businesses can avoid this risk and stay relevant in their industry. Businesses can remain competitive and achieve long-term success by updating messaging, promotions, and branding in response to market trends and customer feedback.

#4- Ineffective Marketing Strategy

An ineffective marketing strategy can also be one of the significant causes of business failure. Even if a business has a great product or service, if the company is not effectively promoting it to potential customers.

How To Improve Marketing Strategy Using Strikingly?

Businesses can use Strikingly's SEO tools to optimize their website content for search engines and improve their online visibility. Strikingly's social media integrations can also help businesses amplify their brand messaging and reach a wider audience.

SEO is essential for any business that wants to improve its online visibility and attract more customers. Strikingly's SEO tools allow businesses to optimize their website content for search engines, ensuring that they appear higher in search results and are more visible to potential customers.

SEO checklist on Strikingly
Image taken from Strikingly

Social media is also essential for businesses looking to improve their marketing strategy. Using Strikingly's social media integrations, businesses can easily share their website content and promote their brand messaging on popular social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.

An ineffective marketing strategy can be one of the significant causes of business failure. Still, by using Strikingly's SEO tools and social media integrations, businesses can avoid this risk and improve their online visibility and promotion. Businesses can attract more customers and achieve long-term success by optimizing their website content for search engines and amplifying their brand messaging on social media.

#5- Competitive Pressure

Companies face intense competition from established players and disruptive startups in today's fast-paced business environment. Failure to adapt to competitive pressures can lead to business failure. For instance, companies that need to differentiate their offerings or respond to changing customer preferences and market trends can quickly lose market share to competitors.

How To Address Competitive Pressure Using Strikingly?

Companies must constantly monitor and analyze their competitors' activity to avoid the risk of business failure due to competitive pressure. Strikingly's analytics and reporting features can help businesses track critical metrics such as website traffic, search engine rankings, and social media engagement to identify areas for improvement and differentiation.

Use Of Analytics Tool

By leveraging Strikingly's powerful analytics tools, businesses can gain insights into their customers' preferences, behaviors, and needs and those of their competitors. With this information, businesses can make data-driven decisions about product development, marketing, and customer service to stay ahead of the competition and avoid reasons for business failure.

How Can Strikingly Save Your Business From Failing?

Strikingly is a website builder platform that can help businesses create professional-looking websites quickly and easily. Businesses can improve their online presence by having a website, leading to increased visibility, credibility, and, ultimately, more customers. Strikingly can help businesses in various ways. Here are ten reasons you need Strikingly to save your business now:

  • User-Friendly Website Builder. Strikingly's website builder is user-friendly and easy to navigate. It means that businesses can create a website even without web development skills.
  • Cost-Effective Solution. Strikingly offers affordable website design and hosting plans, making it an ideal option for small businesses and startups on a tight budget.
  • Mobile Optimization. Strikingly websites are mobile-optimized, ensuring they look great and function correctly on any device.
  • SEO Optimization. Strikingly websites are optimized for search engines, which helps businesses rank higher in search results, increasing their visibility and driving more traffic to their site.
  • Customizable Templates. Strikingly offers a wide range of customizable templates, allowing businesses to create a unique and visually appealing website that reflects their brand.
  • E-commerce Integration. Strikingly allows businesses to sell products and services online, providing them with a convenient way to generate revenue.
  • Social Media Integration. Strikingly websites can be easily integrated with social media platforms, allowing businesses to increase their social media presence and engagement.
  • Reliable Hosting. Strikingly provides reliable website hosting, ensuring businesses' websites are always accessible to customers.
  • Analytics and Reporting. Strikingly provides analytics and reporting tools that allow businesses to track their website's performance, identify areas for improvement, and make data-driven decisions.
  • Excellent Customer Support. Strikingly offers excellent customer support, with a dedicated team available to assist businesses with any issues or questions.

Overall, Strikingly can help businesses save their businesses by providing a cost-effective and easy-to-use solution for creating a professional-looking website that is optimized for SEO, mobile-friendly, and includes e-commerce features.

What Are The Steps To Set Up A Business Website On Strikingly?

Follow these nine steps to set up a business website on Strikingly easily with no knowledge of coding:

1. Sign up for an account on Strikingly's website.

2. Choose a template that suits your business needs and customize it to reflect your brand.

3. Add pages to your website, such as an about page, services or products page, and contact page.

4. Optimize your website for search engines by adding keywords and descriptions to your pages.

5. Add images and videos to your website to make it visually appealing and engaging.

6. Set up an e-commerce store to sell products or services online.

7. Connect your website to your social media accounts to increase your presence and engagement.

8. Test your website to ensure that it is mobile-friendly and loads quickly.

9. Publish your website and start promoting it to your target audience.

Creating a website is an essential step in avoiding reasons for business failure. A website allows businesses to establish an online presence and reach a wider audience. By creating a website on Strikingly, businesses can leverage its user-friendly website builder, customizable templates, mobile optimization, e-commerce integration, and reliable hosting to create a professional website that helps them succeed.


Business failure is a reality many entrepreneurs face, but understanding why businesses fail can help mitigate the risk of it happening to your business. Poor management, lack of financial planning, failure to adapt to market changes, ineffective marketing strategy, and competitive pressure are all factors that can lead to business failure. However, with the help of Strikingly's website builder and e-commerce features, it is possible to create a professional and effective online presence. It can instill trust in customers and investors, tracks sales and manages inventory, responds to market trends, optimizes revenue, and monitors competitor activity.

To avoid reasons for business failure, it is crucial to take advantage of these features and create a website that reflects your brand and meets your customers' needs. Using Strikingly's SEO tools, social media integrations, analytics, and reporting features, you can develop and refine a marketing strategy that amplifies your brand messaging, responds to market changes, and differentiates your business from the competition.

In short, Strikingly can help you avoid the common causes of business failure by providing the tools you need to build a robust online presence and grow your business. Refrain from poor management, lack of financial planning, ineffective marketing strategy, or competitive pressure that holds you back. Use Strikingly to create a professional, effective website and online presence that supports your business's growth and success.