Grow Your Email List

Growing your email list is essential to building a successful online business. With an email list, you can market your products and services directly to interested customers, build relationships with potential customers, and drive sales.

While growing your email list may seem tricky, you can quickly and easily increase your list size with the right strategies.

In this article, you'll learn essential strategies, tips, and more to help you grow your email list and succeed in your online business. You'll also learn about the tools and resources you need to grow your email list.

Let's get started and discover simple ways to grow your email list today.

What Is an Email List?

An email list, also known as a subscribers list, is simply a collection of customer email addresses a business has. Customers submit their emails and opt to get updates and content from the company through email.

The list reduces if the customers unsubscribe, but you can grow your email list by collecting more through lead generation.

Benefits of Growing Your Email List

Even though email marketing is an old technique, it has numerous benefits. These include improving audience communication and better return on investments (ROI). Here are the top five reasons you need to build your email list.

1. Emails Build Trust

Unlike regular texting, emails build more trust between your company and customers. You should take the time to create amazing emails.

The emails make customers feel like they are in a private conversation. They can confidently ask questions and reply to your messages. Emails are an intimate way to communicate with customers and thus build trust and connection.

2. It’ll Make Visitors To Return

Note that over 50% of people that check your website don’t return. You can prove this by checking your Google Analytics.

Strikingly Analytics

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You should ensure that most visitors return to your website after their first visit. An email list will help you achieve this in ways you didn't expect. Generally, visitors are more likely to return to your website when you email them. Ensure the email you send is informative and interesting.

3. You’ll Make More Sales

Some of the people that visit your website are leads. They are on your website because they're interested in your niche. It's best to get their information and follow up with them.

You should send them information about your products and services. With time, some of the subscribers will likely become buyers.

4. It’s a Low-Cost Marketing Technique

Email marketing is a cost-effective marketing technique and will help you save money. However, you'll have to invest in special marketing tools and software to evaluate, track and automate your emails. But it's still much cheaper than mainstream marketing channels.

5. Send Targeted Emails

People will join your email list because they like your blog posts, products, or services. However, you should note that your subscribers have varying interests. Some want you to email them when you restock an item, while others want to learn about an upcoming sale.

Before sending emails, you should segment your email list depending on the subscribers' interests. This increases the chances of converting them into paying customers.

Tips on How to Build Your Email List

Email marketing is one of the oldest marketing techniques, yet still very effective. Over the years, it has offered great conversion rates across different industries.

However, to be successful in email marketing, you must have several emails. There are many ways to collect email addresses, but these are the best strategies to build your email list.

1. Create Unique Email Content

Ensure your content is informative, entertaining, and valuable. This technique will help you retain your current email subscribers, who can help you grow your email list.

If your content is excellent, subscribers will always look forward to receiving them. They can also forward them to other networks, which means more exposure and additional subscribers.

2. Offer Exclusive Discounts

The best time to offer discounts is during holidays. Note that many businesses generate their biggest revenue through holiday offers.

Also, holiday sales can be a great way to get email subscribers. Here are some tips on how to grow your email list using discounts.

  • Have a super-secret service or product for visitors who sign up for your email list.
  • Offer a special coupon code to new subscribers.
  • Allow subscribers to access the special sale items before the public
  • Promise to give special sales throughout the newsletter.

3. Involve Your Staff

The staff plays an essential role in the success of a business. Besides packaging, cleaning, etc., you can assign your staff to get email addresses.

Your staff can ask customers to subscribe to your company's email list while making regular sales. When they hit set email milestones, motivate them by offering them bonuses or prizes.

4. Encourage Subscribers To Share/ Forward Your Emails

This is another great strategy to help you grow your email list. You should include a social sharing button on your marketing email; it allows your subscribers to share your newsletter with others.

It means you'll have access to your subscribers’ friends, networks, and colleagues.

Add a "subscribe" call to action at the bottom of your email. The CTA should be a text-based link to make it easy for people to opt-in. It'll lead visitors to a landing page to sign up for your email list.

Alternatively, you can include a sign-up form in your blogs with your lead magnet preview.

5. Collect Email Addresses During Events

You'll attend various trade shows or networking events as a business owner. These events can offer the best opportunities to grow your email list.

The best way to collect event emails is by using a sign-up sheet. There are several email marketing software that features mobile apps. You can use them on your iPad or smartphone to collect email addresses during events.

The virtual events offer a great opportunity to talk to participants and ask them to join your email list. If you're a sponsor or speaker, add links to a landing page to help attendees learn and understand more about your business.

Ensure the landing page includes a sign-up form with information related to your presentation.

6. Offer Guest Wi-Fi

The guest Wi-Fi will allow you to collect addresses. Setting up a guest Wi-Fi is easy; ensure it asks for people for their email addresses before accessing the Wi-Fi. Your Wi-Fi provider can help you with all the processes.

If you already offer guest Wi-Fi, you can add the email address feature to boost your list.

However, note that you must inform your guests that you're collecting their email addresses. You should allow them to opt out if they aren't okay with your products and services.

7. Add a Call-To-Action To Your Facebook Page

Many businesses use Facebook to market products and services. You must take advantage of the various Facebook business tools.

It's easy to add the call-to-action button on the page. This button will redirect your audience to a landing page that asks them to sign up for your email list.

Some tools allow you to add an email sign-up form to your page directly. Various email marketing providers have these tools. Alternatively, you can integrate them through third-party apps such as ShortStack, Wishpond, etc.

8. Use your Website’s Announcement Bar

The announcement bar is usually at the top of the website. It is ideal for promoting lead magnets since it's so visible. The announcement bar should have a link to the email list sign-up form.

9. Add Sign-up Forms To Your Website

Adding the email list of sign-up forms throughout your website is best. The first place to include the email sign-up form should be the homepage. It is the most visited and viewed.

However, there are other places visitors check on websites, including the service page, blog post, and the about page.

Consider adding sign-up forms in some of these places. It makes it easy for anyone that likes your product or services to subscribe to your email list.

10. Collect Emails In-Store

You can do this if you own a physical store where you interact face-to-face with customers. Launch a store membership that needs customers to sign up and register using email.

Create an email campaign that targets walk-in customers. It'll help you stay in touch with them, and they'll build loyalty towards your product or service. Plus, it helps you build your email list.

How to Build Your Email List on Strikingly Website

Strikingly Website Builder

Image taken from Strikingly Product

The Strikingly website builder has tools to help you build your email list. Like other powerful website builders, Strikingly offers a variety of website templates you can customize and add contact and forms sections.

Website Templates

Image taken from Strikingly Product

There are four forms to choose from: contact, contact form, custom form, and sign-up form. These forms can collect email addresses from site visitors and customers.

 Strikingly Contact & Forms

Image taken from Strikingly Product

The Strikingly website will store all the emails people submit. You can access this information through your site editor or dashboard. With this email list, you can send personalized emails or newsletters to your customers and site visitors.

In addition, Strikingly websites have a newsletter feature; you can create and send a newsletter to people on your email list. This will help you grow your email list and keep your subscribers.


The email list is one of the most powerful tools for connecting with your audience and generating more sales or leads.

Building an effective email list can be overwhelming, and most business owners need help figuring out where to start. This article has essential tips and strategies to help you grow your email list.