The Ultimate Guide To Product Photography: 5 Pro Tips

· Entrepreneurship,Tips and Tricks,Design Inspiration
The Ultimate Guide To Product Photography: 5 Pro Tips

In today's digital age, product photography plays a crucial role in the success of businesses. The Impact of high-quality product images on sales cannot be overstated. Not only do visually appealing product photos attract customers, but they also instill confidence and trust in potential buyers. However, it's not just about capturing stunning shots; optimizing these images for SEO is equally important to ensure maximum visibility and reach online. This comprehensive guide will delve into product photography, provide pro tips and techniques to elevate your skills and discuss Strikingly to elevate your business.

Why Product Photography Is Crucial For Businesses

Product photography visually represents your offerings, allowing customers to see what they're purchasing before deciding. In an increasingly competitive market, eye-catching product photos can make all the difference between a sale and a missed opportunity. You can engage potential customers and entice them to explore further by showcasing your products in the best possible light.

The Impact Of High-Quality Product Images On Sales

Studies have consistently shown that high-quality product images significantly impact purchasing decisions. Customers are likelier to trust the products ' quality when presented with clear, detailed, and visually appealing photos. High-quality product images lead to increased conversions and ultimately boost sales for businesses.

The Importance Of Optimizing Product Images For SEO

While stunning visuals are essential for attracting customers, optimizing your product images for search engine optimization (SEO) by Strikingly is equally crucial. You can improve your website's visibility on search engine results pages (SERPs) by incorporating relevant keywords in image file attributes such as filenames and alt text. SEO means that when potential customers search for products related to yours, your optimized images have a higher chance of appearing in their search results.

Product Photography Ideas

Product photography offers endless opportunities for creativity and innovation. Here are some product photography ideas to help you showcase products in unique and eye-catching ways:

  • Lifestyle Setting. Instead of photographing the product on a plain background, place it in a real-life setting that reflects its use. For example, if you're photographing a camera, show it being used by a photographer in a scenic location.
  • Macro Shots. Zoom in and capture the intricate details of the product. This works particularly well for products with interesting textures or patterns, like jewelry or fabrics.
  • Creative Lighting. Experiment with different lighting setups to create dramatic or artistic effects. You can use natural light, studio lights, or even household items like lamps to achieve unique lighting styles.
  • Product in Motion. Show the product in action or being used. This could be a model wearing clothing, a chef cooking with kitchen tools, or a person using a gadget.
  • Reflections and Mirrors. Use reflective surfaces or mirrors to create interesting visual effects. This can add a touch of elegance and sophistication to a product shot.
  • Color Coordination. Plan your photo shoots with complementary or contrasting colors in mind. Consider the colors of the product, the background, and any props used.
  • Top-Down Flat Lays. Arrange products and related items in a flat-lay style, shooting from above. This can work well for products from a collection or used together.
  • Environmental Portraits. Combine portraits of people with products. This approach humanizes the product and can create a stronger emotional connection with the audience.
  • Using Negative Space. Embrace negative space in your compositions to draw attention to the product and create a modern, minimalist look.
  • Forced Perspective. Play with perspective to create optical illusions or make the product appear larger or smaller than it is.
  • Splash and Liquid Photography. Consider incorporating splashes or liquids to add a dynamic and visually appealing element for products like beverages or skincare items.
  • Seasonal Themes. Tailor your product photography to match different seasons and holidays, creating a sense of timeliness and relevance.
  • Collages and Montages. Experiment with combining multiple images into a collage or montage to tell a visual story about the product or its uses.
  • Incorporate Nature. Shoot certain products outdoors, incorporating elements of nature that complement the product's theme.
  • Double Exposure. Combining product images with other visuals, such as cityscapes, landscapes, or abstract patterns, using double exposure techniques.

Remember, the best product photography ideas depend on the type of product you're shooting and your target audience. Keep the product's features and benefits in mind while incorporating your creative ideas to make the visuals stand out and engage viewers.

What To Expect?

This guide will provide you with pro tips and techniques to enhance your product photography skills since we have already covered the basics. From setting up your product photography studio to mastering lighting techniques, composition, and styling, we will cover every aspect of creating a captivating product shot. Additionally, we will explore editing and post-processing techniques to ensure your images are polished and visually stunning. Lastly, we will delve into optimizing product images for SEO, helping you maximize their potential in driving organic traffic to your website.

Select a website template for your product photography website

Image taken from Strikingly


Pro Tip 1- Set Up Your Product Photography Studio

Choosing the right location for your studio is crucial in creating professional product photos. Look for a space with ample natural light, or consider setting up near a large window. The soft, diffused lighting enhances the details of your products. Remember, natural light can vary throughout the day, so choose a location where you can easily control the light coming in.

