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The Future of Mobile Commerce: Trends and Predictions

June 2, 2023

What is mobile commerce? If you’re asking yourself the same question, don’t worry. A lot of people are asking the same question. 

What is Mobile Commerce?

Mobile commerce, also known as mcommerce, refers to the buying and selling goods and services through mobile devices. Mobile commerce has become an essential part of online business with the increasing use of smartphones and tablets. Understanding mobile commerce is crucial for businesses that want to stay competitive in today's digital age.

What are the Benefits of Mobile Commerce?

Here are some major benefits of mcommerce or mobile commerce:

  • Convenience. Mcommerce offers consumers the convenience of shopping on the go. People can buy products and services directly from their mobile devices anytime and anywhere. This convenience and instant access attract more customers and drive higher sales.
  • Personalization. Mobile apps and websites can leverage data about customers and their shopping behaviors to provide personalized product recommendations and offers. This tailored experience keeps customers engaged and satisfied.
  • Location targeting. Businesses can target shoppers based on their current location. For example, stores can send coupons and promotions to customers when they're in the vicinity. This data-driven targeting leads to higher redemption and conversion rates.
  • Streamlined experience. The best mcommerce platforms offer a seamless shopping experience from mobile to desktop. Customers can switch devices on the go and their shopping cart and account info moves with them. This omnichannel experience boosts customer lifetime value.
  • Increased visibility. A mobile-optimized online store or app puts a business in front of more potential customers. Since most people rely on their smartphones all day long, a mobile presence expands visibility and helps brands reach shoppers anytime through search, social media, and advertising.
  • Improved security. Leading mcommerce solutions invest heavily in security protections for safeguarding customer payment information and personal data. For shoppers, a secure mobile checkout increases trust and confidence in the brand, leading to more transactions.
  • Greater connectivity. Push notifications, in-app messaging, and location-based alerts allow businesses to instantly connect with their mobile customers. These real-time messages boost engagement, promote products and services, share updates, and drive sales.
  • Valuable insights. Integrated analytics tools provide data about how customers shop via mobile. From product-level insights to checkout conversion trends, these analytics help businesses optimize the mobile experience to meet customer needs, improve satisfaction, and increase sales over time.
  • Enhanced loyalty. Businesses can reward mobile shoppers for their repeat business with loyalty programs, personalized offers, and other incentive programs right through the mobile platform. This fosters brand loyalty and long-term customer relationships.

The importance of mobile commerce cannot be overstated. According to a report by Insider Intelligence, mobile commerce sales are projected to reach $43.4 trillion by 2023. This growth is driven by the convenience and accessibility that mobile devices offer consumers. Businesses that fail to embrace mobile commerce risk losing a significant portion of their potential revenue.

The history of mobile commerce dates back to 1997 when Coca-Cola installed vending machines in Helsinki that accepted payment via text message. Since then, mobile payment options have expanded significantly, with services such as Apple Pay, Google Wallet, and PayPal leading the way.

Strikingly has played a significant role in developing mobile commerce by providing businesses with user-friendly website templates optimized for mobile devices. With Strikingly's help, businesses can easily create an online presence accessible from any device.

The Rise of Mobile Payments

Mobile payments have transformed the way we shop and pay for goods and services. Simply put, mobile payments refer to using mobile devices to make transactions. Several mobile payment options are available, including digital wallets, mobile banking apps, and contactless payments.

The growth of mobile payment adoption has been staggering in recent years. In 2019 alone, global mobile payment transaction volume reached $4.9 trillion. This trend is expected to continue as more people embrace the convenience and security of using their phones to purchase.

When choosing a mobile payment system, there are several factors to consider. Some popular options include Apple Pay, Google Wallet, and Samsung Pay. Each system has its own unique features and benefits.

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Looking ahead, the future of mobile payments is bright. As more businesses adopt the technology and consumers become increasingly comfortable using their phones for transactions, we expect continued growth in this area.

Overall, understanding mobile commerce and the rise of mobile payments is crucial for businesses looking to stay ahead in today's digital landscape. While there may be some differences between mcommerce and ecommerce, one thing is clear: embracing mobile technology is essential for success in today's market.

