The Non-Profit Website Blueprint: How To Create A Non-Profit Website

· Design Inspiration,Building Your Site,Tips and Tricks
The Non-Profit Website Blueprint: How To Create A Non-Profit Website

Non-profit organizations are integral in addressing social issues and positively impacting communities. In today's digital age, having a robust and trustable online presence is essential for any organization, including non-profits. It is where non-profit websites come into play, offering immense power and potential to amplify their mission and reach a wider audience.

The Power Of

 Non-Profit Websites - Creating Impact

Non-profit websites can connect organizations with supporters, volunteers, and donors worldwide. They serve as a central hub where people learn about the organization's mission, goals, and impact. Non-profits can effectively engage visitors and inspire them to take action by showcasing their work through compelling content and visuals.

Why To Create A Non-Profit Website

In today's digital landscape, having a website is now optional but necessary for non-profit organizations. A website provides credibility and legitimacy to an organization's cause. It permits them to establish an online presence that can be accessed by anyone interested in learning more about their work or getting involved.

The Benefits Of Building A Non-Profit Website

Building a non-profit website for your non-profit organization offers several valuable benefits. Here are some to build a non-profit website.

  • It enhances your organization's visibility by enabling outreach to a broader audience beyond your immediate community.
  • Websites provide 24/7 accessibility, ensuring that information is available anytime.
  • They offer cost-effective marketing opportunities, serving as a platform to promote your initiatives and attract supporters without hefty expenses.
  • Websites facilitate donor engagement through features like online donations and volunteer sign-ups.
  • They act as a centralized information hub, allowing visitors to access a wealth of information about your programs, events, news updates, and more, making it a valuable resource for your organization and its supporters.

Create A Non-Profit Website - Step #1: Choosing The Right Website Builder

When creating a non-profit website, choosing the right website builder is crucial. Many options are available, but not all suit your organization's needs. Here are some factors to consider when it comes to how to create a website for a non-profit organization:

How To Evaluate A Website Builder

  • Ease of use. Look for a website builder with a user-friendly interface and intuitive drag-and-drop functionality. It will make it easier for you to create and update your website without the need for coding or technical skills.
  • Customization options. Consider the level of customization offered by each website builder. You'll want to personalize your site and make it unique to your organization's branding and mission.
  • Non-profit website design templates. Check if the website builder provides a wide range of templates and designs specifically tailored for non-profit organizations. Access to professionally designed templates can save you time and effort in creating an appealing website.
  • Integration capabilities. Ensure the website builder integrates with essential tools such as donation platforms, email marketing services, and social media platforms. It will enable you to effectively engage with your audience and facilitate fundraising efforts.
  • Mobile responsiveness. With more people accessing websites on mobile devices, your non-profit website must be optimized for mobile viewing. Look for a website builder that automatically adjusts your site's layout to fit different screen sizes.
Create A Non-Profit Website - Step #2 - Plan Your Non-profit Website

Create A Non-Profit Website - Step #2: Plan Your Non-profit Website

Creating a successful non-profit website requires careful planning and consideration. The section here will explore the key steps in planning your non-profit website to ensure it effectively communicates your organization's mission and engages your target audience.

Defining Your Goals And Objectives

Before embarking on the website-building process for your non-profit organization, it's vital to establish clear goals and objectives. These objectives guide your non-profit website design and content, ensuring it effectively serves your mission. You should consider:

  • Mission Statement. Begin by articulating your organization's mission statement, which should underpin all website content. It's the core message that your website will convey.
  • Key Messages. Identify the key messages you want to communicate through your website. These messages should align with your organization's values and resonate with your intended audience, conveying your purpose and impact.
  • Measurable Objectives. Set quantifiable objectives that can be tracked and evaluated over time. For instance, you might aim to increase online donations by a specific percentage or boost volunteer sign-ups. These objectives provide a clear roadmap for your website's performance.

Identifying Your Target Audience

Understanding your target audience is pivotal for designing a non-profit website that effectively engages them. Take the time to research and identify who you want to reach with your message.

