
A positive user experience can significantly impact your website's performance. If your visitors find your website easy to navigate, aesthetically pleasing, and intuitive, they will stay longer and engage with your content. This, in turn, can lead to increased traffic, higher conversion rates, and a more loyal audience.

How to design a website that provides a great user experience? Fear not, dear friend, for I have a solution for you. Introducing Strikingly, a platform that can help you improve the user experience of your website without breaking a sweat.

But before you can master how to design a website with Strikingly that looks great and is easy to use, you must yet experience web page design.

Do you need help figuring out where to start? Relax because this blog offers professional website design tips, templates, and tools that make creating a website a breeze. Whether you're looking to build a blog, an e-commerce store, or a portfolio website, Strikingly has got you covered.


Image taken from The Designer’s Squad

Analyzing User Experience

Now that we've established the importance of user experience in professional website design tips, let's dive deeper into this concept.

1. What is User Experience (UX), and Why is it Important in Web Page Design?

Having a solid background with professional website tips is a must. Learning how to design a website is about more than just picking pretty colors and adding images. It's about creating an experience that users will love, and that's where user experience (UX) comes into play.

UX design is not just a buzzword; it's an essential part of learning powerful website design tips. The better the user experience, the more likely users will return and recommend the website to others. It's like being a good website host - the better the knowledge you provide, the more likely your guests will return for more.

When designing a website, it's crucial to keep the user in mind. User experience encompasses everything from the website's layout and structure to the colors and fonts used. A good UX design ensures that users can navigate the website efficiently, find what they're looking for quickly, and have an overall pleasant experience.

Consider your users' needs if you're wondering how to design a website offering a great user experience. Ask yourself what they want to achieve when they visit your website. Then, use website design tips to make your website easy to use, accessible, and visually appealing.

Good UX design is critical in creating a professional website that stands out. Put on your user hat and start mastering how to design a website that your users will love!

2. Elements that Contribute to a Good User Experience

When creating a good user experience, you should remember several vital elements. Let's take a closer look:

  • Usability

Your professional website should be easy to use and navigate. Users should be able to find what they're looking for quickly and easily without jumping through hoops or clicking through multiple pages. To improve usability, consider using clear labels, organizing your content logically, and minimizing the number of clicks required to reach important information.

  • Accessibility

The best professional websites should be accessible to as many users as possible, regardless of their abilities. This means learning how to design a website with accessibility, such as using clear and easy-to-read fonts, providing alt text for images, and ensuring that your site is keyboard-friendly.

  • Engagement

Your professional website should be engaging and exciting to motivate users to spend time on it. To improve engagement, consider using eye-catching visuals, interactive elements like quizzes or polls, and engaging copy that speaks directly to your target audience.

  • Performance

The top professional websites load quickly and run smoothly without hiccups or delays. To improve professional website performance, consider using compressed images, minimizing HTTP requests, and using a content delivery network (CDN) to help speed up loading times.

By focusing on these elements, you can create a website that looks great and provides a seamless and enjoyable experience for your users.

Whether mastering how to design a website for your business or your brand, remember these tips to create a professional website that truly stands out.

3. The Role of User Research and Testing in Improving UX

User research and testing are crucial in web page design as they provide valuable insights into how users interact with your website. Here are some ways that user research and testing can help improve UX:

  • Identify user needs

One important role of user research is that it allows you to understand the needs and preferences of your target audience. You can gather insights into user behavior, pain points, and motivations by conducting user interviews, surveys, and focus groups. This information can help you design a website that meets their needs and addresses their pain.

  • Optimize website usability

Another website design tips you must learn is that user testing can help identify usability issues and areas where users struggle to complete tasks. By conducting usability tests, you can see how users interact with your website and identify areas for improvement. This can include changing your website's navigation, layout, or functionality.

  • Enhance accessibility

User research can help you identify the needs of users with disabilities and ensure your professional website is accessible to everyone. By conducting accessibility testing, you can identify any issues that may make it difficult for users with disabilities to use your website and make the necessary changes to improve their experience.

  • Improve engagement

In learning the best website design tips, you will discover that user research can also help you identify what motivates users to engage with your website. By conducting user surveys, you can gather insights on what users find engaging and use this information to create content and features that will keep users returning to your professional website.

User research and testing are essential components of web page design that can help improve the user experience of your website. By gathering user feedback and insights, you can make informed decisions about how to design a website to meet the needs of your target audience.


Image taken from Young and CEO

Essential Website Design Tips for Better User Experience

Website design tips are essential to any website-building technique. It is crucial to help owners achieve the best user experience for their target audience. A well-designed website looks visually appealing and helps users interact with the content more effectively. Here are some essential web design tips for a better user experience.

