have a stable source of income with a nonprofit website

Nonprofit websites are essential for any organization looking to engage with the public and raise money. They allow you to communicate with your donors, share important information and connect with potential volunteers. But building a nonprofit website is a complex task. It can be time-consuming and expensive, and you may need more technical expertise to create a successful site.

To succeed or fail, nonprofit organizations must communicate their message and build an audience. Both of these goals may benefit significantly from a nonprofit website. Making a nonprofit website is a great way to spread the word about your organization. You can use it to spread news and updates, make a strong argument, and convince others to join you. If you use the right strategy, it's also significantly less expensive than you might anticipate.

What is a Nonprofit Website?

A nonprofit website is designed to help nonprofits and charitable organizations raise money. Building a nonprofit website must encourage users to donate money to support their cause, even if it is not in the business of making a profit. Websites are a crucial tool for nonprofit organizations to draw in new donors.

It is crucial to keep your brand's reputation in good standing. A website that is pleasant to the eye can help charitable organizations reach a wider audience and inspire visitors to engage in their causes. Nonprofit websites must follow best practices in web design to provide target audiences with crucial information. It is because nonprofit websites perform a range of tasks.

A nonprofit website can be a great way to promote your organization to the public and raise money. These websites are typically designed to provide information about the organization and its goals and practices for people to donate money. Furthermore, they can also help you build relationships with potential donors and volunteers.

There are a few things that you should keep in mind when creating your nonprofit website. Firstly, you want your website to be easy to navigate. You also want it to be easy to find information about your organization. Since you are the business owner, you must ensure that your website looks professional and attractive.

It would be best if you also considered using a content management system (CMS) for your website. A CMS allows you to create and update content on your website easily. You can also use a CMS to create an online store for your organization.

It would help if you created a blog for your nonprofit website. It will allow you to share news and updates about your organization with the public.

Benefits of Building a Nonprofit Website

There are many benefits to having a nonprofit website for your business. Nonprofit websites can help you connect with donors and supporters, attract new customers, and build brand awareness.

Additionally, nonprofit websites can provide valuable information about your organization to potential clients and volunteers. For example, nonprofit websites often have more extensive content than commercial ones, making them more useful for research purposes. Nonprofits often have more resources, such as volunteer networks and funding sources. A nonprofit website may be better positioned to promote your brand or product than a commercial website.

Nonprofit websites can also improve communication between your business and its community. By creating a website specifically for nonprofits, you can focus on creating helpful content relevant to your audience. It provides a more effective way of connecting with potential donors and volunteers. This content can include blog posts, case studies, videos, and more. Creating valuable content and promoting it on social media channels can help your nonprofit organization grow its reach and influence.

Finally, nonprofit websites can generate revenue for your organization through advertising and sponsorship opportunities. By placing ads on your website, you can reach a wider audience. Sponsorship opportunities allow you to partner with well-known companies or organizations to promote your cause.

Critical Elements of a Nonprofit Website

1) Correct Website-Building Platform

Many nonprofit website builders are on the market, so deciding which one can be challenging. One crucial factor to consider is the platform's ease of use.

One popular nonprofit website builder is WordPress. WordPress is a free and open-source content management system (CMS) used by thousands of entrepreneurs worldwide. It can be used on various platforms, including desktop computers, laptops, tablets, and smartphones.

wordpress website builder

Image taken from WordPress

Another popular nonprofit website builder is GoDaddy Foundation Buildr. GoDaddy Foundation Buildr offers a wide range of templates and nonprofit website design themes, making creating a brand-new or customized website easy. It also has an easy-to-use drag-and-drop builder that simplifies creating pages and posts.

If you want to create a website for nonprofit organizations using Microsoft Word, several free online tools are available to make the process easier. These tools include SiteBuilder from Microsoft and Wix from Google. Both SiteBuilder and Wix are easy to use and allow you to create fully functioning websites without any programming knowledge required.

If you want to build your nonprofit website, many options are available. The most important thing to remember is that whatever platform you choose, make sure it's easy for members of your organization to use.

2) Hosting Web Service and Domain Name

Learning how to build a nonprofit website can be daunting, but resources are available to help. One option is to use a web hosting service and a domain name. A web hosting service will provide the space on its servers to host your website, and a domain name will give the address visitors will see when they try to access your website. You can also find both services online. To choose a web hosting service, consider the following factors:

  • The server size. Larger servers are better for hosting large websites, while smaller servers are suitable for smaller nonprofits.
  • The price. Paying more for a better hosting service is worth it if you use it repeatedly.
  • The features offered. Some hosts provide more features than others, such as cPanel or blog platforms.
  • Customer support. Make sure you have access to helpful customer support if you ever need help with your site or account.