Consider these factors when identifying your target audience:

  • Demographics. Determine the age range, gender, location, education level, and other relevant demographic information of those most likely to support or benefit from your organization's work.
  • Interests. Explore the interests, hobbies, values, and motivations of potential supporters or beneficiaries of your non-profit's mission.
  • Online Behavior. Research how members of your target audience engage with websites and social media. The information will help you tailor your website's design and content to their preferences.

Creating A User-Friendly Website Structure

A user-friendly website structure is essential for ensuring visitors can easily navigate and find the information they need on your non-profit website. Consider the following tips when creating your website's structure:

  • Clear Navigation. Design a clear and intuitive navigation menu that prominently displays essential pages such as Home, About Us, Programs, Contact, and other relevant sections.
  • Logical Hierarchy. Organize your website's content in a logical hierarchy, with main categories and subcategories that make it easy for visitors to find specific information.
  • Search Functionality. Implement a search bar on your website to let users quickly search for specific content or keywords.
  • Mobile Responsiveness. Ensure your website is mobile-responsive, which adapts seamlessly to different screen sizes, providing an optimal user experience across devices.
Create A Non-Profit Website - Step #3 - Non-Profit Mobile Responsive Website Design

Create A Non-Profit Website - Step #3 - Non-Profit Website Design

Designing your non-profit website is crucial in creating an attractive and engaging online presence for your organization. It involves choosing the right template, customizing it to match your branding, and incorporating visually appealing images. Let's explore each aspect of non-profit website design in more detail.

Choosing A Template That Reflects Your Organization's Mission

When selecting a template for your non-profit website, choosing one that aligns with your organization's mission and values is important. Look for templates that convey the purpose of your non-profit and evoke the right emotions in visitors. Consider the color scheme, layout, and overall non-profit website design elements that will best represent your cause.

Some key considerations when choosing a template include:

1) Is the template visually appealing and professional?

2) Does it provide clear sections for showcasing your programs, impact, and success stories?

3) Does it have features that support fundraising efforts, such as donation buttons or integration with payment gateways?

Customizing Your Website To Match Your Branding

Once you have selected a template, it's important to customize it to match your branding. Consistency in non-profit website design elements such as colors, fonts, and logos helps create a cohesive brand identity across all platforms.

Consider these customization options:

1) Upload your non-profit organization's logo prominently on every page.

2) Choose colors that align with your branding guidelines.

3) Select fonts that are easy to read and reflect the tone of your organization.

4) Customize header images or banners with visuals related to your cause.

Incorporating Attractive Visuals And Images

Visuals are crucial in engaging website visitors and conveying your non-profit's impact. Incorporating attractive images and videos can tell your organization's story and evoke emotions that drive action.

Consider the following tips for incorporating visuals:

1) Use high-quality images that are relevant to your cause.

2) Showcase impactful photos of your programs, volunteers, and beneficiaries.

3) Include videos that highlight success stories or explain the purpose of your non-profit.

4) Utilize infographics or charts to represent data or statistics visually.

Remember to optimize the size of your visuals to secure fast loading times without compromising quality. Large image files can slow down your website, leading to a negative user experience.

Create A Non-Profit Website - Step #4 - Building Your Non-profit Website

Creating a website for your non-profit organization is crucial for establishing an online presence and spreading to a wider audience. The section here will discuss the essential steps to building your non-profit website, including adding necessary pages, integrating donation tools, and optimizing for mobile devices.

Adding Essential Pages: Home, About Us, Programs, Contact, Etc.

When building your non-profit website, it is important to include essential pages that give visitors the necessary information. Here are some key pages to consider:

  • Home. The homepage is the first impression visitors get. It should offer a concise overview of your organization's mission and values.
  • About Us. Provide detailed information about your non-profit's history, objectives, and team members. Use this page to highlight the impact of your work.
  • Programs. Showcase your organization's initiatives and programs. Offer detailed descriptions to engage visitors and encourage their involvement.
  • Contact. Ensure easy contact by including a dedicated page with a contact form or email address. It allows potential donors and volunteers to reach out directly.
  • Events. If your non-profit hosts events or fundraisers, create a dedicated page to display upcoming events, along with essential details like date, time, location, and registration information

Create A Non-Profit Website By

Integrating Donation Tools To Facilitate Fundraising

Fundraising is an essential part of any non-profit organization's operations. Integrating donation tools into your website can make it easier for supporters to contribute financially. Consider the following options:

  • Donation Buttons. Ensure you strategically place prominent donation buttons across your website for quick and secure contributions, enhancing visibility.
  • Recurring Donations. Provide the option for recurring contributions, fostering a sustainable funding stream as supporters can donate regularly.
  • Donation Tracking. Implement a tracking system to manage and acknowledge donations. It aids in financial management and allows you to express gratitude to donors for their support.