1. Keep it Simple

Regarding website design tips, less is often more. A cluttered and complicated professional website can overwhelm and confuse users, leading to a frustrating user experience. That's why simplicity is key.

By simplifying your website design, you can create a more user-friendly experience that will keep your visitors engaged and coming back for more. Use clear and concise language, avoid jargon and technical terms, and ensure your website is easy to navigate.

When mastering how to design a website, prioritize the needs of your users over flashy graphics or gimmicks. Ensure your website is easy to navigate and that critical information is easy to find. And don't forget to include plenty of white space, which can help your content stand out and make your website feel more welcoming.

These simple website design tips can help you create a professional website that delivers a positive user experience and helps you achieve your online goals.

2. Optimize Navigation

Among the best website design tips you must learn is that having clear, intuitive navigation is essential for a good user experience. Your visitors should be able to easily find what they're looking for on your website without spending hours searching for it.

To optimize your website navigation:

  • Use clear labels that accurately describe what users can expect to find on each page.
  • Avoid using fancy or confusing terms that might alienate your visitors.
  • Try to minimize the number of menu items since too many options can overwhelm users and make it harder to find what they want.

Optimizing your website navigation allows you to create a seamless user experience that makes it easy for your visitors to find the information they need and take the actions you want them to take.

3. Use Effective Calls to Action (CTAs)

CTAs are critical to your professional website design. They guide users toward desired actions, such as purchasing, filling out a form, or subscribing to a newsletter. Without effective CTAs, your website visitors might leave without taking any action, which can hurt your conversion rates.

To create effective CTAs, use clear and actionable language that tells users precisely what they can expect when they click the button. Avoid using generic phrases like "Click Here" or "Learn More," which don't provide specific information about what the user can expect.

Place your CTAs in strategic locations on your website, such as at the end of blog posts or product pages. You can also experiment with using different types of CTAs, such as pop-ups or slide-ins, to see what works best for your audience.

Ensure your CTAs stand out using contrasting colors that draw the user's eye. You can also use white space and other professional website design tips to create a clear visual hierarchy that makes it easy for users to see and understand your CTAs.

Effective CTAs can guide your website visitors toward the actions you want them to take, ultimately leading to increased sales, sign-ups, and engagement.

4. Optimize Website Speed

One fact about website-building: no one likes a slow professional website. Slow loading speeds can frustrate users, leading to lower search engine rankings and decreased website performance.

To effectively optimize your professional website speed, there are several things you can do. First, you can compress your images to reduce their file size without compromising quality. You can minimize HTTP requests by combining multiple CSS and JavaScript files into a single file. Finally, you can use a content delivery network (CDN) to serve your website's static content from a server closer to the user, reducing load times.

5. Make Your Website Mobile-Friendly

Having a mobile-friendly professional website is essential. With more people accessing the internet on their smartphones and tablets, ensuring your website is responsive and easy to navigate on smaller screens is crucial.

To make your website mobile-friendly, you can use responsive design, which automatically adjusts your website's layout and content to fit the size of the user's screen. You can also optimize images for mobile, as larger images can slow down load times on mobile devices. You can minimize the need for horizontal scrolling by mastering how to design a website with a vertical layout that fits within the dimensions of a mobile screen.

These essential website design tips can improve your website's user experience, attract visitors, and ultimately achieve your website goals. And if you need a little extra help, platforms like Strikingly offer intuitive and user-friendly website builders to create professional websites with great UX.


Image taken from The Project Nomad

Strikingly: A Platform for Better User Experience

Are you tired of struggling to improve your website's user experience? Look no further than Strikingly! Our platform offers a range of features and tools to simplify website design, optimize navigation, create effective CTAs, optimize website speed, and make your website mobile-friendly.

1. Intuitive Platform

With Strikingly, you don't need to be a coding whiz or design expert to create a professional website that users will love. Our intuitive drag-and-drop interface allows you to easily customize your website's layout, add multimedia elements, and showcase your brand's unique style.

2. Easy Navigation

Our navigation tools make it easy for users to find what they want on your website. From clear labels to breadcrumb trails, Strikingly has everything you need to optimize your website's navigation and guide users toward desired actions.

3. Effective CTAs

When it comes to CTAs, Strikingly has got you covered. Our platform makes it easy to create clear and actionable CTAs that stand out on your website and encourage users to take the next step.

4. Responsive Web Page Design

Strikingly also helps improve website performance with our powerful features. With mobile usage rising, Strikingly's responsive design and optimization tools ensure your website looks great and functions seamlessly on any device.


Image taken from Paul Zheng

Don't just take our word for it - check out some fantastic websites built on Strikingly and see how our platform can take your website's user experience to the next level. Say goodbye to website design woes and hello to a better user experience with Strikingly!

Want to learn more website design tips? Chat with us today, and we'll get you started.