Simple Steps to Create a Professional Email Address with Strikingly

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Simple Steps to Create a Professional Email Address with Strikingly

A professional email address is crucial for making a lasting impression in business. Whether you're a job seeker, entrepreneur, or business professional, creating a professional email can set you apart from the crowd and positively impact your recipients. It's not just about your communication skills; it's also about how you present yourself in the online sphere.

Importance of a Professional Email Address

A professional email address is crucial for anyone seeking to establish a credible and trustworthy online presence. It plays a significant role in shaping first impressions and projecting a polished image, especially in the realm of business and professional communication. Here are some key reasons why a professional email address is essential:

  • Enhanced Credibility and Trustworthiness. A professional email address associated with your domain name or company name instantly conveys legitimacy and professionalism. It sets you apart from personal or generic email addresses, making you appear more established and trustworthy to potential clients, colleagues, and business partners.
  • Stronger Brand Identity. Your email address is an extension of your brand identity. A professional email address aligns with your company's branding and helps establish a consistent and recognizable online presence. It reinforces your brand's image and makes it easier for people to associate your email with your business.
  • Improved Communication and Collaboration. A professional email address streamlines communication within your team and with external contacts. It ensures that your emails are easily identifiable and professionally presented, fostering better communication and collaboration.
  • Reduced Risk of Spam Filters. Professional email addresses are less likely to be flagged as spam, as they are associated with legitimate businesses and organizations. This increases the chances of your emails reaching their intended recipients and enhances your overall email deliverability.
  • Projessionalism and Etiquette. Using a professional email address demonstrates respect for yourself, your recipients, and the business environment. It adheres to professional etiquette and helps maintain a polished image in all your online interactions.
  • Ease of Recognition and Recall. A professional email address is typically shorter, simpler, and more memorable compared to personal or generic email addresses. This makes it easier for people to recognize and recall your contact information, enhancing your accessibility and reach.
  • Organizational and Separation of Personal and Professional Life. A professional email address helps you organize and separate personal and professional communications effectively. This prevents personal emails from interfering with work-related messages and vice versa, maintaining a clear boundary between your personal and professional spheres.

A professional email address is an indispensable tool for anyone seeking to establish a credible and trustworthy online presence. It enhances your brand identity, improves communication, and projects a polished image in the professional realm. By investing in a professional email address, you are investing in your personal and professional success.

Choosing the Right Email Service Provider

Choosing the right email service provider is essential if you are learning how to make a professional email address. The right provider will offer features that align with your needs and provide a secure platform for sending and receiving emails.

Here are some reasons why you should choose Strikingly as your professional email provider:

  1. Affordable and flexible pricing. Strikingly offers a variety of pricing plans to suit your needs, starting with a free plan that includes a custom domain email address. You can also upgrade to paid plans that offer more storage, email aliases, and other features.
  2. Easy to use. Strikingly's email interface is simple and intuitive, so you can easily send and receive emails, manage your inbox, and organize your contacts.
  3. Reliable and secure. Strikingly uses advanced security measures to protect your email data.
  4. Custom branding. You can customize your Strikingly email with your own logo and colors to match your brand.
  5. Integration with your website. If you have a Strikingly website, you can easily integrate your email with your website to receive and respond to emails directly from your website.

In addition to these reasons, here are some specific features that make Strikingly a great choice for professional email:

  • Custom domain email addresses. With Strikingly, you can create a custom domain email address that includes your own domain name. This is a great way to make your email address more professional and memorable.
  • Professional email templates. Strikingly offers a variety of professional email templates that you can use to create great-looking emails.
  • Email marketing tools. Strikingly also offers a variety of email marketing tools that you can use to send newsletters, promote your business, and track your results.

Overall, Strikingly is a great choice for professional email. It is affordable, easy to use, reliable, and secure. It also offers a variety of features that can help you improve your email marketing. I recommend that you try Strikingly's free plan to see if it is the right fit for you.

Creating a Memorable and Professional Username

Your username is often the first impression people have of you when receiving an email from you. It's essential to choose one that is both memorable and professional, as it will be associated with your personal or business brand.