Once you have chosen a web host, create an account and select your domain name from the list of options provided by the host. Once you have registered your domain name and activated it, set up your website using the instructions provided by your host or online resources like Google tips for building a nonprofit website.

3) Choose a Website Design Theme

Designing a nonprofit website can be an overwhelming and time-consuming task. To help make the process easier, we've compiled a list of tips to help you choose the suitable nonprofit website design theme.

nonprofit website theme

Image taken from Strikingly User’s Website

First, think about your organization's mission and goals. What do you want visitors to know about your organization? What message do you like to send to your target audience? Once you clearly understand your goals, begin narrowing your search to specific design themes. Here are some tips for choosing website design themes:

  • Choose a style that aligns with your organization's brand and message. For example, if your nonprofit wants to attract donors by showcasing its impressive finances, it may be an excellent option to use a sleek, financial-themed design.
  • Think about what content would be most helpful for potential donors. Are you targeting individuals who are looking for information on how to donate money or volunteer their time? Narrow down content accordingly.
  • Consider what features will make navigating your site easy for visitors. Should all donation options be included on one page, or should they be separated into different sections? How can you quickly find information about your organization, such as contact info or volunteering opportunities?
  • Be sure to include images that illustrate the mission and goals of your nonprofit. Photos can also be used as social media icons and collateral for fundraising events.

4) Create Foundation Pages for Your Website

If you are starting a nonprofit business or have been running a nonprofit for a while and need to update your site, here are some tips for creating pages that will help promote your organization.

First, start by identifying the key messages your nonprofit wants to communicate to its audiences. Once you know those messages, think about what content would help people learn more about your mission and how you can help them.

different webpage sections

Image taken from Strikingly User’s Website

Next, create pages focusing on specific topics related to your mission. For example, if your nonprofit is focused on homelessness prevention, create pages about the causes of homelessness and how your organization is working to address it.

Finally, ensure all your pages are easy to navigate and visually appealing. Use high-quality images, well-written copy, and an overall design that is in keeping with the rest of your website. You want people who visit your website to feel like they are getting essential and valuable information – no matter their interests.

5) Improve SEO

There are many ways to improve your nonprofit website's SEO. Creating high-quality content is crucial to make your website more visible and searchable. Include relevant keywords throughout your content, and ensure that your website's information is accurate and up-to-date. You can also improve website accessibility by creating a user-friendly design and providing that all of your site's links are working correctly. Promote your nonprofit website through social media, newsletters, and other online platforms. Following these tips, you can build a successful nonprofit website that will attract new visitors and help you reach your fundraising goals.

Create a Nonprofit Website on Strikingly

strikingly website builder

Image taken from Strikingly

Nonprofit organizations require significant sums of money to spare on activities, such as loading speed, and logo to create a source of attraction. This is without taking the considerations already discussed that make the process of website building easier. Because of this, it is typically not viable for them to hire high-priced, knowledgeable web developers who can work endless hours to produce an appealing web design and handle the programming necessary to establish a website from the ground up. However, a charity organization can still create a website quickly and affordably. Strikingly is a user-friendly website builder that is relatively new, on the rise, and ideal for creating nonprofit websites.

Strikingly has capabilities that make it simple to integrate each of the crucial elements of a nonprofit website covered in this essay. Adding pictures, movies, infographics, and other content elements is a breeze with its drag-and-drop interface. The templates we provide are user-friendly and responsive.

drag and drop

Image taken from Strikingly

Several users have used our platform to build charitable websites. We frequently improve our features based on client input to give you a more streamlined and straightforward website-building experience.

You can create a free nonprofit website without writing any code on Strikingly. You don't even need to work on registering your domain with Strikingly. With the inclusion of Strikingly branding within the domain, you can utilize our free plan to use the name of your organization or cause as your domain name as long as you already have one. It implies that, for instance, if the name of your business or brand is "XYZ," the URL of your website will be "XYZ.mystrikingly.com." You may upgrade to one of our paid plans and utilize a fully bespoke domain, which will remove our branding whenever your group or cause expands, and you can access more funding.


Building a nonprofit website can be an enriching experience, and with the proper guidance, it can be easy to create a functional and visually appealing site. By learning how to build a nonprofit website from start to finish, you will understand more about choosing the right platform, designing your site correctly, and optimizing your content for search engines.

Interacting with websites that look attractive and are simple to use is widespread. You'll be able to develop a professional, engaging website for your nonprofit organization quickly and easily by utilizing Strikingly. In other words, we assist you with any technical issues while you easily design your website, which your audience finds appealing and straightforward to use, resulting in the success of your website and your nonprofit effort. You can collaborate with our Happiness Officers if you want to learn more about creating a website to highlight your organization or social cause and begin spreading the word about it.