
If you run an online business, you probably have heard about email marketing. Email marketing is a powerful tool for reaching and engaging customers and prospects. Whether you're a small business, just starting, or a large corporation looking to expand your reach, email marketing can help you achieve your goals. From building brand awareness to driving sales, the benefits of email marketing are numerous. In this article, we will explore the pros and cons of email marketing and how you can maximize it for effective marketing. Thus, whether you're new to email marketing or looking to improve your existing strategy, read on to learn more about the advantages and disadvantages of email marketing.

Email marketing can help you build tangible relationships with your customers by allowing you to create targeted and personalized messages. Thus, you improve the response rates of your customers and prospects. As much as it has some advantages, we must not neglect the disadvantages of email marketing. A circumspect look at the pros and cons of email marketing will help you prepare better marketing campaigns.

There are many pros and cons of email marketing. Let’s explore them together.

10 Pros of Email Marketing

Let us look at the advantages of email marketing for your business.

  • Cost-effective
  • Targeted
  • Measurable
  • Trackable ROI
  • Personalization
  • Timely
  • Flexibility
  • Automation
  • Global reach
  • Builds Customer Loyalty


Image taken from Strikingly Product

  • Cost-effective

One of the advantages of email marketing is its cost-effectiveness. It doesn't require a large budget to reach a broad audience, and the costs associated with it are relatively low compared to other forms of marketing such as television, radio, or print advertising.

  • Targeted

When evaluating the pros and cons of email marketing or any other online marketing strategy, we must not overlook the importance of targeting. Email marketing allows you to segment your audience and target specific groups of customers or prospects based on demographics, behavior, or other data. You can send highly relevant and personalized messages that are more likely to be opened, read, and acted upon.

  • Measurable

What is marketing if it is not measured? One of the most critical advantages of email marketing is that it lets your business track and measure the success of your email campaigns. Metrics such as open rates, click-through rates, and conversion rates provide insights into how well the email content resonates with the target audience and can be used to optimize future campaigns.

ROI, or return on investment, is also an advantage of email marketing, as it allows you to measure the financial success of your campaigns. By comparing the revenue generated from email marketing campaigns to the costs of creating and sending emails, businesses can determine the overall profitability of their email marketing efforts.

The main difference between metrics and ROI as advantages of email marketing is that metrics focus on measuring the campaign's performance, while ROI focuses on the financial return of the campaign. Both metrics and ROI are essential in evaluating the success of email marketing efforts, but they provide different types of information and are used in different ways.

  • Trackable ROI


Image is taken from Strikingly User’s Website

Again, you can only correctly evaluate the pros and cons of email marketing without talking about return on investment. Access to information about your Return on Investment (ROI) is an advantage of email marketing because it allows you to measure the specific financial return generated by your email campaigns. You can do this by tracking metrics such as open rates, click-through rates, conversion rates, and revenue generated from each email campaign. By understanding the ROI of your email marketing efforts, you can make data-driven decisions about allocating resources and optimizing your campaigns for maximum financial return.

  • Personalization

Some factors fall under both pros and cons of email marketing. Personalization is one of them. Email marketing allows for easy personalization of content and subject lines to increase engagement. Personalized emails have been shown to have higher open rates, click-through rates, and conversion rates than generic, impersonal emails. However, most email marketing tools, such as birthday offers and the like, can hardly achieve absolute personalization.

  • Timely

Emails can be scheduled to be sent at specific times, allowing your business to take advantage of timely opportunities or promotions. For example, sending a personalized email to previous customers with a special offer for their birthday can be a great way to drive sales and increase customer loyalty. In your email marketing efforts, you can also take advantage of seasonal events, such as Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New year sales.

  • Flexibility

Email marketing allows for various types of content, such as text, images, videos, GIFs, and infographics to be included in the message. You can create visually appealing and engaging content that can be easily consumed by your audience.

  • Automation

Another factor that can be classified under both the pros and cons of email marketing is automation. Email campaigns can be automated, which allows for efficient and effective communication with subscribers. Automated campaigns can be set up to trigger specific actions such as sending a welcome email to new subscribers or a re-engagement email to inactive subscribers. However, you must be careful with automated campaigns. Sometimes, you may send an automated email to the wrong recipient. When you do this, you reduce the effectiveness of your campaign.

