Create Your Own Ecommerce Website Today

· Building Your Site,Promoting Your Site,Entrepreneurship
Ecommerce Shopping Cart Filled with Boxes and a Magnifying Glass in Blue Background

Having an online presence is crucial for any business to succeed. An ecommerce website allows you to sell your products or services online, expanding your reach and increasing your sales potential. But what is e commerce website exactly?

What is Ecommerce website?

Ecommerce websites have become increasingly popular in recent years, as more and more people prefer to shop online. If you're wondering what is an ecommerce website, it's simply an online store where you can buy and sell products (digital or physical) or services. Some of the best ecommerce website templates are designed to provide a seamless shopping experience for customers.

If you're looking for ecommerce website examples, many successful online stores such as Amazon, eBay, and Etsy exist. These websites have mastered the art of creating a user-friendly interface that makes it easy for customers to find what they're looking for and make purchases.

Benefits of an Ecommerce Website

One of the most significant benefits of having an ecommerce website is the convenience it offers customers. They can browse and purchase products from the comfort of their home, any time of day or night. This convenience translates into increased customer satisfaction and loyalty.

If you're new to ecommerce, don't worry! Strikingly is a user-friendly platform that makes it easy to create a professional-looking website without coding knowledge. In this article, we'll guide you through planning, designing, creating content for, marketing, and managing your ecommerce website using Strikingly.

Strikingly: The Best Ecommerce Website Builder

Strikingly Select Template Page

Strikingly is a popular website builder specializing in creating beautiful and functional websites for individuals and businesses. With its intuitive drag-and-drop interface and customizable templates, even those without technical skills can create a stunning website in no time.

One of the standout features of Strikingly is its focus on mobile optimization. With more people accessing websites on their smartphones than ever before, your site must look great on all devices. Strikingly ensures that your site will be fully responsive and easy to navigate on mobile devices.

To get started with Strikingly, simply sign up for an account and choose a template that fits your needs. From there, you can customize the design by adding images, changing colors, and rearranging elements using the drag-and-drop editor.

Once you've designed your site layout, it's time to add content such as product descriptions and blog posts. You can do this easily within Strikingly's editor by using pre-designed sections or creating your custom sections using the Make Your Own Section.

Finally, you'll want to optimize your site for search engines by using relevant keywords throughout your content and meta tags. Strikingly also offers built-in SEO tools to help you improve your site's visibility in search engine results pages (SERPs).

Now that you have a basic understanding of Strikingly and how it can help you create a successful ecommerce website, let's dive into the specifics of planning, designing, creating content for, marketing, and managing your site.

1. Planning Your Ecommerce Website

Planning is the first and most crucial step in creating an ecommerce website. It lays the foundation for your website's success. Before you start building your website, you need to clearly understand what you want and how you plan to achieve it.

Planning helps you identify your goals, target audience, and marketing strategy. It also helps you choose the right ecommerce platform that suits your business needs. Without proper planning, your ecommerce website may not meet its full potential.

  • Identifying Your Target Audience

Knowing your target audience is crucial in creating a successful ecommerce website. You need to understand their demographics, interests, and behavior patterns. This information will help you tailor your product offerings and marketing strategies to meet their needs.

  • Creating a Product and Marketing Strategy

Your product strategy should focus on offering unique, high-quality products relevant to your target audience's needs. Your marketing strategy should be aimed at promoting these products through various channels, such as social media, email marketing, and paid advertising.

Mystery Box Ecommerce Website Template

Image taken from Strikingly


  • Choosing the Right Ecommerce Platform

Choosing the right ecommerce platform is critical for the success of your online store. You need a platform that offers secure payment gateways, shipping integrations, inventory management tools, customizable templates, and responsive design for mobile devices.

Ecommerce platforms include Shopify, WooCommerce, Magento, BigCommerce, etc., but Strikingly stands out from the rest with its user-friendly interface and affordable pricing plans.