Optimizing Your Website For Mobile Devices

In today's mobile-driven world, your non-profit website must be optimized for mobile devices. Follow these tips to ensure a seamless user experience:

  • Responsive Design. Utilize a website builder with responsive templates that adapt to various screen sizes, ensuring your site looks excellent on any device.
  • Mobile-Friendly Navigation. Simplify navigation for mobile users by using dropdown menus or collapsible sections, making it easier to find content without excessive scrolling.
  • Fast Loading Speed. Improve website loading times by compressing images, minimizing code, and employing caching techniques. Slow-loading sites can lead to high bounce rates and visitor frustration.
Create A Non-Profit Website - Step #5 - Creating Engaging And Compelling Content

Create A Non-Profit Website - Step #5: Creating Engaging And Compelling Content

When you create a non-profit website, designing and building the website is just the technical part; the content will make your customers want to donate.

Create A Non-Profit Website

With A Persuasive Copy

Crafting persuasive copy is essential for captivating your website visitors and motivating them to support your non-profit cause effectively. To achieve this, you should clearly articulate your organization's mission, emphasizing its significance and positive impact on the beneficiaries. Utilizing storytelling techniques to convey the real-life impact of your work can create emotional connections with your audience. Highlighting the tangible benefits of supporting your non-profit, whether in education, healthcare, or environmental conservation, is crucial for showcasing the difference individuals can make. Choose powerful language that invokes emotions like compassion and hope, painting a vivid and relatable picture to engage readers and foster a deep connection with your cause.

Showcasing Success Stories And Impactful Testimonials

A powerful strategy for engaging visitors on your non-profit website involves showcasing success stories and impactful testimonials from beneficiaries and supporters. The approach establishes trust with potential donors and volunteers by vividly illustrating the tangible difference their support can make. You can achieve this by featuring personal narratives of individuals whose lives have been positively affected by your organization's initiatives, sharing before-and-after stories that highlight transformational journeys, and incorporating testimonials from donors, volunteers, or community partners who can testify to the value and impact of your non-profit. Spotlighting these narratives can inspire others to become involved and contribute to your cause.

Create A Non-Profit Website

With Calls-To-Action To Encourage User Engagement

Incorporating effective calls-to-action (CTAs) on your non-profit website is crucial for guiding visitors towards specific actions. To encourage engagement and support, you can prominently display a "Donate Now" button on your homepage and throughout the site, making it easy for visitors to contribute financially. Additionally, provide information on volunteer opportunities and include CTAs that direct interested individuals to a volunteer sign-up form or page. Encourage visitors to join your mailing list by offering valuable content or updates about your organization's work. Incorporate social sharing buttons alongside impactful stories and content to facilitate easy sharing. It's essential to ensure that these CTAs are clear, visually appealing, and readily accessible throughout your website to maximize their effectiveness.

Create A Non-Profit Website - Step #6: Optimizing Your Non-Profit Website For Search Engines

To ensure that your non-profit website gets the visibility it deserves, optimizing it for search engines is crucial. You can increase your website's visibility and reach a wider audience by conducting keyword research, implementing on-page SEO techniques, and utilizing social media and content marketing strategies.

Conducting Keyword Research And Optimization

Keyword research is essential in optimizing your non-profit website for search engines. You can tailor your content to match the search queries of potential visitors by identifying the keywords relevant to your organization and its mission.

Implementing On-Page SEO Techniques

On-page SEO techniques involve optimizing various elements on each page of your non-profit website to improve its visibility on search engine results pages (SERPs).