Selecting the Right Email Service Provider

Create a Professional Email: Select the Right Email Provider

Selecting the right email service provider is crucial when you create a professional email. Gmail, Outlook, and Yahoo Mail are popular choices, offering unique features to suit different needs. Gmail is known for its user-friendly interface and seamless integration with other Google services, making it a top choice for many professionals. On the other hand, Outlook offers robust organizational tools and a sleek design that appeals to those who prioritize productivity. Yahoo Mail balances simplicity and functionality, making it a reliable option for those seeking a straightforward email experience.

Comparing Features of Gmail, Outlook, and Yahoo Mail

Gmail stands out with its powerful spam filtering, large storage capacity, and intuitive search functionality. It also offers seamless integration with Google Drive for easy file sharing. Outlook boasts advanced calendar features, task management tools, and customizable folders for efficient email organization. Yahoo Mail offers customizable themes, disposable email addresses for added security, and an ad-free experience with its premium version.

Setting Up Your Email Account with Gmail

To create a professional email address using Gmail, sign up for a new account or use an existing one if you already have one. Once logged in, navigate the settings menu to customize your display name and signature to reflect professionalism. Utilize labels and filters to organize incoming emails effectively.

Utilizing Custom Domain with G Suite

For businesses looking to elevate their branding efforts through their email addresses, G Suite can utilize custom domains that align with your company's website URL. This creates a more professional image and enhances brand recognition among recipients.

With these insights into selecting the right email service provider and setting up your account effectively with Gmail or G Suite's custom domain feature in mind,

You'll be well on your way to create a professional email address that leaves a lasting impression on recipients while reflecting your personal or business brand identity.

Crafting a Professional Username

Create a Professional Email: Create a Professional Username

When you create a professional email address, avoid unprofessional usernames that may give the wrong impression. Avoid using nicknames, slang, or inappropriate words that could tarnish your professional image. Instead, opt for a username that reflects your name or business in a respectable manner.

Avoiding Unprofessional Usernames

Steer clear of using usernames that may come off as unprofessional, such as partygirl123 or gamerboy89. These usernames can be perceived as immature or lacking in seriousness, which is unsuitable for professional communication. It's best to choose something that exudes professionalism and credibility.

Incorporating Your Name or Business Name

Incorporating your actual name or the name of your business into your email address can instantly make it more professional and easily recognizable. For instance, using johnsmith or janesmithphotography creates a sense of legitimacy and trustworthiness.

Professional Email Address Examples

Some examples of professional email addresses include,, or These kinds of addresses are straightforward and indicate who the sender is and what they represent, making them perfect for professional correspondence.

Personalizing Your Email Signature

Create a Professional Email: Personalize Your Email Signature

Strikingly Email Signature

When creating a professional email, it's crucial to personalize your email signature to make a lasting impression. Including essential contact information such as your full name, job title, and company name helps recipients quickly identify and remember you. Adding your phone number, website, and social media links makes it convenient for others to reach out or learn more about you.

Including Essential Contact Information

In addition to basic contact details, consider including a brief but impactful quote or tagline that reflects your personal or professional brand. This can add a touch of personality while maintaining a professional tone. Including a link to your latest blog post or upcoming event can also showcase your expertise and keep recipients engaged.

Using a Consistent and Professional Tone

When crafting your email signature, ensure that the tone aligns with the overall image you want to portray. Whether it's friendly and approachable or formal and authoritative, consistency is key to creating a memorable impression. Avoid using slang or humor that may be misinterpreted in professional settings.

Adding a Professional Photo or Logo

Including a professional headshot or company logo in your email signature adds credibility and personalization. It allows recipients to put a face to the name and creates an instant connection. Ensure that the image is high-quality and aligns with your brand identity.

By personalizing your email signature with essential contact information, maintaining a consistent tone, and adding an appropriate photo or logo, you can create a lasting impression that reflects professionalism while showcasing your unique personality.

Selecting the Right Email Service Provider

Create a Professional Email: Selecting the right provider

Selecting the right email service provider is crucial when you create a professional email. Gmail, Outlook, and Yahoo Mail are popular options, each with its own set of features. Gmail offers a user-friendly interface and seamless integration with other Google services, making it a top choice for many professionals. Outlook provides excellent organization tools and integrates well with Microsoft Office products. Yahoo Mail boasts robust spam filters and a simple design that appeals to many users.

Comparing Features of Gmail, Outlook, and Yahoo Mail

Gmail stands out with its powerful search functionality, generous storage capacity, and strong security features such as two-factor authentication. On the other hand, Outlook excels in calendar management and task tracking, making it ideal for professionals who need to stay organized. Meanwhile, Yahoo Mail’s customizable interface allows users to personalize their inbox according to their preferences.