  • Essential equipment and tools are necessary to achieve high-quality product images. Invest in a good camera with manual settings, such as a DSLR or mirrorless camera, to have full control over your shots. Additionally, you'll need a sturdy tripod to eliminate camera shake and ensure sharpness.
  • Other essential tools include different lenses for versatility, reflectors to bounce light, and a white backdrop for clean backgrounds.
  • Creating a well-lit and visually appealing setup is essential for capturing stunning product photos. Use diffusers or softboxes to soften harsh lighting and avoid strong shadows.
  • Experiment with different lighting angles to highlight specific features of your products. Consider using props like reflective surfaces or colored gels to add interest and creativity to your shots.
  • Tips for organizing and arranging your product space will help streamline your workflow and make shooting more efficient. Please keep all your photography equipment neatly organized so it's easy to access when needed.
  • Arrange products by size or category to find what you're looking for during shoots quickly. An organized space will save you time and allow you to focus more on creating captivating images.
Add portfolio on your product photography website to showcase your work

Image taken from Strikingly


Pro Tip 2- Master Lighting Techniques for Product Photography

In product photography, mastering lighting techniques is essential to capture stunning and visually appealing images. Lighting plays a crucial role in highlighting the features of your products and creating the desired mood or atmosphere. This section will explore different lighting techniques that can elevate your product photos to the next level.

Using Natural Light For A Soft And Natural Look

Natural light can be a game-changer when it comes to product photography. It provides a soft and natural look that enhances the beauty of your products. Choose a location near a window or any other natural light source to utilize natural light effectively. Position your subject to receive an even amount of light without harsh shadows.

Utilizing Artificial Lighting For Consistent Results

While natural light has its charm, artificial lighting offers more control over the outcome of your product photos. Invest in good quality studio lights or continuous lighting setups to achieve consistent results. Use diffusers or modifiers to soften the harshness of artificial lights and create a pleasing effect on your products.

Techniques For Achieving Desirable Shadows And Highlights

Shadows and highlights can add depth and dimension to your product images, making them more visually appealing. Experiment with different lighting angles to create interesting shadows that enhance the shape and texture of your products. Similarly, strategically placing lights can help you achieve attractive highlights that draw attention to specific features.

Tips For Diffusing And Controlling Light In Your Shots

Controlling and diffusing light is crucial to avoid harsh shadows, reflections, or overexposure in your product photos. Use softboxes, umbrellas, or light tents to diffuse the light and create a soft and even illumination on your products. Use reflectors to bounce back some of the light onto the shadowed areas, ensuring a well-balanced exposure.

Add large media for a bigger visual impact on your product photography website

Image taken from Strikingly


Pro Tip 3- Composition And Styling For A Captivating Product Shot

When it comes to capturing a captivating product shot, composition, and styling play a crucial role in creating visually appealing images that catch the eye of potential customers. You can create balanced and visually pleasing compositions by understanding the rule of thirds and framing your subject.

  • Choosing appropriate backgrounds and props for your products is another important aspect of composition. The background should complement the product and enhance its features without distracting it. Props can add context or tell a story about the product, but they should keep the main focus.
  • Creating visually appealing arrangements and product groupings can help showcase multiple products or demonstrate how they can be used together. You can create a sense of harmony and make your images more engaging to viewers by arranging products aesthetically pleasingly.
  • Now, let's talk about capturing unique angles and perspectives. Sometimes, taking a different approach to photographing your products can make them stand out from the competition. Experiment with different angles, such as shooting from above or below, to add depth and intrigue to your images.

When creating captivating product images, editing and post-processing are crucial in enhancing the overall quality and visual appeal. This section will explore the essential steps and techniques to take your product photos from good to stunning.

Choosing The Right Editing Software And Tools

To begin with, selecting the appropriate editing software and tools is essential for achieving professional-looking product images. Popular options include Adobe Photoshop, Lightroom, and GIMP. These programs offer many features that allow you to adjust colors, contrast, sharpness, and more.

Enhancing Colors, Contrast, And Sharpness In Your Photos

One of the key aspects of post-processing is enhancing colors, contrast, and sharpness in your product photos. You can make your products appear more vibrant and visually appealing by adjusting these elements effectively. Experiment with different settings to find the right balance that suits your brand's aesthetic.

Removing Imperfections And Distractions Through Retouching

Retouching is an important step in perfecting your product images. It involves removing any imperfections or distractions that may detract from the overall presentation of your products. Use tools like spot-healing brushes or clone stamps to eliminate blemishes or unwanted elements from your photos.

Optimizing Image Size And File Formats For Web Usage

Optimizing image size and file formats ensures fast website loading times while maintaining high-quality visuals. Compressing images without sacrificing too much detail can significantly improve page load speed. Appropriate file formats such as JPEG or PNG can optimize the user experience.