Here are some on-page SEO techniques you can implement:

  • Optimize page titles. Include relevant keywords in your page titles to improve their visibility in SERPs.
  • Write compelling meta descriptions. Craft concise yet informative meta descriptions that entice users to click through from SERPs.
  • Use header tags. Organize your content using header tags (H1, H2, H3, etc.) to help search engines understand the structure and hierarchy of your website.
  • Optimize images. Use descriptive file names and alt tags that include relevant keywords when adding images to your website.
  • Create unique and engaging content. Develop high-quality, informative, and shareable content that incorporates your target keywords naturally.
  • Remember, on-page SEO is not just about optimizing for search engines but also improving the overall user experience on your website.

Utilizing Social Media And Content Marketing For Increased Visibility

In addition to keyword optimization and on-page SEO techniques, leveraging social media and content marketing can significantly boost the visibility of your non-profit website.

Consider the following strategies:

  • Share valuable content on social media platforms. Regularly post engaging content related to your organization's cause on platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn. It will help increase brand awareness and drive traffic back to your website.
  • Encourage social sharing. Make it easy for visitors to share your website's content by incorporating social sharing buttons.
  • Guest blogging. Reach out to influential bloggers or organizations in your niche and offer to write guest posts that link back to your non-profit website. It can help drive targeted traffic and improve search engine rankings.
  • Create compelling visual content. Visuals are highly shareable and can attract more attention on social media platforms. Consider creating infographics, videos, or images that communicate the impact of your organization's work.

How To Build A Non-Profit Website Using Strikingly?

Here are some tips for building a non-profit website using Strikingly:

  • Sign up for a Strikingly account. They offer free plans as well for non-profits and charities.
  • Choose a template that fits your non-profit's brand and mission. Look for a clean and professional non-profit website design.
Create A Non-Profit Website On Strikingly - Choose a template

Image taken from Strikingly

  • Customize the template by adding your non-profit's logo, color scheme, images, etc.
  • Create clear, concise pages such as "About Us", "Our Mission," "Programs," "Donate," "Contact," etc.
  • Add compelling content to each page - write an engaging about us, explain your cause, detail programs and services, make a case for donating, etc.
  • Use high-quality photos and videos throughout to bring your non-profit to life—stock photos of volunteers, events, etc.
Create A Non-Profit Website On Strikingly - Use high-quality photos and videos

Image taken from Strikingly

  • Make sure donation and contact forms are easy to find and fill out. Add integrations as needed.
  • Include visible calls-to-action like "Donate Now," "Sign Up," etc., to encourage engagement.
  • Check that your content is mobile-friendly. Strikingly is responsive but reviewed on mobile screens.
Create A Non-Profit Website On Strikingly - Check that your content is mobile-friendly

Image taken from Strikingly

  • Use built-in SEO tools to optimize pages for keywords and help people find you.
  • Set up a free domain name and remove Strikingly branding for a professional look.
  • Use Strikingly's blog if you want to share news and stories regularly.
Create A Non-Profit Website On Strikingly - Use Strikingly's blog

Image taken from Strikingly

  • Promote your new site on social media and email newsletters to drive traffic.
  • Track analytics to see what content works best and improve over time.


In today's digital era, establishing a professional website for your non-profit organization is indispensable. It is a dynamic platform to showcase your organization's mission, engage with supporters, and raise awareness about your cause. With a robust online presence, your reach extends to a broader audience, attracting potential donors and volunteers. Strikingly, with its customizable templates and user-friendly interface, it emerges as an invaluable tool for creating visually appealing and functional non-profit websites that resonate with your organization's ethos and branding.

Creating a non-profit website with Strikingly provides an impactful online presence to promote your mission. You can build a professional website that resonates with your branding with customizable templates and easy-to-use tools. Strategically structure your content across essential pages like About Us, Programs, and Contact. Compelling copy and visuals engage visitors, while calls to action encourage involvement. Ensure an optimized and secure website that complies with data protection. Promote through social media and email marketing. With Strikingly, you can effectively showcase your organization and drive meaningful change.

Start today to attract supporters and donors and create website for non-profit organization.