Text Color

Color has its own language. It can capture your attention, entice you with information, alter your mood, and elicit a wide range of emotions. Strikingly's free web templates offer so many incredible customization options that discussing text color seems almost ridiculous. However, selecting the best text color for your website is critical and should come before moving to more advanced options.

Many people are attempting to create a visually appealing website that will entice visitors to return. The best way to ensure that your site is effective is to pay attention to detail, and color plays a role in this.

Color is an important design element because it adds visual interest to your website, which is exactly what you need to increase traffic to your website.

What Role Does Text Color Play in Website Design?

Choosing a text color for your website's design is critical to its success. Colors can be your most effective tool for eliciting a response from your target audience. Using a text color to elicit emotional responses or a response to a call-to-action on your website is another vital role. Color allows us to process and store images more efficiently than colorless (black and white) images, which can help increase brand recognition and prompt site visitors to take action. Color schemes can influence subconscious judgment, so your palette should not contradict your brand's philosophy. Color speaks volumes and can affect people's feelings and emotions in various ways. It is its own language, and it can be used to draw people's attention, direct you to the most critical information, and set the right mood for what the website is all about. Applying text color for your website is thus vital. You want something that will enhance your texts and harmonize your website overall, not something that will disrupt the final balance of your website and drive your visitors away.

How to Use Text Color in Web Design?

If you want to use the best text color on your website or improve on what you already have, here are some essential tips to help you make the right decisions:

1. Make certain that there is a Sense of Balance


Image is taken from Strikingly user’s website

All colors on your website should be complementary so that the page appears to be balanced. When deciding on colors to combine, it is best to look at other websites to see if they appear balanced. Visitors are more likely to explore your website if your pages are using a text color effectively. The text color in web design can be noticeable without being overpowering.

2. Take Note of the Contrast

Text is what you need to communicate to your website visitor, clarifying why they are there. The text must be readable in both the foreground and background. When planning your contrast, start by ensuring that the text contrasts with the website's background. This will make it stand out more. Using the same color for the background and text makes it difficult to read and understand, and the text will not stand out. For readability, use a dark text color if the background color is light or vice versa.

3. Keep Things Simple

The best advice you can get as a web designer is to keep it simple, and this also applies when adding text color to your web design.

The minimalist approach is the most effective. If you want people to read what you have on your website without losing focus, you should keep the colors simple as well. Exaggerating the colors will create a negative impression, potentially driving away customers. Furthermore, it becomes difficult to convey the correct message when so many colors are used at once.

4. Make Use of Brand Colors

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Image is taken from Strikingly user’s website

If you already have a logo, it can help you decide what color to use for your text. Depending on what you're dealing with, you can use color psychology to send a more straightforward message to your website visitors.

Blue, for example, is the color of trust, peace, order, and loyalty, and if this is what your brand stands for, you can easily incorporate it into your text.

5. Pay Attention to the Design's Emotions

One thing to consider when designing a text color for your website is the emotions you want to convey to your readers. This has to be related to what you're doing. Bright colors, for example, are always effective when selling to children. If you're dealing with something that people should be aware of, the color yellow is the way to go. Blend it well with the background color to effectively convey the message.

6. The Importance of Standards

As a web designer, you must follow certain web design standards. For example, grey should always be used where blanks are filled in. Red indicates something wrong or that the visitor should pay close attention to. When you see blue underlined text, you should immediately recognize it as a link to a specific website. Understand and apply these standards.

7. Color Tinge

Color casting over images is a new trend that is slowly gaining traction in web design. It enables text placement on designs, resulting in a more stunning design. Color casting does not detract from anything. Choosing a text color that will not obscure the images while also making the text visible to readers.

8. Keep Track of Where You Are

The colors you should use should be guided by your target audience. Certain colors are associated with different cultures. Pink is the most popular color among girls in most cultures. Yellow is associated with royalty in Asian cultures. In Europe, royalty is represented by the color purple. Take note of these details.

9. Every Text is Important

Because every text in your web design is important, you must pay close attention to all text, including the footers and buttons. This is because a web visitor may refer to these texts at any time to obtain specific information.

10. Add Value and Luxury by Using Black

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Image is taken from Strikingly user’s website

A dark tone always draws attention to the value and information in a web design. To give your website the importance it deserves, you must include some dark text color in your web design. The dark text highlights the website's focus in the above example, which is the Facebook welcome page.

11. Cultural Values

Colors have different meanings in different cultures. From national colors to holiday associations, make sure to research the meaning of the colors you intend to use for your target audience. For example, did you know that red is the color of good fortune in China and love in the United States? Depending on where you are in the world, each color represents something different. Use what makes sense for you and the people who will visit your website.

12. Don't Overthink and Overdo it

Maintaining consistency and not overdoing anything is vital in using font faces in websites. Do not request that your designer use fonts too creative to be understood by viewers. Keep everything simple so that people can easily understand it.

How to Change Text Color in Strikingly?

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Image is taken from Strikingly

Now we'll show you how to do it with the Strikingly website editor. Text changer will assist you in achieving the desired look for your brand and website. In general, you can change the color of text by following these simple steps:

  • Select any text box in any section.
  • Choose from the available colors by clicking on the round "color" button on the text changer menu.

It's worth noting that you can change the text color to a specific HEX code color using the Pro custom settings. You can create an account and select the Pro plan access option. You can change the text color to make it stand out against your background images. You can access the background editor from the top right corner of the website editor, next to the layout design section. It will display the background images you can select along with your text. In addition, the text changer simplifies the editing process by displaying a preview of each option you select. You can change the text color to make it stand out against your background images. You can select "Light," "Dark," or "Light Text with Overlay." We make every effort to keep the interface simple and your site visually appealing!


No text is too small to read. Consider your buttons and footer in the same way you consider your header. It all contributes to a clear picture of what your website is all about. More than 95 percent of web design is determined by fonts and color. It is the responsibility of web designers to understand visitors' psychology while bringing their dreams to life. However, as a website owner, you must choose fonts and colors that effectively communicate your brand message to website visitors.