Add Ecommerce Store On Your Product Photography Website To Sell

Image taken from Strikingly


Pro Tip 5- Optimizing Product Images For SEO

When it comes to optimizing product images for SEO, there are several strategies you can implement to ensure your images are easily discoverable by search engines. Let's explore some of these techniques.

Utilizing Descriptive Filenames And Alt Text For Images

One of the first steps in optimizing your product images is to give them descriptive filenames that accurately reflect the image's content. Instead of using generic names like IMG_1234.jpg, consider using specific keywords related to your product, such as product-photography-ideas.jpg. Optimizing your product images helps search engines understand what the image is about and improves the chances of your image appearing in relevant search results.

In addition to descriptive filenames, providing alt text for each image is crucial. Alt text is a brief description of the image that appears when an image fails to load or when a user hovers over it. Including relevant keywords in your alt text helps search engines understand the context and relevance of your images, further improving their visibility in search results.

Incorporating Relevant Keywords In Image File Attributes

Another critical aspect of optimizing product images for SEO is incorporating relevant keywords into the file attributes of your images. Relevant keywords include metadata such as title tags and captions. When adding titles or captions to your product images, include keywords that accurately describe the content and purpose of the image.

Using relevant keywords in these file attributes provides additional context and information about your products to search engines, increasing their chances of ranking higher in search results.

Using Image Sitemaps To Improve Search Engine Visibility

Creating an image sitemap is an effective way to improve the visibility of your product images in search engine results. An image sitemap is a file that lists all the images on your website, along with relevant metadata such as the image URL, title, caption, and license information.

Submitting an image sitemap to search engines like Google makes it easier for them to crawl and index your product images. Image sitemaps can improve visibility and rank higher in image search results.

The Impact Of Image Size And Loading Speed On SEO

Image size and loading speed play a significant role in SEO. Large and uncompressed images can slow your website's loading speed, negatively impacting the user experience and search engine rankings. To optimize your product images for SEO, it's essential to compress them without compromising their quality. There are various tools available that can help you reduce the file size of your images while maintaining their visual appeal.

Additionally, consider using lazy loading techniques for your product images. Lazy loading ensures that only the images visible on the user's screen are loaded initially, improving page load times and overall user experience.

Optimize Product Photography Images For SEO

Image taken from Strikingly


How To Use Strikingly For Product Photography

Here's a general guide on how to use Strikingly for product photography:

1. Sign Up and Choose a Template

Go to Strikingly's website and sign up for an account. Choose a template that suits your style and photography niche. Look for templates that prioritize visual elements and allow for easy photo integration.

After selecting a template, customize your website's layout, color scheme, and typography to match your brand or photography style. Add your logo and a descriptive tagline to create a professional and memorable impression.

3. Create a Portfolio Section

The main focus of your product photography website should be your portfolio. Create a dedicated portfolio section to showcase your best product photographs.Organize your images into categories or collections to make navigating and finding specific products easier for visitors.

4. Optimize Product Images

Ensure your product images are high-quality and optimized for web viewing. Large image files can slow down your website's loading speed, so use compression techniques without sacrificing image quality. Consider using a consistent aspect ratio for your images to maintain visual harmony.

5. Add Image Descriptions & Information

Accompany each product image with relevant information, such as product names, descriptions, and any relevant details or stories behind the photographs. It adds context and engages your audience.

6. Include Contact Information

Make it easy for potential clients to get in touch with you. Include your contact information, such as an email address or a contact form, so interested parties can reach out for inquiries or potential collaborations.

7. Integrate E-commerce (Optional)

If you want to sell your product photography or offer services directly through your website, Strikingly offers some e-commerce features. Set up a store section to display and sell your prints or photography services.

8. Mobile Optimization

Ensure your website is mobile-friendly, as many visitors may access your site on smartphones or tablets. Strikingly's templates are designed to be responsive, but it's essential to preview and test your website on different devices.

9. SEO Optimization

Optimize your website for search engines by using relevant keywords in your content and metadata. It can help improve your website's visibility in search engine results.

10. Regular Updates

Keep your website updated with fresh content and new product photographs. Regular updates demonstrate your commitment and professionalism to potential clients.


Implementing the pro tips in this guide will undoubtedly lead to better results in your product photography endeavors. From setting up your studio to mastering lighting techniques, composition and styling, editing and post-processing, and optimizing images for SEO, each step plays a crucial role in creating a stunning product shot that capture attention.

However, it doesn't end here. Continuous learning and experimentation are key to staying ahead in the ever-evolving world of product photography. As technology advances and trends change, it's important to keep exploring new ideas and techniques that can elevate your skills even further. Strikingly serves as help in your plans.

Push yourself to think outside the box, challenge traditional norms, and find innovative ways to showcase your products through captivating visuals. With dedication, creativity, and tools like Strikingly, you can truly transform your product photography skills and business in no time.