Planning your ecommerce website carefully is essential to its success. With the right product offerings, marketing strategies, and ecommerce platform like Strikingly with its customizable templates, you can create an online store that stands out from the competition and attracts customers worldwide.

2. Designing Your Ecommerce Website

When it comes to ecommerce websites, design is everything. Your website's design can make or break your business, so it's important to put some thought into it. A well-designed ecommerce website will attract customers and keep them engaged and coming back for more.

Choose the Right Theme or Template

Choosing the right theme is a crucial step in designing your ecommerce website. There are plenty of ecommerce website templates available online, but not all of them are created equal. The best ecommerce website templates are those that are easy to use and navigate, visually appealing, and optimized for conversions.

Create a Brand Strategy

Creating a branding strategy is also important to designing your ecommerce website. Your branding strategy should include your logo, color scheme, and overall aesthetic. A strong brand identity will help you stand out from the competition and establish trust with your customers.

Optimize for Mobile Devices

Optimizing your website for mobile devices is no longer optional. More people are shopping on their mobile devices than ever before, so it's important to make sure that your ecommerce website is mobile-friendly. This means using responsive design and ensuring your site loads quickly on mobile devices.

Some great examples of well-designed ecommerce websites include Amazon, Etsy, and Zappos. These sites all have user-friendly interfaces that make shopping easy and enjoyable for customers.

Designing an ecommerce website requires careful planning and attention to detail. By choosing the right theme, creating a strong brand identity, and optimizing for the mobile devices, you can create an ecommerce website that stands out from the competition and attracts loyal customers.

3. Creating Content for Your Ecommerce Website

Creating content for your ecommerce website is essential in attracting and retaining customers. This section will discuss the importance of content, writing product descriptions, creating blog posts and articles, and tips for optimizing your content for SEO.

Content is the backbone of any ecommerce website. It's what sets you apart from your competitors and helps build trust with potential customers. Your content should be informative, engaging, and relevant to your target audience.

When creating content for your ecommerce website, it's important to keep in mind that it's not just about selling products. You want to provide value to your customers by sharing useful information that they can't find elsewhere.

Writing Product Descriptions

Product descriptions are an important part of your ecommerce website because they help customers understand what they're buying. When writing product descriptions, make sure to include all relevant information, such as size, material, color options, and any other features that may be important.

Writing in a way that speaks directly to your target audience is also important. Use language that they understand and highlight the benefits of the product rather than just listing its features.

Creating Blog Posts and Articles

Blogging is a great way to attract traffic to your ecommerce website while also providing valuable information to your audience. You can establish yourself as an authority in your field by creating high-quality blog posts and articles on topics related to your products or industry.

When creating blog posts and articles, make sure they are well-researched and provide value to the reader. Use keywords naturally throughout the post but avoid keyword stuffing which can harm SEO efforts.

Tips for Optimizing Your Content for SEO

Optimizing your content for SEO is crucial in ensuring that potential customers can find you online through search engines like Google or Bing. Here are some tips for optimizing your content:

1. Use relevant keywords throughout your content but avoid overusing them.

2. Use header tags (H1, H2, H3) to structure your content and make it easier for search engines to understand.

3. Use meta descriptions to provide a brief summary of your content and encourage clicks from search results pages.

4. Include alt tags for images to help search engines understand what they are about.

By following these tips, you can improve the visibility of your ecommerce website in search engine results pages.

Creating high-quality content is essential in attracting and retaining customers on your ecommerce website. By writing informative product descriptions, creating engaging blog posts and articles, and optimizing your content for SEO, you can establish yourself as an authority in your field and drive traffic to your website.

4. Marketing Your Ecommerce Website

Marketing is an essential part of any ecommerce website's success. Without proper marketing, your website may not reach its full potential. Let's dive into the different marketing strategies you can use to promote your ecommerce website.

Marketing is crucial for any business, and an ecommerce website is no exception. It helps you reach a wider audience and increase your sales. With effective marketing strategies in place, you can attract new customers and retain existing ones.

