If you want a website for your business startup or personal use, you would need web hosting. There are numerous cheap web hosting platforms in the market that will make your business better. Without an ideal website host, your visitors cannot access your website. Still, if you are new to the world of website development, you may think about the benefits of ideal web hosting platforms and the best web hosting platforms available in the market today. But don’t worry, we have it all covered here for you.
Benefits of Cost-Effective Web Hosting Platforms
If you have the correct web hosting offers at your disposal, you will experience many benefits for your website. If you don’t have an appropriate web host, you will risk making your website load slowly. At times, your website will not be able to load at all. However, having the best web host will change your fate. Below, we have mentioned some of the benefits in regards to that.
∙ Enhanced Website Performance
If we talk about the cheap web hosting platforms, all of them have an ideal website performance. Therefore, if you are making a website, you must know that if you want to achieve success online, you must have a firm grip on your website’s performance and analytics.
Even in website development, the phrase ‘first impression is the last impression’ holds true. You only have a few seconds to attract your visitor before they never look back on your website again. If your website takes a lot of time to load, don’t expect your visitors to hang around. You can consider website speed optimization to rectify these problems.
Apart from losing your visitors, poor website performance will also hurt your search engine rankings. If your website is unable to load properly, your site will have poor measurements on the user experience metrics, which influences how high (or low) your site rankings are. With an affordable web hosting service, loading speed will not be a problem for you anymore. There can also be a situation where you have an ideal web host, but your website is not optimized correctly. However, once you have fixed website loading issues, you will see your website become more quick and responsive than before.
∙ Critical Technical Support
If you have an online store or are selling services via your website platform, you must know about the importance of good customer service. All the cheap web hosting platforms are strong advocates of it.
Image taken from Strikingly
Imagine if you have to give a presentation regarding your website, and at the most critical time, your website goes offline. There will be panic stations across your working panel. You will be losing sales every second that your website is offline. This is where you must turn towards your hosting provider’s support staff, who will bring your website back online. If you don’t have superior technical skills, your hosting provider will behave like a technical team member.
∙ Domain-Associated Emails
If you want your business to have a professional look, you must have a professional email address alongside it. If you are trying to contact your customers, the last thing you should be doing is using your regular email address. If you look at the top cheap web hosting platforms worldwide, such as Strikingly, they have their own unique domain for emails i.e. strikingly.com. Therefore, their working staff has email addresses, such as mike@strikingly.com.
Image taken from Strikingly User’s Website
When you have a top host service provider, you will have the credentials to create your own unique domain-associated email address. Some hosts may allow you to have only one, whereas others allow you to create multiple domain-associated email addresses.
∙ Enhanced Website Security
Website security is something that many cheap web hosting platforms do not pay much attention to. Although it is impossible to have a transparent website without any errors or defects, you just don’t know where the next threat is. You can still take considerable steps to remove the website security vulnerabilities.
Image taken from Strikingly
The fate of your website security starts with your host service provider. As we all know, this is where your website files are stored. A quality host service provider will have multiple security panels in place to secure the website files.
∙ Better Reliability
Image taken from Strikingly User’s Website
When trying to find the best cheap web hosting platform, you will encounter the term ‘uptime’. It is a crucial term as it defines how long your website is online. Apart from giving an ideal domain name for emails, the host service provider also has a signed agreement that tells them the percentage of time the website must be online. For most cheap hosting websites, the rate is 99.9%. The time when your website is offline includes small phases, such as break time, updates, server repairs, hardware repairs, etc.
Best Platforms
You must know that the best cheap hosting websites will get you registered for free with the objective of making you a member of paid subscription plans. It is not an ineffective business model, but if you have a free account, you will have access to limited features of a specified platform. As a business owner, you would want to ensure that your customers take advantage of all the available features on your platform. Here are the website platforms that we can recommend:
1. Strikingly
We cannot create this list without having our platform’s name in it. There are specific reasons why Strikingly makes the least of the best cheap web hosting platforms. Firstly, we enable our users to create a fully functional website without having any coding experience. They can select the best website template from our template collection and customize it as per their thinking. You can create these websites even on free accounts.

Image taken from Strikingly
Many free web page builders would limit the access to top-quality features, like eCommerce platforms, custom features, and website templates. However, that is not the case with Strikingly. We provide you the freedom to create any kind of website on an affordable web hosting service. You can establish your own online store without any overhead costs. More importantly, you will have the entire library of templates available to ensure ideal choices for a free web page design. If you feel that your design doesn’t work for you, you can consider another template.
Strikingly’s paid subscription plan is as follows:
- $96 per year (Limited Offer)
- $192 per year (Pro Offer)
- $588 per year (VIP Offer)
2. Wix
Wix is another contender that makes the list of the best cheap web hosting platforms. This platform made it to the list because of its brilliant interface and access to innovative features, except for eCommerce, which you can only access on a paid plan. This can prove to be an ideal choice for cost-effective business startup websites and small business websites. Many of its websites templates can be accessed for free, which means that you can get a variety of likable choices with a free Wix account. The difference between Wix and Strikingly is that you cannot make changes once you have decided upon a particular template. You cannot afford to change your mind midway through the website creation process.
3. Weebly
Weebly makes it third on our list of the best cheap web hosting platforms. You can create free websites on this platform, and it has an easy-to-use interface. It has an ideal free domain name alongside the SEO checklist, which allows you to access all the SEO tools for your digital marketing plan. As it is directed towards beginners in website development or doesn’t have great experience in developing websites, you may see a limitation in customization options on Weebly.
Therefore, even though it is one of the cheapest web hosting platforms out there, it doesn’t take away from the fact that its quality isn’t as substantial as Strikingly or Wix. If you want to create an online store, you must know that the service is only available for US-based free accounts. Moreover, this platform has a 3% transaction charge for every sale you make.
Apart from the benefits and the cheap web hosting platforms, web hosting brings many other things to the table. Hopefully, now, you will better understand how to choose the best website host for your business startup. Before you decide on it, you must make sure that you settle for the best type of web hosting. Moreover, you should prioritize what is best for your website and your business.
If you want to make your own website, Strikingly is a well-established website builder that you can trust. With us, you will not just make a website that will be suited for your business, but you will also give your business an exquisite look, with innovative features allowing your business to grow. Strikingly also has an excellent uptime record. We give you assurances that your website will be visited because our platform provides 99.9% uptime.