Setting Up Your Email Account with Gmail

To create a professional email address using Gmail, sign up for an account using your name or business name as the username. Use Gmail’s features, such as labels and filters, to organize your inbox. Customize your signature with essential contact information and a professional tone to leave a lasting impression on recipients.

Utilizing Custom Domain with G Suite

For businesses looking to establish a professional online presence, G Suite offers the option of utilizing custom domains for email addresses. This allows you to have email addresses that match your domain name (e.g.,, enhancing credibility and brand recognition.

By carefully considering the features offered by different email service providers like Gmail, Outlook, and Yahoo Mail – along with utilizing custom domain options – you can create a professional email address that reflects your brand or personal identity effectively.

Securing Your Professional Email

Create a Professional Email: Securing Your Professional Email

Securing your professional email is crucial in the digital age to protect sensitive information and maintain a reputable image. Enabling two-factor authentication adds an extra layer of security by requiring a second verification form, such as a code sent to your phone and your password. This ensures that even if someone gains access to your password, they won't be able to log in without the second factor.

Enabling Two-Factor Authentication

Two-factor authentication is a simple yet effective way to enhance the security of your professional email account. Requiring a second form of verification significantly reduces the risk of unauthorized access and potential data breaches. Whether through text messages, authenticator apps, or biometric methods, enabling two-factor authentication provides peace of mind and safeguards your confidential information.

Regularly Updating and Changing Passwords

Regularly updating and changing passwords is another essential step in securing your professional email account. It's important to use strong, unique passwords that are difficult for hackers to guess. By changing your password every few months and avoiding common phrases or easily guessable combinations, you can minimize the risk of unauthorized access and protect sensitive business communications.

Recognizing and Avoiding Phishing Attempts

Phishing attempts are a common tactic used by cybercriminals to trick individuals into revealing their login credentials or other sensitive information. To safeguard your professional email account, it's crucial to recognize the signs of phishing emails and avoid clicking on suspicious links or providing personal details in response to unsolicited requests. You can prevent potential security breaches by staying vigilant and verifying the legitimacy of any unexpected emails.

Get Your Professional Email Address with Strikingly

Create a Professional Email with Strikingly

Strikingly is a website builder that also provides custom email addresses. This can be a great way to create a professional email address for your business or brand.

Benefits of using Strikingly for your email address:

  • Professional and memorable email addresses. Strikingly allows you to create custom email addresses that include your own domain name. This can help you create a more professional and memorable email address that is easier for people to remember.
  • Easy to set up. Setting up a custom email address with Strikingly is easy and straightforward. You can do it in just a few minutes.
  • Reliable email service. Strikingly uses a reliable email service provider to ensure your email is always running.
  • Affordable pricing. Strikingly's email plans are affordable, especially if you already use Strikingly to build your website.
Strikingly Webmail Login Page

Strikingly Webmail Login Page

Here's how to create a professional email address with Strikingly:

  1. Go to the Strikingly website and log in to your account.
  2. Click on the "Domains" tab.
  3. Click on the "Add Domain" button.
  4. Enter the domain name that you want to use for your email address.
  5. Click on the "Add Domain" button.
  6. Click on the "Emails" tab.
  7. Click on the "Add Email Account" button.
  8. Enter the email address that you want to create.
  9. Click on the "Create Email Account" button.

Here are some tips for choosing a professional email address with Strikingly:

  • Keep it short and easy to remember.
  • Use your real name or your business name.
  • Avoid using numbers, underscores, or special characters.
  • Make sure it is easy to spell.
  • Check availability before you set up your account.

Once you have created your custom email address, you can send and receive emails from your Strikingly website.

In addition to custom email addresses, Strikingly also offers a variety of other features that can help you create a professional online presence, including:

  • Website builder. Strikingly's website builder is easy to use and can help you create a beautiful and professional website in minutes.
  • Domain registration. Strikingly can help you register a domain name for your website.
Strikingly Domain Registration Page

Strikingly Domain Registration Page

  • SEO tools. Strikingly's SEO tools can help you improve your website's search engine ranking.
  • Email marketing. Strikingly's email marketing tools can help you reach your target audience and grow your business.

If you want a way to create a professional email address and online presence, Strikingly is a great option. Sign up today!