web space pro-tip

What is web space?

If there is one essential question you should ask yourself before you start building your website, it’s “how much storage do I need for my website?”

Web space is simply defined as a storage space. It is the specific measure of allocated spaces for website owners provided by their chosen website hosts. Commonly, a web space is made up of all the total number of files including the website texts, images, videos, written scripts, website databases, custom emails, and other files involved within your website.

Web space can also be described as the measured gigabytes or megabytes website hosting companies can offer you within their set of specific subscription plans.

Reasons why you should familiarize yourself about website storage space

Website storage plays an important role in making your website experience run smoothly. As a starter, you have to be aware of how much storage your target website will take to help you find the best website builder that will satisfy what you seek.

Here are more reasons why mastering the art of web space is vital in the field of website creation.

  • Functionality

One primary reason why understanding web space is important is it can massively affect your website’s overall functionality. Website storage has its limits. A specific website space has a specific amount of data and files it can hold. Knowing what amount of web space you will need for your website can help you plan ahead of time on how much data you will use. It can be a strategy to avoid making your website too crowded which can cause a slowed website performance. Using too much space of your website storage can result in various conflicts like delayed load time and increased bounce rates.

Insufficient web space resulting in poor performance can also be the reason for you to lose the audience. Website viewers tend to leave a website page immediately once they notice its negative performance. As a webmaster, you surely wouldn’t want that.

Young and CEO

Image taken from Young and CEO

  • Security

Security follows functionality. If a website is functional, it can easily protect the users and the webmaster from any disruptions caused by hackers. Sufficient website storage space makes it more possible for a website to provide its user's protection on their private and sensitive files posted online. As a webmaster, being knowledgeable in web space will make it easier for you to choose the best alliance in website building which will not put your safety and target markets at stake.

  • Minimizes Loss

An effective web space gives you the power to increase your sales. Being in the business field, every second counts even just by simply visiting a business’ website. Customers are more attracted to companies who can immediately give a reliable response to their needs. Asking yourself the question, “how much storage do I need for my website?” before you buy one will not only save you time from choosing the right website builder. It can also be your guide on choosing only the best website storage offer which can help you maintain a solid connection with your target audience.

  • SEO Ranking

Search Engine Optimization or SEO is your holy grail in the world of website building. By having the best web space, you can easily index your website with search engines. Being recognized by search engines can help you boost your SEO rankings and make your website among the best. In e-commerce, it is considered “bad luck” if your website has poor performance because it can negatively affect your website’s relationship with SEO. How to avoid this? Simple, choose the best website builder, which is not just web space smart but also SEO friendly—someone like Strikingly.

IMAD website strikingly

Image taken from IMAD

Factors to consider before you buy website space

Deciding what and where to buy webspace is not the same as how you do online shopping. There are factors to consider and ideas you should know first before purchasing a web space plan. To help you with that Strikingly gives you a set of tips and hacks you should start considering first before deciding to buy website space.

  • Host’s Reliability

Website hosts are the game-changers. They can help you achieve your goals and build that perfect website you’ve wanted all this time. Or, they can be the reason for your tragic downfall. Before choosing where website hosts to buy website space, have background research first. This step will not just help you find the best-suited website builder for you that can offer you great web space plans, but also save you from spending money on the wrong choice. As someone who seeks promotions, you wouldn’t want to lose profit for a nonsense purchase right?

  • Website Storage Capacity Available

Each type of website has its website storage capacity. Before you buy webspace, it is highly recommended that you take a thorough study of the type and capacity of web space each subscription plan offers. Know the details like “how much storage do I need for my website” or “how much storage will I have at a specific amount of purchase?”, and if there are any other inclusions available. Doing this step is one smart way recommended for anyone planning to purchase website storage space. Through this hack, you are not just making it easier for you to find the best plan for you, but also get to plan ahead of time on what elements you should only put on your website to fit your target storage and personal budget.

  • Clear Subscription Pricing

Each website builder has its pricing for its set of subscription plans. Before deciding to buy webspace, look closely at every offer posted by the website. Read and understand every detail that can help you understand how they make their web space transactions. You can also connect with the website and ask them questions about their subscription plan offers. Ask everything you wanted to know because it will help you avoid confusion and doing the wrong purchase. Doing this step will also help you compare each of your candidates in buying web space plans, and eventually, come up with the best option that can give you a level-up web space experience.

email handyman strikingly

Image taken from Email Handyman

Why you should buy webspace with Strikingly

Strikingly is among website builders which can offer you a whole new level of web space experience. As of the moment, we have already established three categories for web space subscription plans: Limited, Pro, and VIP. Each plan is also equipped with specific inclusions you can upgrade monthly, or even up to 5 years of usage depending on your own choice!


This plan is best for starters who are still figuring out the world of web space and web design. For as low as 12$ monthly, you can create two limited websites, publish unlimited websites with free features, connect your custom domain, a total web space of 1 gigabyte per site made, 50 gigabytes of bandwidth, a free SSL for your custom domain, sell up to five of your products online, twenty-four-seven chat support, and zero percent transaction fee.


Strikingly’s Pro Plan is the most famous among the three. Well, that’s not surprising for a subscription plan that is jam-packed with tools that you’d be needing to start your website. For as low as 20$ monthly, you can create 3 Pro sites, build unlimited free site, connect website custom domain, a free SSL for a domain, a total of 3 GB website storage per site created, 200 GB of bandwidth, power to sell up to 300 products, remove Strikingly branding, custom Forms option, create multiple pages, build password protection, add site memberships for your audience, paid subscription memberships, customize purchase checkout, create website homepage pop-Ups, a website search, mobile action buttons, an embed custom code, custom your font upload, import/export different products, chat support, and zero transaction fee.


Customers seek businesses that can give them the best service. As a provider, it is your role to give them not just to maintain a good business-customer relationship, but also to open more opportunities. Strikingly can help you bring out the best in you when it comes to website designing through our VIP subscription plan.

For as low as 49$ per month, you can have the basic Strikingly features plus, 5 VIP websites, a total amount of 10 GB website storage space for each website created, 500 gigabytes of bandwidth, a set of 2,000 active website contacts, option to sell up to 500 products, multiple website membership tiers, send customized newsletters to your audience, have your live chat widget, a priority customer service option, an English phone support, a reliable account manager and everything in Pro Plan mode with zero percent transaction fee.

strikingly pricing plan

Image taken from Strikingly

Got more questions on how to master the art of website designing?

Chat with us, and we’ll work things out together.