complete overview of a retail store

Retail stores are one of the most common themes in the eCommerce world these days. Every eCommerce person knows the power of a retail store and how it can influence an individual's life. Even if you don't own a retail store, you will likely be associated with it in one way or another. Retail is a way of running a business connected to our lives for a long time, and it doesn't look like going anywhere anytime soon.

Retail business is considered one of the most stable business plans. People are always in the market to buy their necessary products and services. The most significant aspect of a retail store is its flexibility. You can virtually sell anything online to start your retail business.

Since the COVID-19 pandemic began, online shopping methods have become complicated. Therefore, every country has taken preventive measures so that people can rely on their businesses in the digital world.

What is Retail Sale?

ecommerce product example

Image taken from Strikingly User’s Website

A retail sale is a business in which a company or organization sells a specific retail product to a customer. It is a business transaction that occurs across different selling channels. The retail business usually includes online websites, brick-and-mortar channels, and physical and digital selling. A transaction that falls in the bracket of 'retail' controls a small number of products or services rather than the wholesale model, where people purchase products on a large scale. Overall, the end-user is the purchaser itself.

What is a Retail Store?

A retail store is any store selling products to the ultimate customers. Retail stores are businesses selling products for non-business use to the customers rather than large organizations.

To understand what a retail store is, you should first understand the definition of retail. Retail is a selling strategy in which you sell directly to individual customers. On the other hand, in wholesale, you sell products to industrial and commercial businesses.

Types of Retail Business

The types of retail business are as follows:

  • Department stores
  • Supermarkets
  • Warehouse stores
  • Convenience stores
  • Ecommerce stores
  • Superstores
  • Specialty stores
  • Discount stores

If you look at the list of the retail business types above, you will find one thing common within all of them, i.e., they are not exhaustive. However, most stores included in this list must sell finished products to the target customers.

Tips for Opening a Retail Store

1) Generate a Business Plan

The first step in opening a retail store is developing a business idea or a business plan. Next, you have to figure out what type of store you want to open. When you think about opening a retail store, you must answer the following questions:

  • What kind of products will your business sell?
  • Who is your target audience?
  • What will be your product pricing strategy?
  • What are the competitors in your industry?
  • Who are your partners or team members?

Opening a retail store is like opening any random business because you need to satisfy your customers' needs. You must know what you are selling and who your target audience is.

In today's day and age, it seems like no business ideas are original. To bring clarity to your business ideas, you can check out your customers' options and see what they have been offering. Then, you can go back to the drawing board if there are many overlaps between your ideas and them.

business product ideas

Image taken from Strikingly User’s Website

Understanding your competitive advantage and the things that make your business unique is essential. Retail is competitive, and you need to have clarity in your mind to make your business a success. Identifying how your retail product will solve your customer's problems is the most crucial part of opening a particular business.

Nowadays, customers have a lot of options in terms of learning about specific products. In addition, they have options where to shop or buy a product. However, your job is to ensure that your retail strategy reaches out to your consumers and resonates with them.

2) Choose the Perfect Name for Your Store

Apart from the basics required to build a business plan, you must also identify a good business name. When specifying a new business name for your retail store, you must consider the following factors:

  • Meaning: There should be some meaning to your chosen business name from the customers' perspective. The purpose can be developed with time, but you need to have a brand name recognizable to the audience.
  • Simplicity: Look for names that are easy to type or spell. For example, Facebook, Google, and Apple are all easy brand names to spell or type. If your brand name is complicated, it is unsuitable for branding purposes.

Uniqueness: Don't consider your competitors' business names already taken up. Look for something unique and original that resonates with your business. When you look at the other brands within the same niche, you can draw aspirations from them.

best business name
Image taken from Strikingly User’s Website

The name doesn't usually determine the success of your brand, so it shouldn't be the highest priority when opening a retail store. However, it would help if you put some thinking behind naming your business entity.

3) Check Your Legal Basics

When you cover the legal basics regarding your business plans, you choose a business structure, follow the regulations, and obtain the correct licenses and permits. Some of those basics are as follows:

  • Basic business operation license, which helps you to do your business in your state, city, or county
  • Employer identification number (EIN), a federal tax ID that allows you to hire employees to work at your store and ensures that your business collects payroll tax efficiently
  • The seller's license depends on what kind of products your storefront sells. It is best if you communicate with your provincial government to determine whether you need it or not.

When discussing choosing a legal structure, you must go through the same process as other businesses. However, becoming an individual proprietor can be a risky move. If you consider a business structure that doesn't place the liability only on the respective owner, you can mitigate your risk if the business declines.

4) Find the Right Location

If you are opening a brick-and-mortar retail business, you must prioritize the correct retail space for your business. Although it can be tempting to consider the cheaper locations and generate a steady flow of customers, there are no alternatives to being in a busy part of the town. Going for a location downtown will be more expensive than choosing a location a few miles away from the city. However, the expensive option might bring you many customers because your site is in the busiest part of the city.

While determining the location, research the locations where your customers spend the most time. Many business owners tend to identify the most beautiful place for their office rather than narrowing down the areas where their target market resides. If your customers live outside of the town, going for the expensive downtown location might attract fewer customers. The best choice is to select where your customers spend the most time.

Build a Retail Store on Strikingly

With the evolution of technology, the concept of retail stores has also been elevated. Nowadays, retail stores are referred to as eCommerce stores. Nowadays, every retail store has an eCommerce website or online store, which allows customers to buy their preferred products.

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Image taken from Strikingly

Strikingly is a professional website builder that allows you to build an exquisite online store. You can create an online store without coding or programming knowledge through our exciting features and tools. Once registered on our platform, you can head to the template section to choose the best version for your online store.

Order management system (OMS) will help you keep track of your customer's orders and the product stock. Strikingly will allow you to manage your inventory directly from your eCommerce website. In addition, the shipping features will help you to decide your shipping policy, such as taxes, from your website.

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Image taken from Strikingly

Apart from product tracking, your retail store can receive payments in multiple currencies. For example, you can use PayPal, Square, and WeChatPay for your online store. In addition, if you have a refund policy, you can use these payment gateways to return the amount to your customers.

Strikingly fully understands that it is not just about buying or selling products but also about attracting new customers. After all, your revenue and sales depend entirely on the number of customers you attract. Using the SEO checklist, you can conduct search engine optimization (SEO) on your website, which will help you create an online presence.


Starting a new business has its fair share of risks. However, if your business plan clicks, you can make a living. You can enjoy giving people their required products or services. However, if you rely on an effective website builder like Strikingly, you are only going up as a business owner.

If you have any website development issues, you can talk to our Happiness Officers, who are available 24/7 to answer your queries. We believe in providing the optimum level of support to our users. As your business starts to bear fruit, it will be more meaningful to our online community. Research what retail means, look into the latest trends, and start making your retail store today.