Home Business Ideas: 15 Trending Concepts For 2023

· Building Your Site,Entrepreneurship,Tips and Tricks
Home Business Ideas: 15 Trending Concepts For 2023

Are you tired of the 9-5 grind and looking for a change? Starting a home business may be just the solution you need. There has never been a better moment to start a business than now, with the popularity of home-based enterprises rising. And it's never been simpler to establish an online presence for your company, thanks to Strikingly. In this article, we will explore some upcoming profitable home business ideas to get you started on your journey toward financial freedom and how easily Strikingly can help you grow digitally.

Why Is Starting A Home Business A Good Idea?

Starting with home business ideas offer many advantages over traditional employment. For one, it gives you more control over your schedule and work-life balance. You can choose when and where you work, giving you more flexibility to attend to personal matters or pursue other interests. Home-based businesses typically have lower overhead costs than brick-and-mortar establishments, making it easier to turn a profit.

Several factors have led to the growing trend of people considering the best home business to start:

  • Cost savings. Operating a business from home can significantly reduce overhead costs like office rent, equipment, transportation, etc. It makes home-based businesses very attractive for entrepreneurs and small startups.
  • Flexibility. Running a home-based business offers more flexibility and work-life balance. People don't have to commute to an office and can work from anywhere. It can be appealing to many business owners and professionals.
  • Outsourcing and contract work. It has become easier to outsource various functions to freelancers and independent contractors. It allows home-based business owners to focus on the key areas of their business without needing a large staff. They can leverage freelance work to grow their business.
  • Side gigs. Many people start home-based businesses as a side gig to make extra income while maintaining their full-time jobs. The gig economy's growth has fueled more side businesses and side hustles.
  • Access to resources. Home-based businesses today have access to various low-cost resources to help them start and scale their operations. It includes digital tools, online payment processing, cloud services, and on-demand talent platforms.
  • COVID impact. The COVID-19 pandemic has also led to increased adoption of home-based businesses, especially for professionals who now work remotely or have lost their jobs. Some have started home businesses as an alternate source of income.
  • Technology advancements. Technological advancements like broadband internet, cloud computing, ecommerce platforms, etc., have made starting and running a business from home much easier. Things that required an office setup earlier can now be done remotely using digital technologies.

Strikingly website builder is one tool that works well for everyone wanting to transform their home business ideas into a profit-making brand. In the article, We will dive into it and understand how to use it strikingly for your home business. However, let us first explore some of the most promising home business ideas for 2023.

home business ideas to profitable business tip- Build a professional business website

Image taken from Strikingly


Online Business Ideas

An online presence is essential for every organization to flourish in the modern digital era. Any business that wants to reach a larger audience and build brand awareness must have an online presence. With the help of social media platforms and websites, businesses can interact with their customers and provide them with a seamless shopping experience. Starting an internet business might be beneficial since more consumers prefer online buying. Here are some home business ideas that can be started online:

1. Dropshipping As A Popular Online Business

Dropshipping is a popular online business model that allows entrepreneurs to sell products without handling inventory or shipping products themselves. In this model, the seller partners with a supplier who handles the inventory and shipping process.

2. Virtual Event Planning As A Growing Industry

Virtual events have become increasingly popular due to the pandemic forcing people to stay indoors. Virtual event planning involves organizing and managing events such as conferences, webinars, and workshops through online platforms.

3. Affiliate Marketing As A Potential Source Of Income

In affiliate marketing, you advertise other businesses' goods in exchange for a commission on any purchases made through your referral link. It may be done via a variety of venues, including blogs, social media sites, and email marketing.

Starting an internet business can be challenging, but it can also be lucrative if done correctly. Here are some pointers for starting with such home business ideas:

  • Conduct market research to identify your target audience and their needs.
  • Choose a niche that you are passionate about.
  • Create an attractive website using Strikingly website builder that showcases your brand and products.
  • Use social media platforms to promote your business and engage customers.
  • Provide excellent customer service to build trust and loyalty.

Launching an Internet home-based business is one of the greatest methods to obtain financial freedom while taking advantage of the flexibility of working from home. Anyone can build on successful home business ideas out of their passion if they have the correct concepts, resources, and tactics.

home business ideas to profitable business tip- Set up your online store

Image taken from Strikingly


Service-Based Business Ideas

Starting a service-based business from home can be a great way to earn income while enjoying the flexibility of working from your own space. Offering services from home can save money on rent and other expenses while still earning a steady income. Working from home has many benefits, including:

  • No commuting time or expenses
  • Flexibility to work around your schedule
  • Ability to create a comfortable and personalized workspace
  • Lower overhead costs compared to renting office space

Here are some profitable and in-demand service-based list of business ideas to consider:

4. Dog-Walking And Pet-Sitting As A Profitable Business

With more people adopting pets, the demand for dog-walking and pet-sitting services is rising. It is a great opportunity for animal lovers who want to start their own business.

