As a graphic designer, you probably know more than anybody that looks matter. It is crucial that your graphic designer resume looks professional and attractive in order to engage potential clients. As your representative on the web, your site should enable you to put your best foot forward and display your talent in the most effective way possible.

Truth be told, however, while aesthetics play a big role in effective portfolio websites particularly for graphic designers, it’s not the only thing that can sway a client into hiring a talented designer. Clients are looking for substance. Your portfolio should be able to display the quality of your work, consistency, positive feedback from previous clients (if any) and a list of your key competencies. It has to prove to the web visitor that you are more than qualified for the job they require.

As a leading internet provider, Strikingly is all about empowering individuals and creatives to showcase their talents through modern graphic design resume websites. Our library of designer website templates combined with a suite of website editing tools and features allows professionals to create unique websites. With that being said, we have put together some of the best graphic designer resume websites created out of this platform to get you inspired for your own portfolio website.

1. Keep it simple

This may go against your naturally artistic tendencies but when it comes to your portfolio website, it is best to go for a simpler design. Starting with a minimalist graphic design resume template gives you a clean slate to work with and for your designs to pop. Overloading your website with fancy features can cause your site to slow down.

Orange Hive graphic design website

Orange Hive is an excellent graphic design resume example that shows us how simplicity can still be effective. The use of ample white space allows the different design elements on the site to breathe and stand out. Reading the site is also easier on the eye because of the right choice of fonts. The content is straightforward, providing the visitor with a good description of the kind of services that it offers.

2. Show only the best of the best

Rather than consider your portfolio website as a repository of every project you’ve ever worked on, think of it as a curated gallery of the works that you are particularly proud of. Potential clients may not have the luxury of time to go through every single design that you have created. They do, however, expect to find a handful of your previous works that are representative of your skills and technical competencies. If you specialize in different areas of graphic design - e.g. logos, animations, UX, etc. - you might want to group your collection into categories for easier access.

Galu Design website by Strikingly

Galu Design keeps it clean and streamlined by presenting only a few choice work samples. The grid style layout is easier on the eye. The images are also linked to the actual websites that the designer has worked on to give the reader a better understanding of the style and technique that was used.

3. Apply SEO strategies

Just like any other website, your online graphic designer resume will benefit from content that is optimized for search. Improve your personal brand’s web presence by implementing a clear SEO strategy that involves using the right keywords on your site and optimizing your meta tags. To help you craft optimized web copy, browse through different job sites and find out how companies are phrasing job descriptions relevant to your industry. Use the same buzzwords on your resume. It’s also best to be familiar with relevant keywords in the graphic design world (most of which you probably know already).

Fadzhli graphic design resume website

Take a leaf out of Fadzhli’s online graphic design resume and start crafting website copy that is search optimized and informative at the same time. The Singapore-based designer opens with a summary of his experience, training and expertise, using popular design buzzwords to make his copy easy to understand.

4. Social proof sells

Clients are more likely to engage with graphic designers who come highly recommended. If you have been providing freelance services for quite some time, for instance, it would be good to add testimonials coming from past clients to your online portfolio.

graphic designer resume example

Ann Miles, a graphic designer from South Dakota, made sure to add feedback from previous clients to drive home the idea that potential employers are engaging with a trusted and reliable professional. You might even take a leaf out of this graphic design resume example by presenting your list of previous employment along with the company logos especially if you have worked under big brands in the past.

Start building your personal brand online with a winning graphic design resume website by Strikingly.