The Emergence of Mobile Wallets

Mobile wallets has become an increasingly popular payment method in recent years, especially in the world of mobile commerce. But what exactly are mobile wallets? Simply put, they are digital versions of physical wallets that allow consumers to store their credit card and banking information on their mobile devices. This technology has revolutionized how we make purchases, making transactions faster and more convenient than ever.

One of the main benefits of mobile wallets for consumers is their added security. With traditional payment methods, there is always a risk of credit card theft or fraud. However, mobile wallets use advanced encryption technology to protect user information and prevent unauthorized access. Additionally, many mobile wallet providers offer features like biometric authentication and two-factor authentication to enhance security further.

Several major players in the mobile wallet market include Apple Pay, Google Wallet, Samsung Pay, and PayPal. Each provider offers unique features and benefits for users, such as rewards programs or compatibility with specific devices or operating systems. As more consumers adopt this technology, we expect to see more competition and innovation in this space.

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While it may be some time before physical wallets are entirely replaced by their digital counterparts, there is certainly potential for this to happen in the future. With the rise of contactless payments and other advancements in mobile commerce technology, it's clear that we're moving towards a more cashless society. As such, businesses must adapt to these changes by embracing mobile commerce and offering customers a variety of payment options.

Understanding mobile commerce means understanding the importance of emerging technologies like mobile wallets. These digital payment solutions offer numerous consumer benefits while providing increased security and convenience. With continued innovation in this space, we can expect even greater adoption rates and a shift towards a truly cashless society. Businesses must stay ahead of these trends if they hope to remain competitive in our rapidly evolving marketplace.

The Impact of Augmented Reality on Mobile Commerce

Augmented reality (AR) is a technology that overlays digital information in the real world. In mobile commerce, AR can enhance the shopping experience by allowing customers to visualize products in their physical environment before making a purchase.

One use case for AR in mobile commerce is virtual try-on. Customers can use their smartphone camera to superimpose clothing or accessories onto their bodies, giving them an idea of how it would look before buying. Major retailers like Sephora and Ikea have adopted this feature.

The advantages of using AR in mobile shopping are numerous.

  • Enhanced shopping experience. AR provides an immersive shopping experience by allowing customers to visualize products in 3D and at actual size. This helps in making better purchasing decisions.
  • Increased customer engagement. AR makes the shopping experience fun and interactive, which leads to higher customer engagement. This can translate to higher sales.
  • Reduced returns. By providing a lifelike preview of products, AR reduces ambiguity about the product and decreases return rates. This can save costs for retailers.
  • Higher conversion rates. An engaging AR experience makes customers more likely to make a purchase. Studies show AR can increase conversion rates by up to 40%.
  • Improved product evaluation. AR allows customers to better evaluate products by allowing them to view the product from all angles. This leads to improved customer satisfaction and higher-quality purchases.

However, implementing AR in mobile commerce also has challenges and limitations. One challenge is the cost and complexity of developing AR applications. Another limitation is that not all customers may have access to devices capable of running AR applications.

Augmented reality has the potential to revolutionize mobile commerce by providing customers with an immersive shopping experience that bridges the gap between online and offline retail. As businesses continue to embrace this technology, it will be interesting to see how it evolves and impacts the industry as a whole.

Artificial Intelligence and Personalization

In the world of mobile commerce, personalization is key. Customers expect a personalized shopping experience that caters to their unique needs and preferences. This is where artificial intelligence (AI) comes in.

Importance of Personalization in Mobile Commerce

Personalization is crucial in mobile commerce because it helps businesses build stronger customer relationships. By tailoring the shopping experience to each individual customer, businesses can increase customer loyalty and drive repeat business.

Definition of Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence refers to the ability of machines to perform tasks that typically require human intelligence, such as learning, problem-solving, and decision-making. In the context of mobile commerce, AI can be used to analyze customer data and provide personalized recommendations.

AI-Powered Personalization Tools

There are several AI-powered personalization tools available for businesses to use in their mobile commerce strategies. These tools include recommendation engines, chatbots, and predictive analytics software.