Some tips for making home business ideas of this type successful include

  • Building relationships with local veterinarians and pet stores.
  • Offering additional services such as grooming or training.
  • Creating a social media presence to showcase your services.

5. Personal Shopping Services As A Niche Market

Personal shopping services are becoming increasingly popular among busy professionals who don't have time to shop for themselves. It is an opportunity for individuals with an eye for fashion and style.

Some tips for starting this type of business include

  • Building relationships with local boutiques and designers.
  • Offering specialized services such as wardrobe consultations or personal styling sessions.
  • Creating an online presence through social media or a website.

6. Home Cleaning And Organizing Services As An In-Demand Industry

Home cleaning and organizing services are always in high demand, especially among busy families or individuals who don't have time to keep their homes tidy.

Some tips for starting this type of business include:

  • Offering specialized cleaning or organizing services such as deep-cleaning or closet organization.
  • Providing eco-friendly cleaning options to attract environmentally-conscious clients.
  • Creating a referral program to encourage word-of-mouth marketing.

This service-based list of business ideas offers great potential for profitability and growth. With the right planning and execution, starting a home-based service business can be fulfilling and lucrative.

home business ideas to profitable business tip- Create your marketing content

Image taken from Strikingly


Creative Business Ideas

Starting a creativity-based business can be a fulfilling and profitable venture for those passionate about the arts. One of the advantages of starting a creativity-based home business is that it allows you to turn your hobby into a source of income. Doing what you love can make you enjoy your work and feel more fulfilled than in an unfulfilling job. Creativity-based businesses often have low overhead costs, making them an affordable option for those just starting out. Here is a list of business ideas you may want to consider.

7. Freelance Graphic Design Is A Growing Industry

Graphic design is an increasingly popular industry offering many home business ideas. There is a rising need for skilled graphic designers who can provide captivating images for websites, social media platforms, and other online channels as businesses continue to rely on digital marketing methods. As a graphic designer, you may work from home and establish your hours while offering clients valuable services.

8. Customized Gift-Making Is A Popular Trend.

Customized gift-making is becoming an increasingly popular trend in the gift-giving industry. You can offer something special that cannot be found in stores by creating unique and personalized gifts. The home business can include anything from personalized jewelry to custom-made photo albums or even hand-painted pottery.

Some profitable home business ideas for customized gifts include:

  • Personalized photo frames.
  • Custom-made jewelry.
  • Hand-painted pottery or ceramics.
  • Personalized baby blankets or clothing.
  • Monogrammed bags or accessories.

9. Handmade Fashion As A Unique Business Concept

Handmade fashion is another creative home business idea that offers endless possibilities for those with sewing skills and an eye for design. There is a growing market for handmade fashion, whether creating one-of-a-kind pieces or producing small batches of clothing. The home business can include anything from designing and sewing your clothing line to creating custom-made wedding dresses or even producing unique accessories like handbags or scarves.

Some profitable home business ideas for handmade fashion businesses include:

  • Custom-made wedding dresses
  • Hand-sewn clothing lines
  • Handmade accessories like bags, scarves, and hats
  • Upcycling and repurposing vintage clothing

Starting a home-based business that caters to your creative passions is a great way to turn your hobbies into a profitable venture. Whether freelancing as a graphic designer or creating one-of-a-kind handmade fashion accessories, there are endless possibilities for those with an entrepreneurial spirit. Using Strikingly website builder, you can easily create a professional-looking website to showcase your products and services. Then why not take the first step towards entrepreneurship and explore the many opportunities in creativity-based home businesses?

home business ideas to profitable business tip- Build your email list

Image taken from Strikingly


Home-Based Food Business Ideas

The food industry is a lucrative business that continues to grow, and home-based food businesses are becoming increasingly popular. People are seeking healthier, more personalized meal options. They want unique, homemade dishes that cater to their specific dietary needs and preferences. With the rise of social media and online marketplaces, starting a food business from the comfort of your home has never been easier. Here are some profitable home business ideas for aspiring food entrepreneurs:

10. Baking And Pastry-Making As A Profitable Venture

Baking and pastry-making are classic examples of profitable home-based food businesses. There is always a demand for delicious baked goods, from bread to cakes to pastries. You can specialize in gluten-free or vegan baked goods or create custom cakes for special occasions.

11. Meal-Prep And Delivery As A Growing Market

Meal prep and delivery services have become increasingly popular among busy professionals who want healthy, convenient meal options without having to cook themselves. You can offer customized meal plans based on dietary restrictions or preferences or focus on delivering pre-made meals straight to your customers' doors.