  • Global Reach

Email marketing gives you the ability to reach people anywhere in the world, as long as they have an internet connection. That way, you expand your reach and connect with customers and prospects in new and exciting ways.

  • Builds Customer Loyalty

Email marketing allows you to communicate directly with customers regularly. By sending targeted, personalized messages and offers, your business can build trust and establish a relationship with your customers. This can lead to repeat purchases and positive word-of-mouth advertising, ultimately increasing customer loyalty and retention. Additionally, by collecting data on customer behavior and preferences through email marketing, businesses can gain valuable insights into how to best serve their target audience.

7 Cons of Email Marketing

These are some of the foremost disadvantages of email marketing.


Image taken from Paul Zheng’s Website

- Spam filters

- Low open rates

- Limited targeting

- Decrease in personalization

- Decrease in privacy

- Lack of interactivity

- Technical Issues

  • Spam Filters

Email marketing messages can easily be marked as spam, which can prevent them from reaching the intended recipients. It is therefore a major drawback for businesses, as it limits the effectiveness of their campaigns.

  • Low Open Rates

Even if an email does make it past a spam filter, there is no guarantee that the recipient will open it. Low open rates can be a result of poor subject lines, irrelevant content, or a lack of personalization.

  • Limited Targeting

Unlike social media marketing, email marketing has limited targeting. This is one of the disadvantages of email marketing. Messages are sent to a broad audience, which can make it difficult for businesses to target specific segments of their customer base.

  • Decrease in Personalization

Email marketing messages are often sent to a large number of recipients at once, which can make it difficult to personalize the content for each individual.

  • Decrease in Privacy

Email marketing campaigns can be seen as an invasion of privacy, especially if recipients feel that their personal information is being used without their consent. When your customers feel violated, it can lead to negative perceptions of your brand and can harm your company's reputation.

  • Lack of Interactivity

Email marketing messages are typically one-way communication, lacking the interactivity of other digital channels like social media. Thus, it is difficult to engage with the audience and get real-time feedback

  • Technical issues

There are also technical issues that can arise with email marketing such as broken links, images not showing, and poor rendering across different email clients.

There, you have the pros and cons of email marketing. One sure way to manage these possible cons of email marketing is to use good email marketing tools and website building platforms. Most website builders have built-in email campaign tools. Strikingly is an efficient website builder that helps you set up email campaigns to boost your online marketing efforts. With the following steps, you can execute a super-efficient email marketing strategy for your business, using Strikingly.

How to Use the Strikingly Email Campaign Tool


Image is taken from Strikingly Product

Strikingly is a website builder that also includes email marketing features. To use Strikingly for email marketing, you'll need to first create an account on the website. Once you have an account, you can create email campaigns by following these steps:

1. Log in to your Strikingly account and go to the "Email" section.

2. Click on "Create Campaign" to start building your email.

3. Add your recipient list and customize your email's subject line and sender information.

4. Schedule your email to be sent at a specific time or send it immediately.

5. Track your email campaign performance by monitoring the open and click-through rates.

6. Make improvements and adjustments to your future campaigns based on the data from your previous campaigns.

Note that Strikingly also offers a feature of integrating your email marketing with your website, where you can add opt-in forms and email sign-up forms to your website.

In conclusion, although it is a powerful tool for your business to reach and engage your target audience, you must weigh the pros and cons of email marketing before implementing an email marketing strategy. It can be an effective way to build relationships with customers, increase sales and drive website traffic, but it also requires a significant investment of time and resources. It's essential to consider the cost and reach advantages of email marketing campaigns, as well as the effectiveness of the email marketing software being used.

Again, one software that can help you with email marketing efforts is Strikingly. It is a great website builder that includes email marketing features. Strikingly makes it easy for your business to create and send email campaigns, track their performance, and make adjustments for future campaigns. The platform also offers the feature of integrating email marketing with your website by adding opt-in forms and email sign-up forms. With the Strikingly tool, you can manage the pros and cons of email marketing and grow your business.