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Recommendation engines analyze customer data and provide personalized product recommendations based on past purchases or browsing history. Chatbots use natural language processing technology to interact with customers and provide personalized assistance throughout the shopping process.

Predictive analytics software uses machine learning algorithms to analyze large amounts of data and predict future behavior patterns of customers.

Future of AI and Personalization in Mobile Commerce

The future of AI and personalization in mobile commerce looks promising as more businesses adopt these technologies to improve the customer experience. As AI technology continues to evolve, we can expect even more advanced personalization tools that will help businesses stay ahead of the competition.

Understanding the difference between mcommerce and ecommerce is important for businesses looking to expand their online presence. While ecommerce refers to online transactions conducted via desktop or laptop computers, mcommerce specifically refers to transactions conducted via mobile devices such as smartphones or tablets.

As more consumers turn to their smartphones for online shopping, it's becoming increasingly crucial for businesses to have a mobile-friendly website or app. By embracing mobile commerce and utilizing AI-powered personalization tools, businesses can provide a seamless and personalized shopping experience that will keep customers coming back for more.

Voice Commerce and Virtual Assistants

Voice commerce, also known as v-commerce or conversational commerce, refers to the use of voice assistants to shop and make purchases. With the rise of virtual assistants like Amazon's Alexa, Google Assistant, and Apple's Siri, voice commerce has become more prevalent in recent years.

Definition of Voice Commerce

Voice commerce involves using voice commands to search for products and services, add items to a cart, and complete transactions without ever having to touch a screen or keyboard. It's a convenient way for consumers to shop hands-free while multitasking.

Voice Commerce Adoption and Growth

According to Insider Intelligence, over 111 million people in the US use voice assistants at least once a month, with the number expected to reach 122.7 million in 2021. As more people adopt this technology into their daily lives, it's likely that we'll see an increase in voice commerce usage.

Virtual Assistant Providers

There are several virtual assistant providers that offer voice commerce capabilities including Amazon Alexa, Google Assistant, Apple Siri, Microsoft Cortana and Samsung Bixby among others.

Future of Voice Commerce and Virtual Assistants in Mobile Commerce

Mobile commerce's future relies heavily on virtual assistants as they continue to improve their capabilities through machine learning and artificial intelligence algorithms. The potential for personalized shopping experiences through v-commerce is immense as it can provide tailored recommendations based on past purchases or browsing behavior.

As understanding mobile commerce becomes more important than ever before for businesses looking to stay relevant in today's marketplaces; it is worth noting that there is a difference between m-commerce and e-commerce - while e-commerce refers solely to online transactions made via desktops or laptops; m-commerce includes all transactions made via mobile devices such as smartphones or tablets.

Businesses need to embrace mobile commerce if they want to remain competitive in today's digital landscape. By understanding the latest trends in v-commerce and virtual assistants, companies can provide their customers with a seamless shopping experience while increasing sales and revenue.


Mobile commerce has come a long way since its inception, and it shows no signs of slowing down anytime soon. As the world becomes increasingly mobile-centric, businesses must adapt to keep up with the changing landscape. Here are some key trends and predictions for the future of mobile commerce.

Strikingly's Commitment to Mobile Commerce

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At Strikingly, we understand the importance of mobile commerce and strive to provide our customers with cutting-edge tools to help them succeed in this space. Our platform is optimized for mobile devices, ensuring that our users can create stunning websites that look great on any device.

If you're not already embracing mobile commerce, now is the time to start. Consumers are increasingly turning to their smartphones and tablets to shop online, so it's essential that your business has a strong mobile presence. Whether you're selling products or services online or simply looking to promote your brand, having a mobile-friendly website is crucial.

Understanding mobile commerce is essential for any business looking to succeed in today's digital landscape. While there are some differences between mcommerce and ecommerce, both offer tremendous opportunities for growth and success. By embracing new technologies like augmented reality and artificial intelligence and providing consumers with convenient payment options like mobile wallets, businesses can stay ahead of the curve and thrive in this ever-changing industry.