12. Catering Services As A Potential Business

Catering services are another great option for starting a home-based food business. Whether it's weddings or corporate events, there is always demand for high-quality catering services that offer unique menus tailored to the occasion.

home business ideas to profitable business tip- Leverage Strikingly's tools like coupons

Image taken from Strikingly


Eco-Friendly Business Ideas

Eco-consciousness is becoming more popular, and this is not simply a fad; it is a fundamental change in how people view their influence on the environment. The number of people seeking methods to lessen their carbon footprint and live more sustainably has increased in recent years, reflecting a growing trend towards eco-consciousness. The shift in mindset has created new opportunities for entrepreneurs looking to start a home-based business that caters to this market. It's the perfect moment to launch an eco-friendly home company since customers are becoming more and more interested in goods and services that are socially and ecologically conscious.

13. Organic Farming As A Profitable Business Idea

Organic farming is one of the most popular eco-friendly lists of business ideas, with demand for organic produce rising. Starting an organic farm can be profitable, especially if you focus on niche crops like heirloom tomatoes or specialty herbs.

14. Upcycling And Repurposing As A Unique Business Concept

Upcycling and repurposing is another unique eco-friendly home business idea that has recently gained popularity. Turning discarded items into something new and useful, you can create one-of-a-kind products that appeal to consumers who value sustainability.

Examples of upcycling businesses include:

  • Furniture restoration
  • Jewelry making from recycled materials
  • Clothing made from repurposed fabrics

15. Sustainable Product Development As A Growing Industry

Sustainable product development is another growing industry that offers plenty of opportunities for home-based businesses. From sustainable fashion to green cleaning products, there are many areas where you can create products that appeal to environmentally conscious consumers.

Some examples of sustainable product businesses include:

  • Natural skincare products
  • Bamboo toothbrushes
  • Reusable water bottles
  • Solar-powered phone chargers
home business ideas to profitable business tip- Provide great customer service

Image taken from Strikingly


How To Use Strikingly To Turn Home Business Ideas Into A Profitable Business?

Here are some tips for using Strikingly to turn your home business ideas into a profitable business:

  • Choose the right business model. Decide if you want to sell products, offer services, charge subscription fees, make money through ads, or some combination of models. Strikingly supports ecommerce, service marketplaces, membership sites, and ad revenue models.
  • Build a professional business website. Use Strikingly’s designer-made templates to create an attractive website for your business. Customize the design and highlight your products, services, mission, and story. Your website is the foundation of your business.
  • Set up your online store. If you sell physical or digital products, you can add an ecommerce store to your Strikingly site. Use Strikingly’s built-in store functionality to easily list your products, accept one-time or subscription payments, and manage shipping.
  • Create your marketing content. Add a blog to your site to share content that shows your expertise and helps to market your business. Create premium content like ebooks, online courses, templates, or video tutorials to sell on your site. Engaging content is key to driving traffic and converting visitors.
  • Build your email list. Include popups and signup forms on your site to capture visitor emails. Regularly email your subscribers with updates, offers, and promotional content. An email list lets you stay in touch with customers and generate repeat business.
  • Leverage Strikingly’s tools. Use features like coupons, product galleries, customer reviews, newsletters, lead capture forms, SEO optimization, and analytics tools to improve your business. See what’s working and make data-driven decisions.
  • Promote your business. Drive traffic to your site through social media marketing, content creation, online advertising, influencer collaborations, media coverage, and word-of-mouth promotions. Strikingly also provides resources to help you get found on Google.
  • Provide great customer service. Respond quickly to all customer queries and issues. Offer live chat, email support, refunds when needed, and assistance for any technical or service-related questions. Good customer service will generate more loyal customers and word-of-mouth promotion.

Using Strikingly, with some hard work and persistence, can turn your home business ideas into a thriving profitable company. But you need to establish a strong business model, build a professional website, create marketing content, leverage useful tools, and focus on great customer service and support.


Starting a home business is a great way to take control of your career and financial future. With the growing trend of home-based businesses, there are plenty of opportunities to explore.

Utilizing Strikingly can help you create an online presence for your business easily. It offers easy-to-use templates that make it simple to create a professional-looking website.

Don't be afraid to take the first step towards entrepreneurship. Starting a profitable home business doesn't have to be difficult or expensive. With the right idea and tools in place, anyone can succeed. The list of small business ideas mentioned above offers opportunities for aspiring entrepreneurs looking for the best home business to start their profitable venture from the comfort of their homes. Taking advantage of these trends in 2023 combined with, you too can achieve success as a home-based business owner.