  • Creating a social media strategy

Social media is a powerful tool for promoting your ecommerce website. It allows you to connect with your target audience more personally and showcase your products visually appealingly. To create a successful social media strategy, identify which platforms are most popular among your target audience and create engaging content that aligns with their interests.

  • Email marketing and newsletters

Email marketing is another effective way to promote your ecommerce website. You can inform subscribers about new products, sales, and discounts by sending regular newsletters or promotional emails. Make sure to personalize the emails based on their interests and purchase history for better engagement.

Pretty Olive Interiors Ecommerce Website with Pop Up Form


  • Paid advertising options

Paid advertising options such as Google Ads or Facebook Ads can help you reach a larger audience quickly. You can set specific targeting options based on demographics, interests, or behavior patterns to ensure that the right people see your ads.

Marketing plays a vital role in the success of any ecommerce website. By creating a social media strategy, utilizing email marketing and newsletters, and exploring paid advertising options, you can increase traffic to your site and boost sales.

If you're looking for inspiration or guidance on how to design an effective ecommerce website that will stand out from the competition, check out some of the best ecommerce website templates available online today! And remember - with hard work and persistence, your ecommerce website can become a thriving business in no time.

5. Managing Your Ecommerce Website

Managing your ecommerce website is crucial to its success. It involves maintaining the website, updating product listings and inventory, handling customer inquiries and orders, and analyzing website traffic and sales data.

Website maintenance is essential to keep your ecommerce website running smoothly. It includes updating software, fixing bugs and errors, optimizing loading speed, and ensuring security measures are in place. Neglecting website maintenance can lead to downtime, lost sales, and damage to your reputation.

  • Updating Product Listings and Inventory

Keeping your product listings up-to-date is crucial for the success of your ecommerce website. Regularly update product descriptions, images, prices, and availability. This ensures that customers have accurate information about what you offer. Additionally, keeping track of inventory levels prevents overselling or underselling products.

  • Handling Customer Inquiries and Orders

Providing excellent customer service is key to building a loyal customer base for your ecommerce website. Respond promptly to customer inquiries through email or chat support. Ensure that orders are processed quickly and accurately by having a streamlined order fulfillment process in place.

Pawfect Food Template with Customer Testimonial Page

Image taken from Strikingly


  • Analyzing Website Traffic and Sales Data

Analyzing traffic and sales data helps you understand how customers interact with your ecommerce website. Use tools like Google Analytics to track metrics such as page views, bounce rates, conversion rates, and revenue generated from sales. This information can help you identify areas for improvement in your marketing strategy or website design.

Managing an ecommerce website requires ongoing effort to ensure its success. By prioritizing website maintenance, updating product listings regularly, providing excellent customer service, and analyzing data regularly you can build a successful online business.

Looking for inspiration? Check out some examples of successful ecommerce websites using Strikingly's best ecommerce templates!

Kickstart Your Ecommerce Website with Strikingly Today

Creating an ecommerce website is a great way to expand your business and reach a wider audience. With the right platform and strategy, you can take advantage of the many benefits of ecommerce.

An ecommerce website allows you to sell your products or services online, opening up new markets and increasing your revenue potential. It also provides convenience for your customers, allowing them to shop anywhere anytime. You can attract more customers and build brand awareness with the right marketing strategy.

Strikingly is a user-friendly platform that makes it easy for anyone to create an ecommerce website quickly and easily. With its intuitive drag-and-drop interface and customizable templates, you can create a professional-looking site in no time. Its affordable pricing plans make it accessible for businesses of all sizes.

If you haven't already, now is the time to start planning your ecommerce journey. Identify your target audience, create a product and marketing strategy, choose the right platform, design your site with branding in mind, create quality content optimized for SEO purposes and market it well on social media platforms like Facebook or Instagram among others.

Let us know how we can help!

If you need further assistance or have any questions about creating an ecommerce website with Strikingly or other platforms available out there don't hesitate to talk to us! Remember that starting an e-commerce website may seem daunting at first but with our guidance and expertise we will make sure that everything runs smoothly from start to finish.